Sunday, March 31, 2019

5 Basic Skills For Driving Lessons

These are 5 very basic skills that everyone owns and when used help hugely on your driving lessons. Although some pupils may be better at using these skills than others, everyone is capable of using them, and how well you use these skills will depend on how quickly you learn.

  1. Listening skills - This is the first one, and as said earlier everyone owns the ability to listen, but how well you use this skill will depend on how quickly you pick up learning how to drive. Been a better listener helps as you can listen to what your driving instructor is saying and implemented this into your driving. You may think you do this, though the more consciously you think about doing this the more you will do it and your driving will improve.

  2. Communication Skills - It's not always about listening on your driving lessons, you have to communicate with your instructor and let them know what you are having difficulty with and they will explain further. Communication is vital and if you waste the time with your instructor by not communicating it it will take you longer to pass your driving test.

  3. Planning skills - everyone can plan, some just are better at it than others. Planning and scanning is a vital part of driving, but the skill improves as you go on. You can improve this process and learn quicker by continuing to do hazard perception tests even after passing your theory test! As crazy as it sounds, these tests improve your planning and it's vital for you to be planning ahead on your driving lessons.

  4. Hand-eye co-regulation skills - You do not need to be a table top tennis champion to be able to drive, however it does take some hand-eye co-ordination skills. You need to look at the road and tell the rest of your body what to do based on the situation ahead. There are the odd pups which struggle with this, but with practice they ever get it, to most however it is second nature and it makes your driving lessons a lot easier.

  5. Organization skills - You do not need to hire a personal assistant if you have not gotten great organizational skills as it does not take much organization, even for an unorganized person. However there is a degree of organizational skills involved as far as booking your driving theory test and instructor is concerned.

These are the 5 basic skills which you have to hone in on to make your driving lessons successful. Be more conscious about the above skills and your driving tuition will go a lot smoother.

Life Success Learning to Create Positive Habitual Behavior & Overcoming Negativity

The first and sometimes most important success habit that must be formed is one of positive thinking. Dwell on the positive exit that's desired and avoid thinking about anything that's not wanted. Nothing will ensure failure faster than the very thought that the failure will occur. People say that it's absolutely normal for negativity to creep into our thoughts. Be that as it may, any negative thought has to be banished immediately and replaced with a positive one. This simple, yet effective technique, practiced regularly can help you move towards success like nothing else.

Forget about the past, it's gone and there's no going back. Regardless of what's happened before, today is a new day. Holding onto the past ensures that you'll stay right where you are in life. Letting go of past failures allows you to see the potential for future success and to move towards it. Realize that any past failures, real or imagined, were purely lessons that you thought to this moment in time. Appreciate the education you received and bravely move towards success with the knowledge you've gained.

Overcome the desire to put things off until another time. For most people that procrastinate, another time never comes. Things pile up over time and there's no way to catch up, adding to frustrations and even more procrastination. Whether it's taking out the trash or calling a client, get to it right away. Only by getting straight to work and finishing tasks can success really be accomplished. Practice this non-procrastinating lifestyle and you'll soon find not only that things are being accomplished, but that you have time left at the end of the day too.

Another important aspect of success is the ability to manage time. It can be very easy to lose track of time and difficult to get back on track. Keep track of everything you do during an average day and how much time it took to do it. Go through an entire week of this. Now evaluate and see what should be adjusted or eliminated for optimal time management. Continue to develop a schedule that allows maximum time for every activity. Include all your business and personal time in this and you'll soon find a workable and even profitable schedule for yourself.

Develop the confidence to go forth and conquer. Knowing a thing can be done and believing you can do it are two entirely different things. It's vital to your success and the success of all of your endeavors that you are confident in your self. Confidence shows through everything you do and it affects your ultimate success more than you think. Carry yourself importantly, speak with authority, be secure with yourself and walk tall. Believe in yourself and your ideas and present them with passion. Do these things and others will recognize your confidence and want to be associated with you.

Success is not a matter of predestination, it depends upon the will of the seeker. With the will to succeed, it's possible to do anything you desire. It really is as simple as that, despite the general tendency to believe otherwise. Over and over again, success stories appear that portrait down and out individuals that executed their own free will to rise above. Exert your will over the situations in your life, change them to suit you and your goals and success will follow.

What is success? Is it money, power, health or spirituality? Success means different things to different people. For some, success can only be seen in the form of financial gain and power. For others, success means a happy, healthy family with only the basics of life. Regardless of how it's defined, success is possible with the proper application of some basic habits and the development of key character traits.

How To Measure The Engine Torque


The power output of an engine of a vehicle at a specific point that rotates the wheels or twists the whole mechanism from crankshaft to all the way through wheels to move the vehicle on the road is called torque (twisting power). It is produced exactly the same way that the force applied at a distance. In the engine when the combustion incident, it creates pressure against the pistons to produce the power on them to push them back, the force is transferred on the crankshaft through connecting rods. By concentrating on the cycle of the engine you can easily calculate the torque of your vehicle. As the torque is equal to Force multiplied by the Distance, so you essentially need to find the variables of the torque.

1. Find the variables of Torque

There are three main variables of the torque in any engine ie the Force at specific RPMs, Distance and the Constant of the torque. The Force is the horsepower of your engine that you can find on the specific revolutions of the engine or generally the term full motor torque is used to find the force at full RPMs that can typically be found on the engine specification's table. However it can be find by using the horsepower to torque conversion tables. The distance is the length of stroke, longer stroke means more torque generation. Diesel engines produce more torque than the petrol units because the diesel engines use longer stroke bases to compress air into the cylinder. Usually the unit for the torque is used as pound-feet or lb-ft.

2. Calculating the Torque

There is no secret in calculating the torque of the engine, it is just a multiplication of force to the distance from the center of the crankshaft. In general for instance if you have a lug nuts and you have the wrench with a foot long handle and you apply a 100 pounds of force on it than you are simply generating the 100 lb-ft of torque, however if you have two feet long wrench handle and you are applying the same force then you are producing the 200lb-ft of torque with the same force. It was the variable of distance that cause the change in torque at the same power. As we doubled the distance, the torque was automatically doubled. However to calculate the full power torque of the engine you can use the following mathematical formula;

Torque = {Force X 5252} / engine RPMs
T = {HP X 5252} / RPM

Where; T = torque in lb / ft and the HP is the horsepower of the engine however the 5252 is the constant and the RPM are the engine revolutions per minutes.
For example, if your car is producing the 86 HP at the full motor RPMs of 5500 then you can easily calculate the torque for your car at the 5500 RPMs by applying the formula and it would the 82lb / ft of torque.


The horsepower is different for different engines and the stroke length can also be different and you need to carefully select the variables to calculate the torque.

Venue Ideas When Planning a Surprise Birthday Party

Although some may disagree, husbands are not exactly good party planners. It's women who we usually see organizing a bash. But that of course is the stereotype. There are also those from the male species that can be good when it comes to putting together a party.

If your wife's birthday is coming up real soon and you want to give her a surprise birthday party but you're not sure which venue would be ideal for the events, here are a few suggestions:

Home sweet home - Having your own home as the venue for the bash is your most practical option. Aside from the savings you get from not having to pay for rent a place, it's easier to put everything together if the event will be held right in your own abode. The only big challenge you may encounter is timing; that is, making sure your wife's not home during the time you're getting the house all prepped for the party.

Outdoors - If you know that your wife's schedule does not see her leaving the house on her birthday (especially if it falls on a weekend), then you can plan an outdoor get-together with your friends and family. Of course, since you're going to hold it an open area, you have to make sure the weather forecast for that day does not bode rain or snow. Also, have a plan B in case Mr. Weatherman's forecast of nice, sunny weather does not come to pass.

Her favorite restaurant - Or her favorite bar or hotel, for that matter. You may have heard her muttering as you pass by an Italian restaurant about dining there someday. That should give you more than a hint on where to hold that surprise bash you're planning. Be sure to have the place reserved on her special day.

At work - If your wife is so busy you can not even drag her to a certain location for her own birthday celebration, why do not have it right at her workplace? You've got to enlist the help of her co-workers (and, of course, her boss) to pull this off.

Continuing surprise - Why have it in just one place if you can hold the party in multiple places? If you have the time and energy (and the budget) for it, you can make it extra special by having short celebrations at various locations with only you and her in attendance. You can cap the day by taking a quiet stroll home and just enjoying the evening breeze.

Pulling off a surprise party for your wife does not have to be such a fussy affair. As long as you prep early and organize things properly, you can accomplish this task without having to lose sleep over it.

The True Definition of Conditioning in Sports and Fitness

Conditioning is a word that is used a lot in the fitness industry but what does it really mean to have conditioning? There are those that are ripped from strength conditioning, marathon runners have to go through a type of stamina conditioning and then there is the condition that is necessary for fighters and martial artists.

Conditioning can come off as this hard core concept of hard work and training to build your body up so it can perform or end what the sport demands of it.

And it's true.

However, that is not the whole picture of what it means to be a conditioned athlete. Building your body and it's performance potentials is only the income associated to having "great conditioning".

The other half of the definition of conditioning is more about the discipline, the standard and the values ​​that you adopt.

"Great condition" is the result of adopting and integrating habits, standards and values ​​that slowly, over time changes and transforms the conditions of the body.

Conditioning is not so much about building yourself up but rather more about adopting a specific way of being that will serve you in the long run which is beneficial for the performance and execution of the skills in a given sport or physical activity.

So, how do you integrate a great conditioning ritual? One that will meet your athletic needs based on the sport or physical activity of your choice?

A good place to start is by looking at where your values ​​are placed in your sport. By looking at the components that you already have a natural inclining to merit and value, then you have a platform where you can design for yourself a discipline that you are more than likely to commit to.

If for example you typically benefit cardio, then use that as a base to develop a discipline to condition, not only great cardio but also as a way to condition better form, more strength and greater endurance doing the activity that is the source of cardio. It's also a great way to develop secondary attributes. If, for instance you typically rely on jogging for cardio but you would like to develop another physical skill or work on some upper body, than you might consider cardio boxing. Or you might want to develop better foot co-ordination and do some skip rope.
By focusing on what you already prefer, you are much more likely to build on it and develop a discipline and from a place of discipline is where condition can flow from the best.

Also, using discipline is a powerful way to predispose yourself to growth and improvement in a specific skill or attribute. Once you have established a discipline on a particular practice, then it's only a matter of pushing yourself and upping the ante in order to improve and refine that conditioning.

Let me leave with one final thought, and that is, when thinking in terms of the type of conditioning you feel you may need for whatever fitness goal that you have, think about what habits you need to adopt and how you need to be in the process of the training rather than what you need to do to reach and achieve a goal to finally arrive at. Chances are that when you arrive at that goal, in order to maintain it, you will need to sustain the condition by maintaining the practice that got you there in the first place.

Conditioning is a process.

List of Ways to Save Money on Phone Bills

During these challenging economic times, the less money we spend unnecessarily, the more we are able to save for our priorities and future needs. One of the factors which sometimes contribute to our monthly expenses are the phone bills. Here we discuss a list of ways to save money on phone bills.

1) Specifically for International phone calls, try to go in for per second plans of the operators, where you get billed per second / per 10 seconds. This is way much cheaper than the per minute billing plan. Sometimes, it happens that your conversation is very brief and it is over in less than 30 seconds. If you have a per-second billing plan, then you pay only for 30 seconds and not the whole one minute. Moreover, sometimes, you call and the other person is not able to hear you properly. In that case, people generally disconnect within 10-12 seconds. So, why to pay unnecessarily for one whole minute when you have not been able to even initiate the conversation.

2) Always check your talk time. Are you spending too much time talking on phone ?. If yes, then, probably, your phone bills must be going way up.

During your conversation, if you keep an eye on how many minutes you have been talking, then you would want to talk only about the most important things and discuss the rest later, or maybe through Email. This will help you a lot to save money on phone bills

3) Also, try to use calling cards when you want to make international phone calls. Calling through cell phones can be pretty expensive. You can consult with your network operator for the applicable rates on calling cards when you call overseas.

If you regularly make international phone calls., Then the option of using calling cards should definitely be included in your list of ways to save money on phone bills

4) If you want ringtones / wallpapers, then try to download them from the internet, rather than sending a sms to your operator and then getting charged for it. After all, money saved is money earned.

5) Check out for the unlimited sms plans offered by your operator. This is particularly useful if you like to send a lot of text messages to your friends / business associates. Getting unlimited plans at discounted prices and so can certainly be counted among the list ways to save money on phone bills.

6) Regularly consult the customer care section of your operator to know about the current offers. You may be able to get some discounted airtime / message pack, if you ask for. After all, it is your money, and you are entitled to save it.

7) Furthermore, check wherever your operator is offering any special package for international phone calls., Specifically packages relating to specific countries. This will again help you a lot to save money on phone bills, when you are calling particular countries.

8) Be honest with yourself and do and examination of your phone services. Do you really need both landline and mobile phone ?. If having a cell phone serves all your purposes, then maybe you can go in for less rental plans of landline or maybe have it disconnected.

Here we have tried to make a list of ways to save money on phone bills, while making both domestic and international phone calls. Hope you are able to benefit from it.

Happy Calling ...

Garage Door Repair And Replacement Advice From The Experts

Most modern homes feature electric or automated garage doors. These models are clearly superior to their manual predecessors: for one thing, you don't have to worry about locking them every time you leave your home. They are also the only option for physically disabled individuals who cannot open a large, heavy garage door.

As with most things, however, there is a trade-off. While manual versions are incredibly durable and require little maintenance, electric models can and sometimes do break down. Why? Although their construction and operation seems simple, there are actually several things that can go wrong with automated models - especially when they're connected to an electric opener.

Simple Troubleshooting Tip

The first thing any concerned homeowner should do is pull the release cord or lever that hangs from the electric motor. This will allow you to open the door manually. If you can pull it up and down on its tracks, then you know the problem is the motor, not the structure. If, however, you cannot open it manually, the problem may be the springs. Either way, you will have to contact a reputable garage door repair company ASAP.

Do You Really Need Help?

Yes, you really do! We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to find a professional service provider. Why? Because even if you consider yourself a handyman or an accomplished do-it-yourselfer, dealing with electric models can be difficult and even dangerous. They have hundreds of moving parts, including springs and cables, and it is simply not a job for the average homeowner. In addition, if you find that you have to replace the structure or the motor, there's no way you can do either job on your own.

How To Find A Service Provider

Start by speaking to your friends and neighbors to see which service they use. Since most people these days have an automated model that occasionally needs service, locating a reputable garage door repair contractor shouldn't be that difficult.

Because installation or replacement of electric versions can be a big job, you should conduct a short interview with any prospective contractor. During the interview, you will want to ask about their experience in the field, how long the job will take, and when they are available. You can also ask them for a rough estimate. In order to come up with an accurate price quote, they may have to visit your home and take a look at your setup.

If Replacement Is Required

No matter your setup, the contractor should be able to offer you a full range of options if you want a new brand, model, or style of door. Because it can be dangerous work, you should always make certain the contractor has his own insurance - just in case he is injured while working at your home.

When it comes to the actual estimate, most contractors will provide you with a free one. If you accept the estimate, you will be asked to sign a contract before any work is undertaken. Make sure you read all the terms and conditions of the contract before you sign your name and hire a provider.

If your garage door is on the fritz, do not try to fix it on your own. Contact a reputable garage door repair professional to do the work for you.

The Five Components of a Business Strategy

Can you define exactly what makes up a business strategy? Some people say no, but we think you can.

In fact, we believe a valid business strategy has five components:

  1. Your company's current or desired core competencies
  2. A description of how you will differentiate vs. competitors
  3. The industry or industries in which you intend to compete
  4. The initiatives you plan to implement in the areas of marketing, operations, information technology, finance and organizational development
  5. A financial forecast that shows how your plans will meet stakeholder requirements over the next 3 to 5 years
Let's look at each of these components .

The first component of a valid business strategy is a clear description of your company's current or desired core competencies.

You may be thinking, "Great, but what's a 'core competency?"' While there are many definitions, here's a good one from Wikipedia:

" ACore competency is something that a firm can do well and that meets the following three conditions:

  • It provides consumer benefits
  • It is not easy for competitors to imitate
  • It can be leveraged widely to many products and markets.

A core competency can take various forms, including technical / subject matter know how, a reliable process, and / or close relationships with customers and suppliers. It may also include product development or culture, such as employee dedication. "

For example, we could say that Southwest Airlines is a reliable airline that offers low fares. But in order to provide those benefits, it has to have certain "core competencies," important capabilities that enable it to have low fares and to be reliable. We believe that Southwest Airlines has four core competencies that it executes so well that it regularly beats all other US airlines in terms of profitability.

These core competencies are:

  • The lowest operating costs per plane
  • An economic point-to-point airport network
  • A fanatical culture focused on customer service and cost savings
  • An ability to keep planes in the air more of the time than its competitors.

Southwest airlines could not offer the benefits of low prices and reliable service if it did not master these core competencies. What key benefits do you want to offer your customers? What core competencies do you need to master to provide them?

The second component of a valid business strategy is a description of how you differentiate vs. competitors.

In our experience, differentiation is about being the best at something. This should be encapsulated in your mission statement - what are your company's aspirations and how are you going to beat the competition? We just talked about how Southwest Airlines differentiates - what are you going to offer customers that will make them choose your products or services so that you can grow your business?

It takes a lot of hard work to come up with a great answer to this question and even more work to make that difference real. It's easy for us to say that Southwest is the best low-cost airline in the US, but it's extraordinarily difficult for them to pull it off.

The third component of a valid business strategy is a description of the industry or industries in which you intend to compete.

You need to be able to define just what kind of company you are - are you a furniture manufacturer? A gift card retailer? A consulting firm, a bearings distributor, a toy importer, etc.? This step sounds easy but we find that companies are often so concerned about getting too narrow in their focus that they fail to become really clear about what they want to do. A company with a good business strategy will have thought through these issues and made the hard decisions necessary to clarify its identity. If it has, it can easily pass the litmus test of identifying the industry or industries in which it operates.

The fourth component of a business strategy is the set of initiatives you plan to implement in the areas of marketing, operations, information technology, finance and organizational development.

These are the plans that guide your company's focus and resource allocation over the next several years. If your business strategy is specific enough to be relevant, you will have detailed plans in all of these areas.

The fifth component of a business strategy is a financial plan that forecasts the results you expect to get from your plans and illustrates how they will meet stakeholder requirements over the next 3 to 5 years.

Your strategic planning process can not be separated from your annual budget process. In the vast majority of companies, if it's not in the budget, it does not exist. That's why you have to have a very senior financial person on your strategic planning team, preferably the CFO. During the planning process, your team must agree a financial plan that estimates the results of implementing your strategy. This plan needs to earn the approval of your company's management and board and should be reviewed on a regular basis to track results and make refinements.

So - those are the five components of a valid business strategy. Good luck planning your success. And succeeding because you plan.

The Importance of Graphic Design in the Company

The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciples which focus on visual communication and presentation. Graphic design is a combination of images, texts, etc .. to convey a message of some colors. Graphic designs are commonly used in marketing purposes and are used in the commercial promotional tools. Brochures, advertisments, business cards, flyers, etc .. were made with eye-catching graphic designs. For marketing campaigns, visual presentation is very necessary. If an appropriate design is used for campaigns, then it would definitely be a success.

The target audience adore visual presentation for promotional activities. They may be attracted by the presentation of advertisements on television, Internet or colorful pictures or advertisements outdoors. Graphic design is no longer restricted within a mixture of colors and abstract patterns. It has become a difficult task for designers. Intensive use nowdays graphic designs is also visible in the website design. The target market responses to these campaigns graph that is bold, different and attractive.

The role of design in the company logo and strengthening the brand is huge. This is the logo graphic that creates a deep impact on the minds of the target market. Each company or organization is looking for models of innovative products attract potential buyers. Before the publication of a campaign on the market, it is tested a number of times and many changes are made. Campaigns tend to use these graphic images catchy but simple can be easily recognized. Often striking shapes and colors are used to easily draw the viewer's attention on the ads.

Inspiration For Beaded Jewelry

There is a DIY craze going on in town. Beaded Jewelry Making is not restricted to just making necklaces, bracelets, rings, bag charms and handphone accessories. The list goes on and on while new inspiring ideas are born everyday with a little imagination. Girls are using rhinestones and adhesive crystals to personalize their handphones, laptops, pencil cases, shoes and handbags. At all Beads and Crystals DIY stores, you can get Swarovski crystal hot-fix transfers in very pretty colors and designs to iron-on to your T-shirt, shorts, denims, bra straps and lingerie.

It is a very innovative way of adding value to a simple dress or jacket. This Christmas, a range styled like eveningwear with sewn-on rhinestones. Diamantes or crystal chatons flashed the scene. Seeing them in the window dressing really lifted my spirit for the festive season. Since it is a fashion trend, nobody would seem out of place or overdressed even when spotted wearing them as day wear.

Have you watched Moulin Rouge yet? It was a pity I missed the show on wide screen. But I managed to catch this heart-wrenching movie on TV recently. I loved the songs and music in this Broadway styled Musical. I also loved the colorful wardrobe designed for the cast. Must say I am most conservative but I can not help but admire the art of designing such beautiful costumes. Blended into the natural setting of the story, you get to see beautiful and sexy corsets worn on the stage. Dresses, fancy headgears, gloves and corsets studded with sparkling jewels, crystal stones, rhinestones, sequins, lace, fur and feathers in vivid colors.

I am not surprised that lingerie makers became trendsetters for the new woman and their changing lifestyle after Moulin Rouge. Now bra straps are decorated with adhesive crystals. Interchangeable straps became a very popular trend. Beaded straps are appearing on the scene too. Indeed a very interesting way of accessorizing. Even spaghetti strap tops are now adorned with beaded straps. Beaded Jewelry can be sexy. I believe the trend starters are from US, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and Korea. Now with China providing a steady source of gems, pearls and beading materials at very competitive prices, it is even more attractive for DIY hobbyists in Singapore.

How to Recycle Auto Radiators

Most recyclers purchase whole vehicles only to pull them apart and separate them into their various elements of worth. This is because the true value is not on the complete automobile but the construction of the parts themselves such as the plastic trim and the other metals used in building a car. The same process can be applied where single parts can be sold directly to a recycler whether fresh from an old unwanted vehicle or if the part was just sitting around in a garage.

One such part is the radiator. The life of a radiator is tough. Nestled in the nose of the car, it is one of the first engine parts to get exposed to road hazards while attempting to perform its function of cooling the motor. The constant heating / cooling cycle coupled with its location means they're ripe for replacement at some point in their life. Having to be replaced usually leaves a radiator that needs to be disposed of. Instead of throwing it away here are a few tips on how to recycle auto radiators.

• Properly remove the radiator from the donor vehicle making sure not to cause any further damage.

• Drain the radiator of any coolant. Most coolants are toxic so make sure to dilute it as much as possible. Soak it overnight if feasible to clear out contaminants and clean it up a bit.

• Examine the construction of the radiator. They tend to be made of either bronze, copper, or aluminum - all metals of worth to any scrap yard. Some may have plastic-end caps that may or may not need removal based on what the recycler wants.

• Call around to find the best price but do not just contact auto recyclers. Speak with anyone that deals with general scrap metal.

• Junkyards will generally have a fixed price based on the part, however, scrap metal dealers work on a per pound basis so getting their rate and weighing the radiator can give an early indication of how much to expect. You can also check the Internet for the average metal prices in a specific part of the country to maximize sale price.

• If money is not a primary concern then it might be best to contact a local government controlled recycling program as to how and where to dispose of the radiator in a prompt manner.

Following the steps above will assist in the successful recycling of auto radiators.

3 Secret Strategies for Making Your Wife Give You Head

How to Make Your Wife Give You Head

Hey man,

So, you do not know how to make your wife give you head more often, or, at all. No worries, there are certain things that you can do that will make you head a hell of a lot more interesting to her. I'll give you 3 secret strategies for brainwashing your wife into giving you head on demand! This may sound insane, but bear with me. The reality is that your wife would be HAPPIER if she gave you head every day, she just does not know it, yet. Let's get her down to business;)

1. The first strategy is the "Fear" strategy. Here's how it works. It contains two parts. The first part is crucial for making your wife give you head: you have to become as valuable as possible to your wife. She needs to depend on you for something. It can be money, power, or just emotionally. If she needs You, she'll do anything to keep you. This is where you have power over her. It may sound cruel, but I guarantee you that this is in Her best interest. Your job is to make yourself as valuable as you can. Get a better job, make more money than her, be above her in any way that will make her dependent on you. That's the first part, here's where the second part kicks in: Fear of loss. If you are valuable, other women will find you attractive, and, when that happens - your wife will know that if she does not please your sexual needs and wants - some other women might jump in and take you away from her. She'll do anything to stop that. That's one way you can make your wife give you head more often.

2. The second strategy is the "Reciprocity" method. Here's how it works. Do not expect to get anything if you never give anything. Give, and you'll get. Start by eating your wife out at least two times a week. Eat her out like there's no tomorrow. If you can give her the best sex ever, she'll do anything to keep you. Plus, giving her great sex will make you more valuable to her. Not only that - but, she'll feel like she owes you something and that she has to repay you with great head. This is a very successful strategy for making your wife go down on you.

3. The third persuasion strategy is what I call "Brainwashing." You need to brainwash her into giving you more head step by step, little by little, and sooner or later she'll love giving you head and it will seem like she was doing it forever. She'll initiate the blow job herself. How do you brainwash her into enjoying blow jobs? You use the reward system. When she does something that you like and you want her to keep doing - you reward her. Reward her with compliments, kisses, helping around the house, flowers, whatever you want - just do it AFTER she did what you want her, not before. This is very, very important. Always reward her AFTER she keeps you head, not before that. Do not use cheap persuasion strategies to make her give you head ... they do not work.

These are some basic tips that will help you to make your wife give you head. Make sure to also check out my other articles that will also help you improve your sex life.


Electric Scooter For Sale - 7 Tips Before You Buy An Electric Scooter

So you have found the best electric scooter for sale that suits your needs and personality and you are ready to make a purchase. Before you finally buy it there are some things that you must look for so that you do not end up with a bad quality piece.

There are so many websites that offering electric scooters for sale. You can find such stores by searching on the Internet search engines. Many manufacturers have their own websites that display a list of products with images. Here are some pointers on what to look for.

1) Always look for electric scooter images or photos (preferred more than one) from different angles. Some websites allow visitors to see photos of accessories too. Some have more than one photo of the same model for sale with different color schemes.

2) Always look for basic price of the electric scooter plus shipping charges and handling charges. Sometimes shipping charges are not mentioned on the website but many manufacturers charge extra during final sale of the electric scooter.

3) Read customer reviews before make a final decision. No matter how cool an electric scooter for sale look on the website, if it's performance is poor, you will suffer in the end. Honest customer reviews should be one of the major deciding factors.

4) Ask the company officials about servicing of the vehicle. If they happen to have service center near your home then it's a great thing.

5) Look for special discount coupons or promotional coupons. Many electric scooter for sale will have some amount of discount. Many companies use these marketing techniques to attract more customers. However discount coupons are not always advertised on the website. You will have to send an email to their customer care department and check out about the availability.

6) Make sure about guarantees and warranties before you buy. What happens if you receive a broken part when you get the scooter in your home? Who will pay for the damages occurred during shipping? Is there any free servicing for the vehicle? Answers to such kind of questions must be sorted out before you buy an electric scooter that is for sale.

7) Is there any discount for repeat customers? This is not an absolute necessity but you can try asking. Do you get any discount? Again, many companies have this policy, which they do not advertise to public.

These were just a few things to look for when you find an electric scooter for sale. These will definitely save your money and future troubles.

Copyright SMVaidya

Romantic Gift Ideas For Your Wife on Mother's Day

I know what you're thinking: "How can Mother's Day be romantic for my wife?" and "What does this have to do with romantic gift ideas for my wife?" I would think you would have learned that by now! Women are sentimental creatures. They absolutely love everything sentimental. Sentimental gifts are a surefire way to reach your wife's heart. Once you reached the emotional seat of your wife's heart - look out romance, here we come!

Romantic gift ideas can be very simple, and yet so profound. If you do have kids, anything you can make with them to give to their mother would be wonderful. Moms love homemade gifts. Even if you have a toddler or preschool child, things like finger painting, hand prints, or making a photo album is a very sweet way to remember their mom.

Some of you do not have any children yet, but are still looking for some romantic ideas. I recall one time when I did not remember my wife on Mother's Day before she was made a mother. Boy did I ever hear about that! Needless to say that was the last time I ever forgot Mother's Day. One way to reach her heart is to buy her some baby's clothes or a baby photo book, along with a letter telling her how much you are looking forward to her being your child's mother. I remember when Laura and I were expecting our first child. That was such a wonderful time in our lives. We were so close. Romance - you better believe it.

Some of you are looking for unique gift ideas for your wife. Why not put together a scrap book with her favorite pictures of your children, celebrating special occasions, like birthdays, baptisms, or vacations. Maybe you can find special pictures and memories of her growing up as a child and put together a scrapbook for her mother. One way to reach your wife's heart is through her mother. They share a special connection that you would be wise to honor. Honoring her mother and father honors your wife. Honoring your wife is not only the right thing to do, but it helps build up her reserves in the old love bank. "

Embedded Technology - The Future Technology

An embedded system is a type of electronic system that uses a CPU chip or microprocessors to function. This technology lead to more advanced technologies and solutions for emerging embedded applications, including digital consumer electronics, automotive, wireless / ubiquitous computing and factory automation.

Embedded systems are intended to perform some specific task, rather than be a general-purpose computer for multiple tasks. This helps in improving real-time performance constraints that must be met by latest technologies. Embedded systems are not always standard devices, in fact they comprise small, computerized parts within a larger device that serves a more general purpose.

Nowadays there is a huge demand for embedded system in various sectors such as automotive, telecommunications, medical, consumer electronics, aviation, space exploration and lots more. Even there are various consumer products where one can find the usage of embedded technology. Some of these products are DVD players, MP3 players, PDAs, digital cameras, video game consoles, mobile phones and many more. Even household appliances such as washing machines, microwave ovens and dishwashers are designed with embedded technology.

In short, embedded technology exist in all aspects of modern life and there are many examples of their use. Considering the vast scope and such high usage of embedded systems in multiple industries, there has been a huge demand for professionals undergone embedded system training. In fact with the growing usage of embedded technology in IT segment today, the demand for people who have taken embedded system training or network security training is on a rise.

Why Embedded Technology is a great option for students?

Millions of products use some form of embedded software for developing it. Right from home appliances, automobiles, wireless devices to consumer electronics devices; embedded technology is used in a large scale. Students having embedded system training can look for jobs in software development, design and manufacture and even re-engineering of new and existing reference designs, development of device drivers, wired and wireless stacks and even porting of network protocols.

It is believed that there would be a need for over a million professionals having embedded system training by 2010. The simple reason behind this is that there is a need for trained professionals in corporations for designing and implementing embedded software in electronic instrumentation hardware. Even consulting firms are looking for embedded specialists, engineers and technicians to provide trained professionals for corporations and government agencies looking for people with training or network security training.

In India, there are many high-end training providers who offer courses and network security training for people who are interested in this field. After completing the course on embedded technology or network security, students can have job opportunities as Embedded Software Engineer, Embedded C Programmer, Embedded developer, Embedded Application Engineer, Research & Development and Technical Support Engineer and more.

Unlock Your Spare Time for Making Money at Home

How often have you dreamt how great it would be to have more money but honestly feel you simply have not the time or energy to? Decide first how much you really want to make this happen. If you are only half- hearted about it you will never organize yourself to start to make money at home.

If that you really seriously want to ... then first you have to gain time. We all have the same number of hours in the day some may be organized just with working outside your home, and doing chores. What about the missing time. Do you find yourself sitting down to watch a game and still there on the couch hours later? Okay watch a game but not the next and next. Decide in advance what time you are going to use.

It does not require hours and hours of work to make money on-line. First decide what you could easily do and start. In-fact starting is the largest hurdle for everyone.

Make a plan of how much you want to succeed with doing each day. Even a few snatched minutes here and there will make a difference. Once you get going one step at a time you will gain confidence. Make a list of time slots and action your plan. When you work from home there is only you to make it happen so take control.

Some use a daily planner filling in the spaces into time brackets. Make sure you control your time and learn to say no to others who want distract you. Just re-book them into a time that suits you. You can make this happen. Fifteen minutes here, thirty minutes there and so on, you will go forward step by step. It will not take long before you are making money at home with your home business.

Top 10 Garage Organizing Tips - Just in Time For Spring

As the temperatures are finally creeping up, it's time to take our spring cleaning and organizing campaign outside ... to the garage. Make the most of this underappreciated space in your home and get it ready for smart storage and for working on your favorite projects. Even if you just want to just make room to finally move your car inside, remember these top tips for your best organizing results:

1. Designate separate spaces or zones in which to group like items together, such as sports gear, garden tools, automotive supplies, house repair, etc. It makes finding things easy, clean up is simple, and overall a more functional workspace.

2. When it comes to storing off-season or occasional items in the garage, nothing beats stackable, clear plastic bins. Make sure they have tight sealing lids like the Rubbermaid Roughneck line, to protect your beloveds from moisture and critters. Not everything needs to be in a bin with a lid, especially if you're accessing the items regularly.

3. Pegboards are terrific for vertical storage and they come in a variety of sizes and materials. Useful for hanging everything from gardening tools or hand tools, pegboards are also versatile, so you can adjust them as your needs change. Choose a system that is sturdy enough to carry the weight you need. For a dressed-up look, check out this pegboard system.

4. Give yourself some room. If lack of space is keeping you from your list of DIY projects, make your garage more functional by adding the right workbench. Wall mounted versions like this fold-down model give you the surface you need without taking up any floor space. Add casters to any table to make your workstation mobile, and when you're done, tuck it neatly out of the way again. Gladiator Garage works makes a handy, adjustable leg workbench I plan to have in my next garage.

5. Whenever possible, use open shelving instead of cabinets. Not only are they easier to install and less expensive, they also take up less room because you do not need to allow for swinging doors. They also let you see everything you've got, increasing the space's functionality. One exception would be a cabinet with doors that can be locked to store hazardous chemicals if you have small children, especially if the chemicals can not be stored high out of reach.

6. The only way to keep organized is to keep an eye on what you have. One idea is to store the tiny tidbits on your tool shelves in clear spice jars, so you will not have to hunt them down when you need them, or mount the jars under a shelf. I use a parts organizer like this for my spare hardware. If you have drawers, try painting them with chalkboard paint, so you can clearly label - and re-label - what's inside.

7. Not everything is appropriate to store in your garage. If you think you're saving money buying paper goods in bulk, you'll be throwing that money away if you leave them out to become insect bait. Paint should also be moved inside, as it will be ruined by extreme weather if your garage is not climate controlled.

8. It may be easy to just lean a ladder up against the wall when not in use, but that can be an accident waiting to happen. Avoid having it tip over onto your car - or worse, on a person - by laying it down horizontally and pushing it against the wall. If possible, keep it off the floor entirely by storing your ladder on hooks.

9. Repurpose wire closet shelving by screwing them into the ceiling joists in your garage. It creates a huge amount of storage for things you do not need to get to regularly, and you can always see what's overhead.

10. Once your garage is organized, for an even more streamlined look, install moisture resistant curtains to hide your storage and work spaces. You can also use it as an opportunity to add a pop of color to the typically stark surfaces of a garage. You could even consider laminating posters or your kids' artwork to create some visual interest in the garage.

Interview With a Network Marketing Master

Christopher Terry. By day, stocks trader. By night, network marketing genius. Because of his second "night" job, Terry will be resigning from his primary day job. The really amazing part of that is he will have done this within 5 short months of joining his network marketing company.

Within the network marketing company itself, Terry is a leader and a mentor. He does not abandon his downline members. He keeps us informed of company events and policies on an almost daily basis. He lets us know he is here to support us; as long as we are willing to do the work, he will do anything within his power to help us succeed. He is a network marketer's dream upline sponsor.

How did he do it? What is his secret? I sat down with him to find out and share with you his ideas for success.

Denise: Thank you for granting me this interview, Chris.

Christopher: Thank you, Denise!

D: How long have you been working at your career as a stocks trader?

C: I have been a Stock and Futures trader since the mid 1990's. I owned a construction business prior to that. I wanted to be able work and make money from home. Although I started trading in 1995, it was not until 1998 when I was able to walk away from my construction business and trade full time.

D: How successful were you at doing that?

C: I have done very well. I find it fascinating that I can create wealth from home. I love the fact that a person can take a relatively small amount of money and create a growing stream of income; however, it's all based on your own efforts. For example, in my business if I don't trade, I do not earn income. Also, trading takes years of dedication, time and effort to become successful; in other words, there is no such thing as an overnight success.

D: I understand you became a leader and motivational speaker in your industry. Share with me how you rose to that level.

C: I was actually in Amway for several years in the 1990s. I was fortunate to hit levels of success here in the United States in that company. I then went overseas as Amway opened up new markets, which gave me the opportunity to have an international business. I owe my "positive thinking" to that network marketing experience, since the leaders in Amway always recommended we read positive thinking books and listen to positive thinking tapes. At the time many considered it "brain washing." Today it is called "Laws of Attraction." So, l was into positive thinking and Laws of Attraction before it was a cool thing to do. That time period in my life gave me the foundation to grow both mentally and financially. I started a business outside of Amway, and then I went into the trading business.

D: What qualities do you see within you that helped you achieve success in your trading career?

C: I would have to say vision and foresight. I look at the future of what things can be, not as they are, and then I take action. I have always taken action, I am not afraid of whether that action turns out right or wrong. The worst thing to do is to have an idea and a plan but never actually do anything to put that plan into action. It is better to do something and fail than to never have done anything at all. I have always had a drive for success once I realized I have the power and the ability to become whomever and whatever I want. There is a four-letter word to success, and its spelled W-O-R-K; the reality is anything worthwhile takes work, trading and network marketing included!

D: Do you think those same qualities helped you build your network marketing business?

C: Those, and also reading positive thinking books and books on success, as well as overcoming my fear to speak to people. I was very shy growing up, so I learned to say "Hi" and start a conversation, to truly become interested in other people and what they had to say. I also am not afraid to work; if I had to dig ditches for a living, I would be the best ditch digger I could possibly be. I believe once you get your mindset right and you learn to ask the right questions, the game is 90% won, and success will be yours.

D: Tell me how you got involved in network marketing.

C: Interesting story! I was dating a girl and she was bragging about how her boss was making $5,000 a month in some business and that I should talk to him, so I did. He signed me up, and then my girlfriend, the very one who told me to speak to him, wanted me to quit because it was Amway! I told my sponsor that I had some problems and I had to quit. He told me, "Get rid of the problems." So, I broke up with my girlfriend and built Amway, and as you already know, I became very successful in that business!

D: Were you familiar with network marketing before that?

C: No, I was not.

D: What were your thoughts and, perhaps, preconceived notions, about network marketing in general, prior to joining your first network marketing company?

C: I had no idea what it was, all I knew was I had to bring people in the business with me, sell some products and I would get rich. Unfortunately, though, it does not work that way!

D: Could you elaborate on that idea? Most of us are brought into this industry with that same notion, and we all eventually experience the same rude awakening that you just described, that it is not as easy as they make it sound. So please, for the people reading this who are not yet in network marketing and are considering it, as well as for those who have started and perhaps are failing, explain what you mean.

C: Well, of course you do not just get in and get rich, this is the most common misconception about network marketing. There are people who enter the business and think everybody they know will get in with them. Then there are people who come in saying they have this "one guy that if he gets in, he will make us all rich, he knows everybody!" and it is the furthest thing from the truth. This business is a numbers game. To be successful, you must expose people to the business every single day, to be consistently meeting new people and telling others about our dynamic opportunity. The more people you come in contact with, the more likely you will find people who want to become a part of your team and earn an income with you. This is true from day one; even though you may have a list of 100 or 500 people that you know, you still want to always be in the creative mode and working what I like to call the ABC's - Always Be Contacting. You do not know where the next million dollar earner will come from.

The hardest thing for me is I cannot take the feelings inside my heart and mind that motivate me and give them to someone else, although I wish I could. The truth is, everybody has to find their own will, desire, and hunger to succeed; without them, they will end up like the rest, having some success, but not truly creating wealth. We all know or have heard the hard, cold fact that 98% of the people in this great country are broke and do not have a backup plan; if they lose their job or business, they will be 90-120 days away from poverty. People can blame it on the government, but the responsibility ultimately falls on each one of us. We should be proactive when we do not actually need to be and start our own home based businesses, which will get us out of that 98% and into the 2% income earners.

One final thought on this topic: I think the reason most people fail in the network marketing industry is that they treat it like a job and not like their own business. When you act as if it is just another job, you do the least amount of work possible for whatever pay you can get. These people want to work very few hours and get rich right away. Unfortunately, this does not happen in network marketing. Those who invest their time and effort into growing the business, even if there is no income at first, can see the vision of the future. At the beginning they will work 20 hours a day for zero pay, because they see that putting in 20 hours will pay the equivalent of 2,000 hours' worth of work one day, and eventually zero hours will pay 10,000 hours. Fortunately, in our business the compensation for our work is amazing, but if you do not expand with people, you will not take advantage of the true income potential of network marketing.

D: Thorough and well said. I would like to add that when you said one should always be in the creative mode, in addition to working the ABC's, I think the creativity part should apply to marketing your business. Be creative in your marketing efforts. Think outside of the box and create many different marketing campaigns. Utilize technology and the internet. The more you put yourself out there, the more you achieve exactly what you are saying, Chris, which is maximum exposure of the business to as many people as possible so you can increase your odds of signing up significant numbers new members into your downline. I do this on a daily basis myself, and I also make it a point to talk to people every day to make new contacts, as you have recommended.

Getting back to my questions, what were your first thoughts when you were introduced to the specific business we are in together?

C: I was actively looking for an online business to get into. I was not looking for network marketing/multi-level marketing, I was searching for an online business that was cutting edge and in which I could earn a residual income. When I saw this business it was in a cutting edge industry, doing business in 170 countries, it offered a strong income opportunity without having to sponsor people, yet by sponsoring people, it offered the ability to create wealth and long term residual income. They say to be successful you need a product that people want, need and can afford, that will be used over and over and is desired in the market place. I found it!

D: As we already know, this is not the only network marketing business you have ever been involved in. Were there any others besides Amway and ours?

C: I looked at a few others along the way, but I did not join any.

D: Why not?

C: Well, I am a high income earner in the trading world, both as a trader and an educator. I have been doing this for 17 years, and nothing really struck me as good enough for me to give it my full attention. I have seen MANY companies, products and services. When I saw the opportunity in the industry you and I are in together, I saw an industry that was young, dynamic, and that people loved. It has a place in the market because it meets people's desires to find a bargain and/or make a deal. Also, it is VERY profitable, so I wanted to be a part of it. I got in first, and then I learned about it as I grew with it. I have not looked back. I have built an incredible team that's growing in leaps and bounds. You are a part of that team, Denise, an amazing student and downline member.

D: Thank you, Chris! How do the other network marketing companies you've analyzed compare to the one you and I are in together?

C: They cannot compare.

D: Besides what you have already stated about our company when you actually found it, what made you think that this was the company to join?

C: I have no products to carry around, no juices or vitamins to purchase or sell, I did not have to sneak up on my family and friends, and I do not have to sell expensive products that I can buy in the store cheaper. We get paid to advertise. Period.

D: Now, I would like to share with our reading audience your own personal tips for network marketing success. Please tell me, what works for you?

C: Relationships are everything; your network is your net worth. I am always in the creative process and always opening doors to new people, saying hello and breaking the ice to get a conversation going. In network marketing, our job is to leverage time and money; without people on your team it becomes impossible. I would suggest genuinely becoming interested in others, going to events, whether it is a show or a business event, or any gathering where good quality people who you may want to work with will attend. I also suggest speaking to people who you would not normally speak to and might even make you feel a little uncomfortable; those are often your best prospects. We tend to feel heroic because we got the number of the drive-through window guy at Mc Donalds; meanwhile, we get false impressions of success when we see somebody dressed in a nice suit and tie and just assume they are already successful, so we say nothing to them because we think they've got it all already and don't need a change in their lives. Both of these people may be your best prospect, or your worst, but you will never know unless you open up the door and say something to break the ice. With the "successful business man" (or so we assume) who we are often afraid to approach, you can start with something as simple as, "Hey, nice tie, where did you get it?" Then see where the conversation leads.

D: Is there anything that you've done that didn't work so well?

C: Yes. As I've mentioned before, it takes years to become an "overnight success." I have made, will make, and will continue to make mistakes. It is okay to fail; the more you fail the closer you will get to winning. Becoming immune to failing is the key to success. You may wonder why I say this. Well, if you have somebody who is not used to failing and thinks failing is bad, then when he/she hears "No" enough times, it damages his/her confidence, and that person is afraid to keep trying. However, if you are not afraid to fail, you will not let those "No's" stop you. Instead, you will become more motivated to find the people who will say "YES" to your opportunity or presentation. Become a failure to become a success. This goes for ANY business!

D: What is the ONE business building idea you can share that you think is the MAIN reason you are where you are today, about to retire from trading, and about to embark on some major journeys in life, both literally and figuratively?

C: First, let me clarify something very important. The word "retire" is loosely used in the network marketing industry. I have been trading for 17 years and it is time for me to take a break. Do I think I will stay out of it for long period of time? No, it has always has been and will always be a passion of mine. I have built my name and reputation as a trader and educator, so I will most definitely return to the industry; however, I welcome a break in the action right now.

I love to help and give to others, so this is my current mission. There is nothing better than creating a profit in network marketing and helping others create wealth in the same fashion. Then, bringing my profession back into the mix, profiting on those profits as a trader too is a home run! However, I really do have the freedom to either work or not work; that is how large the income that I have created in our network marketing business is already. The MAIN reason I am where I am today is I will do whatever it takes; I will work 100 hours in a 24 hour day until I make it. As I said earlier, the main ingredient for me is that four-letter curse word, W O R K... and I have a LOW "IQ" ("I QUIT") level!

D: Lastly, you are extremely jazzed about the network marketing company we are in together. What are the defining qualities of this company that makes it so good? Based on that, what should people look for in their own network marketing company or when deciding to actually join one?

C: Well, it seems lately I am sleeping no more than 3 hours per night! The energy of the team, of the company, and of the industry has taken the world by storm, and this keeps me "jazzed" as you say! I believe I had already mentioned earlier the reasons why I like our company, because there are no products to lug around and there is no trying to sell to friends and family a product or service they do not want. I have been approached by other network marketing companies that involve selling legal insurance, utility companies, juice companies, vitamin companies, weight loss companies, you name it! I have found that ours is so simple; our work is to advertise and it takes no more than two minutes per day. I am from the Amway world. I got my PhD in network marketing. In my opinion, the most ideal situation is the one that does not require a person to sponsor people to become successful, yet offers the opportunity to earn larger income because you do sponsor, train, and motivate others, and once you help them earn income, you earn additional bonuses. I come from a world where, when you help enough people get what you want, you in turn will get what you want. Everybody has their own version of what is best for them. Some may like a particular industry. My advice? Do your due diligence, figure out what you are passionate about, and run with it. That's all.

I want to thank Mr. Terry for taking the time to answer these questions so thoughtfully and thoroughly.

On a side note, Christopher Terry is one of the most benevolent and philanthropic men I've ever met, and he does it without creating great publicity or accolades for his generosity. He believes very strongly in the idea that "it is in giving that you shall receive." I am honored to know him and very glad we have gone into business together.

So there you have it. Christopher Terry's story and his tips for helping you create success in your own network marketing company. If you want have any questions or want to learn more, please email me at

New Electric Car Technology Status Report

There's little doubt that electric powered cars are the next big thing. But where are we regarding new electric car technology? Are there any affordable electric cars available today? Here's a quick overview of what's out there right now.

If you want proof that electric cars can be fast and fun check out the Tesla Roadster. This exciting sports car can go 0-60 mph in 4 seconds flat and hit speeds of well over 100 mph. The Roadster sells for over $ 100,000.

Another option is to purchase a Scion xB and have the people over at AC Propulsion convert it into an electric vehicle. The result is called an Ebox. It drives well and can fit five passengers. The conversion cost is about $ 55,000. Oh, and the Scion will set you back another $ 15,000.

BMW sells a popular car called the Mini. Now they've produced an electric version named the Mini E. This car is not for sale though. The good news is you can lease it for $ 850 a month. The bad news is you need to live in LA or New York to do so. And there are only 500 of them available.

Believe it or not, but Chrysler has been working on new electric car technology. They plan to release a Dodge Electric Vehicle in two or three years - if the company's still around. Like the Tesla, this one is also a flashy sports car.

Notice a trend here? There's nary an affordable electric vehicle in sight. What's happening today is that people are not waiting for mainstream electric cars to be made for them. Instead, they're making their own electric vehicles.

That's right, there's a growing army of people who are tossing out their gas-powered engines and replacing them with electric ones. It's not that hard and not that expensive. But how do you go about learning how to do this?

First you need to buy an electric car conversion kit. There are many of them available on the internet. These kits are actually sets of instructions. They cost anywhere from $ 30 - $ 50 and are immediately downloadable, so you can literally get started as soon as today.

New electric car technology has made electric car conversion much cheaper and easier than it used to be. Simply follow the instructions, which also tell you where to find the cheapest parts, and you'll soon be driving your very own electric car!

Indoor Play Centers: 7 Reasons Why You Would Host Your Kids Birthday Party There Rather Than At Home

Firstly, picture this: you start the planning to host your kid's birthday party at home. It is going to be a simple affair, a few balloons, streamers, and some birthday cake and lolly bags. Easy right? Then all of a sudden, your child wants to dress up and theme the house. The backyard is going to get covered in glitter and foam, 10 kids has turned into 100, 5 kids are gluten free, 3 are allergic to nuts, 20 go absolutely crazy about 25 boys are coming (and one you know of has a reputation for drawing on walls)! You do not want to disappoint little Jenny, however things are very quickly spiraling out of control ...

Never fear, there is an easy solution. Here are 7 reasons why having your kids birthday party at an indoor play center is so much easier (and cheaper) than doing it at home.

1. You do not have to clean up the mess! The staff at an indoor play center will provide all the cutlery, plates, drinks and food to fulfill all your needs (and they are responsible for it at the end of the day!)

2. You are not obligated to make food or provide drinks (for the kids and adults). Let's not forget the planning involved in writing endless shopping lists, dietary considerations, the actual buying of the food, preparing and serving.

3. There is no need to invent any party games or start the kids 24/7. At an indoor play center you can have access to your own party host who will entertain the kids and the venue is chock full of things to captivate the kid's attention.

4. Everyone is contained in an indoor play center. There are specific toddler areas that are caged so you know the little ones are safe. This also means you do not have to pack everyone in to a small house. It also does not matter what the weather is like, there will be no muddy boots in the house!

5. Most indoor play centers have themed party rooms. These rooms can be where the food is served and afterwards, kids can burn off energy having fun afterwards in the play center. Themed party rooms are already decorated, so you can save time and money by not having to buy decorations and dress up your own home.

6. Adults can sit in the play center's café and enjoy a coffee, sandwich and catch up while their kids have fun. You do not even have to make the coffee or wash the dishes! Indoor Play Centers give adults permission to have fun too. You can be free of the burden of always being mum or playing host and hand it over to a team of professional staff and caterers.

7. Most indoor play centers will allow you to bring your own cake and lolly bags, even if you do not even have to do this! The café can supply cake and lolly or gift bags for the kids to take home. How cool is that?

Often kids birthday party ideas start out as simple matters and turn into huge, out of control events. Once the wheels are in motion it can be hard to stop them. The next time your child is having a birthday party, why not have it at an indoor play center. The energy it takes to buy and prep food, decorate, entertain the kids and then clean up all the mess, can be redirected and channeled into having a fun filled event at a play center where you can wipe your hands clean of almost all of the responsibility (well, except taking home your kids when it's all over!).

Leather Repair - How To Repair Torn Leather Seat

There are so many different types of automatic leather seat repair, all with different situations and applications. There are holes, scratches, gouges, cuts, scrapes, worn or cracked, and just down right grungy looking leather seats. I think I got them all covered, well in this article we're going to talk about how to repair a small hole in a leather seat lean back, for those of you who do not know what a lean back is well it's the upper part of the seat.

Now when I say small this can apply for a tear up to 1 1/2 "to 2", probably might go a little bigger, but lets not push it, if it needs to go to the upholstery shop for an insert then that would be better then a crappy looking leather repair on something that probably would not hold anyways. When in doubt, insert it.

Prepping a seat is the key to success in any leather repair, and a lasting leather dye job. So, prep the whole lean back, and while at your it just clean the whole seat, why not, but you do not have to, with your prepping solution removing all grease, dirt, and grime. You need a clean surface and a well prepped area to work with. When I prep, I use a solution of rubbing alcohol, acetone, ammonia, and a small amount of TSP substitute, with water in a spray bottle. Spray the seat with the solution and scrub with a scotch brite pad to scuff the leather seat for leather dye adhesion and remove any grime that's on the seat, then wipe clean with a clean lint free towel. Once your clean, apply a grip base primer to the seat, I usually in most cases will dye the entire lean back when I do a repair or the entire seat, but sometimes it's not necessary, so you may not need to prime the whole seat , but do clean the seat good this cuts down on the amount of leather dye used and the ending result will be a premium leather repair.

Now to the hole. Lets say it's in a V shape, just for example. Like where you've gott'n out of the seat with something in your back pocket, ouch! I know the feeling, back in college I had a 1986 Mustang SVO, very rare and nice car (I miss that car) and I got out to go to class with a pen in my back pocket and ripped about a 2 "V shape in the seat, I about puked right there, and of course at the time I did not know anything about leather repair.

Sand the area around the tear with a 240 grit wallpaper, this gives a little more for the low heat compound to grip to. Take a piece of underpatch material and slide the under patch under the tear with a pair of tweezers, allowing about a 1/2 "on the inside all the way around. easier to slide under. You can use different types of under patches, I like the kind that is covered on one side with a heat activated glue.

Now take a drop of leather glue and spread a thin coat on the patch on the underside of the leather repair area. If the leather will lay down smoothly and match up then great, but sometimes it just will not. In this case we will use combo of the glue and your low cure leather repair compound and smooth a small amount over the patch then lay the leather down. Spread a small amount of low heat compound over the area and smooth it out with your pallet knife, remembering to keeping your area as small as possible, the smaller the better. Now heat the area with your heat gun, hold the heat gun out away from the leather repair and slowly move it into the repair area, this will give you just a little more control of the heat, you do not want to burn and shrink the leather. The idea is to cure the compound and get it to adhere before you cook the leather, it's a skill thing, practice makes perfect. Once the compound is cured immediately press the grain pad in your palm onto the repair, do not press to hard, but firm.

At this time using a wet paper towel apply a small amount of grip base to the repair area and dye with your color matched water based leather dye. Dry thin coats of dye, not wet. Then reapply and smooth out another thin coat of compound. Heat again and grain then dye, get the idea, what you are doing is building the repair up. Thin coats of compound applied and cured then reapplied, are much better then one thick coat. Once you have it built up and looking nice, blend the repair into the rest of the seat if needed, by applying thin coats of leather dye to finish it off. Drying between coats of dye with a hairdryer, and one great tip is rubbing the leather dye with your hands to force the dye into the creases of the leather helps a ton, do not be afraid to get your hands dirty. I say that but I'm allergic to rubber gloves, it bites, so I come home every day with dye all over my hands, it's a pain, but I love the work and the job looks better with a little bit of love rubbed on those leather seat repairs. After the dye is cured, apply a top coat of satin or dull leather clear top coat mixed with a bit of slip additive added for the soft feel. Dry the seat thoroughly, then apply your leather conditioner to finish and give the seat the juice it needs and a great feel and look for you.

Now there are so many other variations to this fix, sometimes I will have to use an air dry leather repair compound over the top of the low heat compound to smooth out the leather repair. Sanding it with a 400 grit wallpaper until it looks right. You can also turn your air down on your paint gun until little droplets are coming out to give it a textured look, drying between coats. Texture coatings, can be used, but if you do it right the gun effect works great. When I do a leather repair I will not give up until it looks perfect. Patience is a value, right. Do not get in a hurry, this will only frustrate you more and then you really got issues.

Leather repair is a craft and profession. The dyes and compounds I use are top quality and are made to last. Giving you a lasting leather seat repair, and comfort knowing you have a leather repair that will last and look great for years to come.

I hope this was some help to you, in the coming months there will be more articles like this one but on different situations on leather repair, liked I talked about in the first. There are so many different ways that a leather seat can be damaged, we spend a lot of time in our cars and well "sh $$ happens", right. So check back to see my next article on automatic leather seat repairs. If you have anything you would like to ask feel free to shoot me some comments on Leather Repair - How To Repair Torn Leather Seat.

Are You Unconsciously Sabotaging Your Own Success and Happiness?

Resistance to Change

Although nature has gifted humans with the ability to adapt and to change, more times than not, we resist using that ability. Routines are comfortable and require little conscious thought. If we constantly have in one way, we constantly get the same results and responses. And that may be the problem.

Playing the Blame Game

Too often live by rote allows us to play the game game rather than taking responsibility for our own forward motion. "I did not get the big promotion because the boss does not like me," takes the place of better job performance. "I am not dating anyone because no one thinks I am interesting," is an excuse not to socialize or to engage in activities that would lead to new connections.

Refusing to Take Responsibility

The blame game offers false comfort. Blaming someone else is easier than admitting you are not giving 100% at work or making an effort to meet and interact with new people. These are repetitive, self-defeating messages lodged in your subconscious mind playing like a broken record. The longer that record plays, the more damaging it is to your life's goals.

Low Self-Confidence

Negative self-talk, even at the subconscious level, does terrific damage to your self-confidence. You do not need other people to tell you that you do not have talent or that you are not interesting. You are doing a perfectly good job of that yourself! Consequently, you may start surrounding yourself with people who actively support your low self-confidence, which will only make the situation worse.

Surrounding Yourself with Negative People

There is a school of thinking that refers to negative people as emotional vampires. You say, "I am never going to get ahead," and they say, "you are right," and may add a dollop of "you know the people at work are just out to get you" as an added extra. Playing the blame game and allowing others to feed our low self-confidence easily leads to self-destructive paranoia in all aspects of your relationships - business and personal.

You Can Take Control

You can break this vicious cycle. The subconscious mind is a powerful "computer." It can be programed and reprogrammed at will. You do it thousands of times a day. Some of the most powerful tools at your disposal to take charge of what is going on inside your own mind are professionally engineered subliminal message recordings.

Recorded at a frequency too low for the human ear to comprehend, auditory subliminal messages penetrate the sponge of the subconscious mind, sending positive affirmations and suggestions to replace the negative self-talk sabotaging your relationships and goals. Unlike hypnosis, where active attention is required, subliminal recordings can be used in a variety of settings with no effort needed on your part. Generally results are seen in a matter of days.

With our modern understanding of the workings of the human mind and the role of stimuli in guiding our behavior, there is no reason to allow "bad" outdated "programs" to thwart our desire for a fuller, more abundant life. Humans are capable of learning in a wide variety of ways, including at the subconscious level. Complex thought patterns are already at work there, but they may be working against you rather than for you.

Machine Tool Safety

As I look at the scar on my left index finger, I am reminded of how fast a machine tool can cause an injury. I was a teenager working in my grandmother's machine shop when it happened. I was using the large drill press to counter bore holes in the cutting edge of a bulldozer blade.

The drill press was very old and was definitely not built with safe operation in mind. I am not sure why, but the procedure involved sliding the heavy plate into position under the drill bit while the bit was still turning slowly in the chuck. I was wearing gloves to protect my tender hands from the sharp edge of the blade. The bit caught my glove, and although it was turning slowly, it began to wrap my finger around the bit all too quickly.

I was able to hit the power switch but the drill continued to coast until my whole arm was wrapped around the spindle. I reluctantly called to my grandmother for assistance. He traditionally turned the drill backwards as I unwrapped myself from the machine.

I was very lucky to have escaped with just a cut on my finger. I quick bandage and I was back to work; this time without gloves.

Machine tools can be very unforgiving when body parts are worn on or in them. The nature of the work also brings hands and fingers dangerously close to the rotating parts. It is easy to get accustomed to the promotion and get caught.

Gloves and loose clothing can easily get caught. Neckties should not even get close to the machines.

Procedures need to be developed to minimizeize exposure to the hazards. Making sure the rotating parts have stopped before relocating the work or taking measurements is one good place to start. I have seen many experienced machinist take caliper readings while parts are being cut in a lathe. Such practices endanger the worker and the equipment.

Guards are often a huge annoyance to machinists. However, if the guards are constructed of clear materials and made to easily open and close, they can add safety without interfering with the work to be done.

When developing procedures and procuring safety equipment, it is important to work closely with the machinists to make sure that the safety equipment does not interfere with the work. Otherwise, the safeties will be bypassed and procedures overlooked when supervision is not around.

Machine tools are a part of most modern workplaces. They can be used safely and effectively if proper precautions are taken.

How Do I Learn to Make Money Online? - Without Spending Money

Well the answer to that is there are various ways to make money online although many people come online expecting to get rich quick overnight by joining some bogus program that promise them just that. I do not care what program you join but the fact stills true true, to make any kind of money on the internet you need to learn and understand who your audience are.

We can pretty much sum it to learning all aspects of marketing. If you do not have this all pack down in your head and approach it with the right attitude, you will waste time and money trying to make money ... Get it!

Now let's move on to more serious things. One of the reasons that people usually get frustrated trying to make money online is because they spend lots of their pocket money trying without not seeing any return. Well what if I tell you that there are strategies that you can learn right now to learn to make money without having to spend a dime, would you want to know? I thought so

Let me let you in on a secret, the way you go about making money online without the financial stress attach to it is to use bum marketing method. Hey what's that? It's simply a marketing method that will teach you all the free marketing that can generate you money without having to spend a dime. With these methods, I can literally take a bum off the street with zero pocket money, give him the blueprint and he'll generate a pretty nice income for himself.

Ladies and gentleman, there is no magic wand about making money online. It's all about learning the strategies that will work. So if you want to be successful online, stop wasting time searching the net on the next program that's going to make you rich overnight. Do your due diligence, and follow something real that do what it says it will do. Do not fall into the trap of getting too much information that will only confuse the hell out of you.

A Review of The Volkswagen Cross Coupe TDI

With each vehicle that rolls out of the production line, a lot of focus is placed on the fuel economy techniques that have been instituted in the vehicle. Volkswagen has been seen as a vehicle manufacturer that does not differ in any way to the norm, and this can be clearly seen in the hybrid vehicle that they have in their line, the VW Cross Coupe TDI, a vehicle that comes in a build a power train that is merged, ensuring that the vehicle is targeted towards the green revolution, and making the world better.

The concept of the vehicle that was showcased at the 2012 Geneva Motor show is not new in any way as a similar concept had been showcased at the 2011 Tokyo Motor Show. The main difference that is seen in this vehicle is that it comes in an efficient diesel engine and a cross over electric motor.

The Cross Concept showcased in Geneva also comes in VW's MQB (Modular Transverse Matrix) Chassis, a technology owned by VW. The exterior of the vehicle comes in a design that shows the true build of the VW Cross Coupe TDI, a design that has 5 doors and with sharply sloped angles on the vehicle.

The powertrain of the vehicle comes from two electric motors and a diesel turbocharged engine that kicks in when the electric power is depleted. The vehicle comes in a 7 speed dual clutch transmission system. One of the motors of the vehicle is attached to the front wheels. This gives the motor the function of either propelling the vehicle or even charging the vehicle's electric powertrain. The motor produces about 133 lb / ft of torque.

The other motor is located at the rear wheels producing about 199 lb / ft torque and is what is mainly used to power the vehicle. The transmission mode of the vehicle in the rear vehicle can come from the diesel engine or even from the electric motor. This can be via a 9.8 KWh lithium-ion battery installed in the vehicle or the 2.o liter diesel engine. The combined powertrain modes from the rear and front wheels produce about 295 lb / ft of torque, ad this is achieved through the MQB technology.

The vehicle comes in different driving modes such as Sport, Cross Coupe, a mode that produces maximum efficiency, an off-road mode, an E mode and a Charging mode. According to the VW, the Vehicle can clock a 0-60 mph at 6.5 seconds

There are several different driving modes for the Cross Coupe: City (for maximum efficiency), Sport, Off-Road, E-mode, and Charging. If the lithium-ion battery is charged, E-mode allows the crossover to drive for 28 miles and up to 75 mph on electrical power alone using the rear motor. (The diesel engine and front electric motor are disconnected from the drive axles.) In Sport mode, the diesel engine and both electric motors provide 516 lb-ft and all-wheel-drive, allowing the Cross Coupe to hit 60 mph in 6.5 seconds . A full tan of the vehicle that holds about 14.5 gallons is expected to drive about 800 miles, an amazing feat as this is combined with charging the batteries. A release date of the Cross Coupe has not yet been set yet, although this is expected to be really soon, especially after the showcasing of the vehicle.

How Criminals Use Malware Technology

Malware technology is one of the fastest and increasingly more threatening versions of terrorism. Criminals all over the world use malware technology to deceive, cheat, steal, damage and terrorize individuals, corporations and companies.

Malware technology refers to any form of software that is designed with malicious intent. The software, through deceptive means, sneaks into a computer's operations without a user giving any permission to install the malware.

Many people do not consider malware technology as terrorism, but a further look shows the strong connections between traditional terrorism and malware as cyber terrorism.

The goal of malware technology


The technology pretends to be something reputable or to provide a needed service. Instead through deception, malware gains sensitive information (account data, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, pin numbers).


With the data of a company or an individual, the criminal behind the malware can take over that person's identity, steal money and ruin their credit history.


Not all malware is to steal money or identity. Sometimes malware seeks to steal control. For individuals and companies alike, a loss of control of their information and computer systems can be crippling. Hackers have shut down major websites such as CNN, Google, New York Times and others, costing millions of dollars. The malware used is not meant to gain money for the hacker, but instead to be a show of superfluous power and control.

Types of Malware


Trojan horses / Viruses / bots

Malware often takes the form of Trojan viruses hidden behind the scenes, stealing and sharing sensitive information with criminals. Remote-controlled digital bots can do the same thing and take over computers as well.


Worms are viruses that install themselves on a computer with intent of spreading like a disease. In the past, worms have been spread through email attachments. One person downloads an email infected with a worm. The person passes the email along that spreading the worm to others. Worms can steal information, steal a user's control of the computer and even shut down a large network of computers at a designated time, crippling computers across the world.


Spyware is a type of software that installs itself without a user approving it. Acting and appearing as a normal program, the spyware garners sensitive information. Spyware will often take the form of Antivirus programs. The programs will say that a computer a user has a virus that the spyware can remove. Looking like a legitimate program, users pay for the antivirus, giving out sensitive information to criminals in the process, only to be duped by software that they learn is useless.


Spyware will sometimes attach itself to legitimate programs. Adware is a specific type of spyware that transmits annoying, repetitive and persistent ads to a computer's screen, generating ad revenue for the designer while tormenting the computer user.

If the above examples are not enough to show how malware technology terrorizes then consider identity theft. Malware technology is fast becoming one of the most efficient tools to commit identity theft. In turn, identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. The loss of security that comes with identity theft amounts to terrorism on an individual level. The emotional and financial toll robs innocent people of personal security. Malware technology allows identity theft to occur on a massive scale, draining millions of dollars from the US economy each year and funneling it to other nations.

The Evolution of the Automotive Industry Over the Years

In 1876 a gentleman by the name of Sir Douglas Clerk invented the first successful two stroke engine; it then took until 1885 for this design to be revised into a prototype of the modern gas engine by another gentleman called Gottlieb Daimler. The following year, in 1886, Karl Benz obtained the first patent for a gas fueled vehicle. Vehicles back then were nothing like modern vehicles of today. The first prototypes had very little, if any, forms of suspension and the steering systems were very crude. They were built to prove a point and serve a basic service, the point they made was that it was no longer necessary to rely on horse and carriage for transport as a vehicle was available that did not require manual propulsion.

Over the following decades the vehicles were reformed including things like hand controlled braking systems, seats formed with suspensions built into them. Sometimes windows were added to the shield drivers from the elements, engines were reinvented using the same basic principals producing more horsepower and allowing faster transportation from one place to another.

Entering into the more modern era of automobiles, more attention was starting to be paid to driver comfort, suspension systems were designed to help absorb the shock of the road, designers started to understand the importance of aerodynamics and started using those principals in the designs of the outer body shells of the vehicles. In later years we saw the addition of radio's and integrated heating systems to add more drivers comfort. Combining newly discovered technologies that were reworked into new engine designs which proved to be more dependable and economic to run.

Coming up to current times, modern vehicles are centered around driver safety and comfort. These two main points have made it possible to make technological advances on both the interior of today's vehicles and also the exterior designs. It is quite common to get into one of today's vehicles and see a fully electronic dashboard that can tell you much info about the vehicle itself all while you are sitting in the driver's seat. Most vehicles can tell you such things as outside air temperature, interior compartment temperature and they come with a climate control system in which you can set the target temperature and forget about it since the cars computer itself. Also available on allot of the newer vehicles is built in navigation systems which can help you get from point a to point b without the need to consult maps. There are even sensors on some vehicles that allow you to know the tire pressure without even getting out of the car.

The demands of the consumers play a large role in what is included when vehicles are produced nowdays. If something seems to be useful or an added bell or whistle then the manufacturer will add it to the next model expecting to draw more consumers into buying their product.