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Thursday, September 20, 2018

How Different Contract Bonds Work

As any contractor knows, contract bonds are used to guarantee that they will abide by the specifications in a construction contract. A contract surety bond, once issued, assures a project owner that a contractor will perform the work and pay specified subcontractors, laborors and material suppliers. Not doing so would result in a breach of the contract and, what generally happens is that if the principal (contractor) reneges on his promise, the surety company will come and seize his assets.

There are many companies that specialize in serving the needs of small to medium-sized contractors, such as electricians, carpenters, masons, plumbers, painters and landscapers. They issue different types of bonds for different aspects of the services provided.

Different bond types available

There are several types of contract bonds:

  1. Bid bonds guarantee that a contractor will enter into a contract, if awarded, and furnish such contract bonds as required by the terms of the contract. The Bid Bond is intended to keep frivolous bidders out of the bidding process by assuring that the successful bidder will enter into the contract and provide the required performance and payment bonds.

  2. Performance bonds guarantee faithful performance of the terms of a contract of construction or furnishing of supplies, at the agreed upon price, and within the time allowed.

  3. Payment bonds guarantee payment for labor and materials used in the work the contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of a contract. Since mechanic's liens can not be placed against public property, the payment bond may be the only protection these claimants have if they are not paid for the goods and services they provide to the project.

  4. Maintenance bonds guarantee against loss because of defective workmanship or materials used in the completion of a construction project.

Understanding the bonding process

Before any surety bond can be issued, the contractor must be evaluated and qualified to secure the project owner that the contractor possesses the resources and capacity to perform the contract according to its terms and conditions. This process is known as contract bonding.

Certain financial statements required with a contract bond

Because of the risks involved, many surety companies have very stringent financial reporting requirements for contractors , such as requiring contractors to provide CPA-prepared financial statements. The bottom line is that, with a contract bond , the client is financially guaranteed a positive exit in a business arrangement. Whether it comes from the principal or the surety, they will be paid.

The Best Investment for 2015

Sometimes the best investment is safe investments and 2015 may be one of those times. First, let's look at your investment options. Then, we'll focus on finding the best safe investments for 2015 and beyond.

Since early 2009 stocks and stock funds have been the best investment options. The past six years have often been referred to as "the stock market that nobody loves", yet with the approach of 2015 the stock market continued to reach new all-time highs. Stocks are not cheap, but there are two sectors that might be interesting: oil stocks and natural resources funds (if oil prices get even cheaper); and gold stocks and funds (if gold gets cheaper). Neither are safe investments, but there could be opportunity if oil or gold really get cheap.

At this point in time any bad economic or political news could trigger a reversal in stocks in 2015 or 2016. The risk vs. potential rewards suggests that stocks and diversified stock funds are no longer the best investment options. Now, let's look at the flip side of the coin: bonds and bond funds. Historically, when the stock market tanks investors flock to bonds, which sends bond prices higher. Many investors see bonds and bond funds as their best safe investment options.

The problem here is that bonds and bond fund prices are near record highs as interest rates remain historically and ridiculously low. The problem: when rates climb significantly bonds and bond funds fall in price and investors LOSE money. Higher interest rates make existing bond issues and portfolios (like bond funds) less attractive. Looking at 2015 and beyond, bonds and bond funds are not likely to be your best investment options or even your best safe investments when rates threaten to go up.

In fact they were never truly safe. They just looked safe because interest rates have basically been on a downward trend since 1981, which sent bond prices higher and brave investors good returns. Now, the question is: where do you find the best safe investments (that pay interest) when you're lucky if you can get 1% at the bank and even less in the money market?

The best safe investments might be staring you right in the face. If you have a retirement plan where you work (like a 401k or 401a) one of your options might be a stable or "guaranteed" fund. You might be able to lock in 4% or more for a specified period of time. If you have an older "universal life" insurance contract you may be able to add money to it at a "guaranteed" minimum interest rate of 3%, 4% or more. The same could apply if you hold an older retirement annuity contract. Returns like this might not excite you, but compared to stocks and bonds they could have the best investment options on the horizon.

If interest rates increase significantly across the board (both long-term and short-term rates) and you need quick access to your cash, the good old money market mutual fund could be one of the best safe investments. As rates go up, their dividends automatically adjust upward as well. They are not "insured" by the federal government, but many hold short-term government securities (T-bills) which are considered to be one of the truly safe investments in the world.

In normal times the issue of finding your best investment options focuses on stocks vs. bonds. I'm not alone when I fear that these are not normal times. We (and much of the rest of the world) have lowered interest rates to stimulate our economy and support our markets. There's not much room to lower rates further in the future. That's why I suggest that the best safe investments could probably be the best investment options available for 2015 and beyond. When the dust settles, the debt over whenever stocks or bonds are the best investment will likely take center stage again.

Everything You Need To Know About Android APK

Everyone these days owns a smart phone, which either has windows, Mac or Android OS. Android is most popular all. Being an open source platform, it can be installed by any phone manufacturer, that makes the manufacturing cost of these phones much less than the phones having their own OS or any that is paid.

What are Android Applications and their APKs?

Applications that are developed for Android platform are Android application. Each application when developed carries many different files and folders within it, that defines its functionalities and resources, and in order to run that app in mobile, one need to create an archive that contains all the necessities. This archive file is known as Android Application APK, ie Android package kit.

What does an APK consist of?

APK is a full package containing all the necessary data and files that is must to run an app on a Mobile Phone. It consist of

· Source code used to define App's functionalities, in general terms referred as classes.dex.

· Manifest file, ie the file that specifes the

1. Permissions that application needs.

2. Its flow

3. Package

4. Version codes

5. Signatures.

6. Certificates.

7. SHA-1 Digest.

· Libs , is a directory containing compiled code or jar files, used as library for applications.

· Assets , it is a directory that has arbitrary files like fonts, audio, texts etc. in it.

· Resources like XML files that define the layout of different pages of the application.

· It also contains META-INF directory and res directory.

When an app is developed, after its testing, an export APK is generated where the developer signs the app with a secret key to prove its authority over the app. Now, this Signed APK is uploaded to Google play store for its availability for Users.

When a person is downloading an application from any source such as Play Store, he is actually downloading and installing the APK of that application on his phone. Other than Google Play Store, one more place where you can find Android applications absolutely free and without even having an account on Google is APK MIRROR.


APK MIRROR is a website that allows you to download any application that you can find in Google Play Store, without having an account. No extra money is charged for uploading or downloading Applications, and high security measures such as verification of certificates and authorization check of signatures are performed while uploading application in order to provide highly reliable and original applications to the users that are present in Play Store.

No Android Application for APK MIRROR is currently available in Play Store, you have to download the APK of the desired application first from the website and then install it on your phone manually.

One most unique feature that the website provides is to bring you back to the older version of the app if new one is not up to the mark. APK MIRROR lets you find and download the previous version of the app, if you are not happy with the current one.

Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?

Does the word "Cancer" scare you?

Well it should, although you probably think it will never happen to you. In the US one in every 2 men and one in every 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of Cancer and the Canadian statistics are very similar. Cancer is not the only disease that we should be worried about in today's environment, depending on under factors the flu or the common cold could be deadly to some people. Due to poor diets, lack of exercise and daily stress most immune systems are so far out of balance that they could not even begin to protect us against the smallest of infections or bacteria.

So have you ever heard of Fucoidan ?

Like many the answer to this question is "no". Well let me attempt to give you some valuable information in this article that may save your life or the life of loved ones.
Fucoidan is like a closely guarded secret, as an antioxidant it has certainly piqued the interest of many scientists. Fucoidan has been scientifically proven to enhance immunity and cellular health to the point where it helps heal wounds, supports normal blood pressure, detoxifies the body against heavy metals, helps prevent the common colds and flu as well as, yes fight Cancer. There I said it. Fight Cancer.

Having deal with some serious health issues over the past 3 years I have taken it upon myself to obtain extensive education in the wellness industry. I was never one who liked putting prescription chemicals into my body as the side effects of many drugs are far worse than the original problem. I am sure that there are many positive health care stories out there however all you hear are the negative with most having tragic and sad endings. I feel it necessary to take ownership of your own health care because no one knows your body better that you do.

Well let's get to the interesting things, as humans we are born with an immune system that protects our body from foreign viruses, bacteria, harmful substances and bad cells. When our body or immune system is off balance, which can happen because of many different reasons we end up sick and in some cases terminally ill.

Did you know that there is a natural dietary supplement which we can consume that will strengthen our immune system and help keep it in balance? It is an active ingredient call Fucoidan and it is found in almost all brown algae seaweed. It is a common known fact that seaweed or dulse is very good for you however many people do not have the ability to ingest it? I for one can not handle the taste or texture of the stuff. Fucoidan is most effective if ingested in its natural state which is gel form. Some cultures are almost cancer free and it has been deemed that in part is due to their high intake of brown algae seaweed.

Within the molecular structure of Fucoidan is the presence of fucose which is a healing sugar although not to be confused with fructose. Fucose is also found abundantly in human breast milk, that is why most new mothers are encouraging to breast feed their babies to give them a good head start in life, boost their immune system and fight off any virus or disease.

To obtain Fucoidan seaweed is harvested by just cutting off the growing tips of the sea plant which will allow the plant to continue to grow and provide a never ending supply of Fucoidan. Scientific studies have been carried out and continue to be done to grasp a full understanding of the healing magic of Fucoidan. Do not just take my word for it do your own homework and you will quickly realize like I, that this is one of the best kept secrets in the wellness industry. Unfortunately most people just do not know about it and because being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry, the advertisement of natural supplements is suppressed. To really understand why and how the natural supplement business is suppressed I recommend you read Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Do not Want You To Know About". It will surely open your mind and give you something to think about, I found it to be a fantastic read.

Our immune system is very complex and so is the make up of Fucoidan and how it works. My goal with this article is to make you aware of its existence, how it works and why it works I will leave that up to the scientists to explain. Many of the global scientific studies can be found at

The money spent to cure and treat cancer is significant, in the US alone the estimate for 2005 is around $ 200 billion. Almost every one has been touched by cancer, some closer than others. Did you realize that in the past 18 years there have been at least 18 studies that have shown that Fucoidan either prevails tumor growth or kills existing cancer cells?

That's on average one study a year for the past 18 years that has scientifically proven the health benefits of Fucoidan, consistent results, hard to brush off. Yes scientists have established that Fucoidan stimulates the death of certain cancer cells, as well as slows down the growth and spreading of such cells. While the research is still ongoing and there is much to be done the initial results known so far are extremely positive.

Cancer treatments place the entire body in jeopardy in order to kill cancer cells and unfortunately healthy cells are often damaged and the immune system is placed in total shock in the process. The price for cancer treatment has increased almost 10 times in the past 20 years. Billions of dollars have been raised and placed into cancer research with no reliable solution in near site. Now do not get me wrong, I feel that great strides have been made however it still seems to be hit and miss.

Imagine a natural immunity boost ingredient that would have no harmful side effects, would have multiple health benefits, would come from a renewable natural product, would be inexpensive, and would reduce the incidence of cancer, common cold, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Fucoidan possess all of these ideal properties.

So why on earth is this not advertised, promoted or better understood? Remember before I said that being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry. Certain words are not allowed (especially in writing) when marketing natural immunity supplements, words like "cure, diagnose, treat and prevent" to name a few. The scientific community has provided sufficient evidence that Fucoidan can have a dramatic effect on cancer however it can not be promoted as such. People who are diagnosed with cancer go into expensive chemo treatments with "no guarantee of success", so why is the system not willing to suggest a natural alternative that has been scientifically proven. Please tell me it is not about the money.

OK, so let me tell you what I do know about Fucoidan in politically correct statements that will not get my behind in hot water if I have not done so already.

• Fucoidan supports the normal disposition of non-native cells.

• Fucoidan may help stimulate immune response when the body is attacked.

• Fucoidan helps modulate the immune system.

• Fucoidan supports normal cellular health.

• Fucoidan supports blood circulation to native body cells.

• Fucoidan may help regenerate healthy skin tissue.

• Fucoidan supports healthy joint mobility at all ages.

My family has been riddled with cancer and none of them are what I can call survivors, heroes yes, but not survivors. Cancer is a disease most people do not want to talk about and I can understand that, so what about the common viral cold, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections I know you can all relate to me now. Guess what Fucoidan is the Ultimate Molecular Immunity Boost. It contains plant bio molecules that generate amazing health benefits. Fucoidan is safe, Fucoidan is searched. Once again do not take my word for it, do your own homework. My goal was just to make you aware of its existence and in plain terms some of its benefits.

For more information visit []
Wellness is a lifestyle & Fucoidan [] is one of the ocean's greatest treasures.

Audiovox Cellular Phone

Audiovox is an electronics company. They operate under the brands Audiovox, Jensen, and Advent. Audiovox products include car audio, home audio and home electronics. On November 1, 2004, Audiovox sold their Audiovox cellular phone subsidiary Audiovox Communications Corp to UTStarcom.

Audiovox Corporation is a major supplier of wireless communications products, mobile entertainment, security products and consumer electronics products. It ranks among the leaders in wireless products and is the industry leader in mobile video products. The company markets its products through two subsidiaries, Audiovox Communications Corp. and Audiovox Electronics Corp. Through these subsidiaries the company's products are sold to wireless carriers and their agents, retailers, distributors, original equipment manufacturers (OEM's), and the U.S. military. The company is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol VOXX.

Audiovox cellular phone handsets are the most exciting wireless handsets in the market today! The company offers Audiovox cellular phones for everyone; from the business executive who needs instant access to the Internet, to the on-the-go teenager who needs to stay in touch with mom and dad. Featuring the latest technology and the most user-friendly features, you are sure to find an Audiovox cellular phone that best suits your lifestyle.

There are 5 classes (plus Accessories) of Wireless Audiovox cellular phones available to you:

Analog - A signaling method that uses continuous changes in the amplitude or frequency of a radio transmission to convey information.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) - GSM uses narrowband TDMA which allows eight simultaneous calls on the same radio frequency. Along with CDMA and TDMA it represents the second generation of wireless networks.

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) - CDMA assigns a code to all speech bits, sends a scrambled transmission of the encoded speech over the air and reassembles the speech to its original form at the other end.

TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) - A method of digital wireless communications transmission allowing a large number of users to access a single radio-frequency channel without interference. Each user is given a unique time slot within each channel.

PCS (Personal Communications Service) - A second-generation digital voice, messaging and data cell phone system in the 2GHz range. PCS is supported mostly by GSM. PCS systems use a different radio frequency (1.9 GHz band) than cellular phones and generally use all digital technology for transmission and reception.

Audiovox cellular phones have lots of inherent features, like integrated digital cameras, color display, PDA functions etc. Audiovox cellular phones also have lots of accessories. With Audiovox cellular phone accessories you can gain greater access to the world around you and have fun at the same time.

Audiovox offers a full range of accessories including Audiovox cellular phone hands free car kits (required by law in some areas for using your cellular phone while driving), desktop speaker phones, Audiovox cellular phone antennas and antenna boosters, holders, and cases. Spare or replacement batteries are also available for your Audiovox cellular phone, as are keypads.

Other accessories for your Audiovox cellular phone are: USB data cables and connectivity kits. An over the ear car headset will keep you hands free for other things like driving, working at your keyboard, or even fixing dinner. Earphones and a microphone are great for those not comfortable with speaker phones. Cases and pouches will keep your Audiovox cellular phone safe from grime and impact. Some Audiovox cellular phones are also waterproof.

You have access to a plethora of faceplates for your Audiovox cellular phone. There is a wide collection of downloadable ring tones, graphic wallpapers, screensavers etc to jazz up your Audiovox cellular phone. You can get an MP3 player for your Audiovox cellular phone, rapid chargers; they even have a double battery charger so that you can charge a spare battery as well as your primary battery.

A holster or belt clip for your Audiovox cellular phone can be a useful alternative to the pocket or purse when you are out. Audiovox has a whole line of cell phones for you to choose from, some of which are the pre-paid Audiovox cellular phones that can help you avoid the excesses of provider calling plans. Cellular phone joysticks for gaming, an FM stereo headset and an AC/DC wall adaptor for a car charger; all of these accessories are designed to make your Audiovox cellular phone even more useful and suited to your needs.

Business Card Etiquette

Business cards have to be one of the cheapest forms of advertising that there is. That is "if" they are distributed. With that said, I've had some business colleges that hang on to their cards like they're dollar bills. Now me, I'm just the opposite. If you get within arms length of me, you're going to get one of my cards and I'm going to try to get one of yours.

That leads to the point of this article. I recently had a young salesman ask me this question: Is it okay to automatically add someone to your database when you have their business card?

My return question was: where did you get the card? If you just came across it and never met the person, then my answer is no. But, if it was at a trade show or networking function I would say yes. But even then, I would use the following stipulations: It depends on which database you are taking about.

Let me explain.

1. If it is a potential client, I'll tell them that I'll be sending them an email to confirm information and make sure we have each other's email address. When I send that email I'll ask them if they would like to be included in my customer database to receive important product information from time to time. I include an "Opt In" option in that email.

2. If we are talking about another sales representative from another company and / or another industry, again I'll tell them that I'll be sending them an email to confirm information. When I send that email I'll ask them if they would like to be included in my "Lead Development" database where we can keep our ears open for each other. Again, I include an "Opt In" option.

Both of these options are just good business and if you do not take advantage of the contact ... you're missing the boat.

Choosing a Cell Phone

If Alexander Graham Bell were alive today he would be amazed. It was not that long ago when he made the first telephone call to his assistant from another room in his laboratory. At the time they had been working on a device to help deaf people hear. Bell patented the telephone in 1876. Now, 130 years later, people are walking around with tiny but powerful computers held to their years. These wireless devices can be used to browse the Internet, play games, text message, manage schedules ... and even to use a telephone!

Question: I am looking to buy a phone but I do not know which plan to get

There are many plans available if you would like to buy cell phone. The best way to figure it which plan is right for you is to buy a pre-paid phone before you make a decision and commit to any long-term plans offered by cell phone companies. The prepaid plan lets you put a certain amount of money toward telephone usage and you can use your cell phone for as long as you have money available.

This is a great first option because many people who are first looking into getting a cell phone are not sure about when they would typically use it. Having a prepaid phone lets you sample your usage and get a good idea about the times of the day and the days of the week you make calls on your cell phone.

For the first month or so that you have a prepaid plan, you'll want to keep an eye on these four things, which will help you determine which cell phone plan you'll ever want:

What time of the day to you make most of your calls?

How long do your phone calls last?

What days of the week do you make most of your calls?

Are they local or long distance calls?

Where do you use the phone most often? (for example, if you travel or just around town)

Once you have used up your prepaid amounts, you'll probably have a good idea about your calling profile and this will help you accurately select a play.

Having a cell phone is a highly convenient tool to stay in touch. Having information to make a wise purchase will help you get a cell phone and a cell phone plan that provides the best value to you.