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Friday, October 5, 2018

Top 3 Challenges to Making Money Online

If you have just started an online business, chances are you've discovered it's harder than you first thought. You probably have a website, and maybe it looks like a winner. You have your beautiful graphics. You have all your products strategically positioned. Yet, every day, when you check your numbers, nothing is selling. What gives? In all likelihood, you've run into one of the top 3 challenges faced by online business owners.

Challenge # 1: Traffic

Imagine you have set up a nice boutique shop. Maybe you sell jewelry, picture frames, figurines, etc. You have all your products located just right so that all those shoppers will see all your wonderful items for sale. The only problem is: No one comes into your store. This is the bricks-and-mortar equivalent of having no traffic to your website. To get buyers to your website, you need traffic. Ideally, you need targeted traffic, meaning you need people coming to your website who are interested in buying what you're selling. I included Traffic in the # 1 spot because it really is the most important. If you have no traffic, it really does not matter what the website looks like or even what you're selling.

The solution to getting more traffic to your website is the same as the solution to getting more shoppers into your boutique: advertise! On the web, there are many ways you can advertise. Whether you choose free methods, such as blogs or forums, or paid methods, such as pay-per-click (PPC), you need to do it. If no one knows your website is out there, they will not visit it. One thing you need to remember: The more you pay for ads, the more important it is to get targeted traffic. Why is that? If you're paying for clicks to your website, you want to make sure those clicks convert to sales to at least pay for your ads.

Challenge # 2: Making the Sale

You've advertised your website. You've got people in your store. But none of them are buying. How do you get them to buy? If this were the boutique shop mentioned previously, you might hire effective salespeople and pay them commission. You can not do that with your website, so you have to have effective sales copy.

Sales copy is what you actually write on your website. It is your saleperson. The most important thing to remember is: Sales copy, not graphics, will make people buy your product. That does not mean ignore things like graphics and layout. Those things can help, but you can have the best looking website on the 'net, and if you do not have the effective sales copy to go along with it, all you'll have is a bunch of visitors coming to look at your awesome website; they just will not be buying.

So is there one solution to writing effective sales copy? Unfortunately, no. What will work for one product may not work for another. However, the most important thing to remember is that you are not selling features; you're selling benefits. Your potential customers could not care less what features your product has. If you have not spelled out how their lives will be better if they buy your product, you will not make the sale. Try to put yourself in their minds. What would make you buy if you were in their shoes?

Challenge # 3: Networking

Networking is important in any business. It is doubly important if your business is a network marketing business. Everyone tells us we need to network, network, network. But how do you do that online?

Welcome to social networking. Maybe you're a member of a social network like MySpace or Facebook. Maybe you follow your friends and a few celebrities on Twitter. All of these can be used to network. One recommendation I would like to make: If you're going to use social networks for making money, use a separate account for your personal and business activities. Your business contacts are not going to be interested in the same things as your personal contacts. I just makes life easier.

There are also social networks out there that exist for the purpose of making money. These are great for networking because somehow everyone there is interested in money-making opportunities. Just be sure to follow their rules. These networks are too valuable to risk being banned.

In Summary

Online business owners face many challenges. The top three challenges are (1) traffic, (2) making the sale, and (3) networking. I hope I've been able to give you a few ideas to help make your website a success.

Annoying Television Commercials

Years ago, we watched television programming interrupted by brief commercial breaks. Slowly but surely, we are moving toward watching commercials interrupted by brief bursts of programming. As the commercials increase in quantity, many are decreasing in effectiveness. Let us look at where we are today.

On a recent day in May, I count the number of commercials on one major network in a 30 minute period. The total was 33. This ridiculous quantity leads to such viewer behavior as:

1. Changing channels to see if another network is still in program mode.

2. Pressing the mute button until a commercial sequence ends.

3. Resolving not to buy certain advertised products, usually those - -

a. Whose commercial is repeated to excess, sometimes even twice in the same sequence or

b. Whose presentation is excessively silly, insignificant, confusing, or even filled with dire warnings about dangers associated with the product.

One wonders if advertisers are even aware of their commercials causing such viewer reactions.

As the quantity of commercials has increased, more of the advertising seems to be downright irrelevant or even negative. I suppose this comes from the producers of commercials exhausting their creativity in an overly saturated marketplace. For example, we are apparently invited to get interested in buying a vehicle because we have watched it crash through a wall or into a chandelier hanging in the desert! These examples are so insignificant that I can not even remember the names or models of the vehicles advertised. I just spend a couple of seconds wondering what unusual theories are behind the creation of such presentations. Another negative example is the advertising of some prescription medines. We are told that a product might help condition X but then legally cautioned that it might also stimulate thoughts of suicide or cause a heart condition or even lead to death. My usual reaction is to resolve never to use that product.

I do not know how much worse the situation can get. However, I believe that it is time for a consumer revolution. Years ago, ad revenue paid for programming. Today, television networks get revenue from both ads and cable or satellite companies. It seems that there should be no financial need making it necessary to increase the quantity of advertising to truly excessive levels. Here are some consumer actions that might help correct the situation:

1. WE should encourage one or more consumer organizations to rate all major networks on average times per hour devoted to advertising. Time measurement would help discourage a switch to fewer but longer commercials.

2. Then, as consumers, we should begin moving away from networks with the highest advertising time rates.

3. We should write to companies that sponsor insignificant ads and promise to boycott their products.

The goal of consumers should be to end the excessive number of television commercials but still allow a reasonable level, sometimes 9 or 10 brief commercials per 30 minutes of air time. A study by the consumer rating organization could suggest a maximum total time for such a reasonable number of commercials. Our role can be to become active rather than passive consumers who watch the current problem get worse and worse.

Are Dietary Supplements For Diabetics Worth the Money?

A diagnosis of diabetes is a life-changing event for some people. Suddenly you are forced to pay close attention to your diet, monitor your blood sugar, and deal with other complications in your daily routine. Some diabetics who are struggling to control their blood glucose are turning to special dietary supplements for extra help. Are diabetic supplements worth the money?

Certain natural botanical extracts have been used for thousands of years to treat diabetes and related conditions. Scientific research continue to demonstrate that these substitutes can be very helpful for people with diabetes. The most beneficial are those that assist the body to use insulin better and to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

Biotin, Vanadyl Sulfate, Bitter Melon Extract, Cayenne, Juniper, and Gymnema Sylvestre are only a few of the natural ingredients that enhance the body's use of insulin. Each substance has slightly different properties, so they work best when taken in combination. For example, Vanadyl Sulfate seems to mimic insulin within the body, while Cayenne can help to reduce insulin resistance. Juniper, on the other hand, can help strengthen the pancreas, which is the organ that produces insulin.

Turning to blood glucose control, Chromium and Vitamin C are notable players. They both support glucose metabolism, which contributes to more stable glucose levels. Cinnamon Bark can assist in glucose tolerance. Huckleberry and Banaba Leaf Extract will also help stabilize or lower blood sugar.

Many supplements for diabetics contain nutrients that support general health. Ingredients that enhance enzyme activity, weight loss, and fat reduction are particularly important for persons with diabetes, who often need to lose some unwanted pounds.

Supplements have a cumulative effect and so it may take several months for you to notice an improvement in your health. It depends very much on your individual body chemistry and the severity of your diabetic condition.

How do you know if a supplement is working? You will want to chart your blood sugar readings as usual. When you find the supplement that is right for you, you can expect to see more normal blood sugar levels, weight or fat loss, more energy, and improved overall health. Some people find that their excess hunger or their craving for sweets goes away.

In the best case scenario, correct supplementation can reduce your need for prescribed medication. Of course, no matter how good you feel, you should never change the way you take your medication without the approval of your physician.

Auto Transport - ELD Big News

Car haulers, this subject already sounds pretty familiar to every motor car carrier that's thinking long term in the industry.

Here are some insights you need to know directly from FMCSA about the ELD rule:

ELD is used by commercial drivers with the requirement to prepare:

HOS - Hours of service
RODS - Records of duty status
ELD will need to also be certified and registered with FMCSA, along with having supporting documents for drivers / car carriers required to keep in the truck.

So, beginning on December 18, 2017, a driver using an ELD must have an ELD information packet onboard the commercial vehicle vehicle (CMV).

Speaking about it, an ELD can be on a smartphone or other wireless device if the device meets the ELD rule's technical specifications.

Data Storage:

For six months, a motor carrier must keep both the ELD Records of:

hours services data
a back-up copy of that data on a separate device
The car carrier must ensure that these records are stored securely to protect driver privacy.

An ELD automatically records the following data elements at certain intervals:

location information
engine hours
vehicle miles
identification information for the driver
authenticated user
motor carrier

Location data must be recorded by an ELD at 60-minute intervals when the vehicle is in motion, driver powers up and shuts down the engine, change duty status, and indications personal use or yard moves.

Also, keep in mind that an ELD must automatically switch to driving mode once the commercial vehicle vehicle (CMV) is moving up to a set speed threshold of five miles per hour. As a result, the in-motion state must not be configured greater than five miles per hour. The vehicle will be considered stopped once its speed falls to zero miles per hour and holds at zero miles per hour for three consecutive seconds.

Guess what else?

The ELD must automatically convert captured vehicle position in latitude / longitude coordinates into geo-location information that reflects the approximate distance and direction to an identifiable location corresponding to the name of a nearby city, town, or village, with a State abbreviation.

Engine synchronization CMV - ELD

An ELD must be integrally synchronized with the engine of the commercial motor vehicle (CMV). Engine synchronization means monitoring engine operation to automatically capture the engine power status, vehicle motion status, miles driven, and engine hour

Vehicle performance? Not really.

Yes, the ELD rule allows but does not require, warning or notification to drivers when they are near their HOS limits.

Data export from ELD

Since all ELD data file output will be a standard comma-delimited file, a driver may import the data output file into Microsoft Excel, Word notepad, or other common tools. A driver will also be able to access ELD records through a screen display or a printout, depending on the ELD design.

Bluetooth Feature

If the driver is using a "local" ELD with Bluetooth capabilities, the authorized safety official will activate Bluetooth on his or her computing device and the driver will initiate the Bluetooth electronic transfer of the data from the driver's ELD to the safety official's computing device.

The official will provide a Bluetooth pairing code for the driver to enter into the ELD for the data file transfer.

Here's a cool list you can review - ELD's Compliant List

The plug-in device to your truck's ECM communicates the relevant data to software on your smartphone - the software enables the log to work, likewise electronic pre-trip / post trip inspection reports.

The ECM plug-in communicates with your smartphone, as with many others, over Bluetooth, and guiding smartphone apps are currently available on both iOS and Android platforms. Administration of the data is done through a web-based software program users create a unique account.

Most ELDS pair an engine-connected relay with another device, often an operator's smartphone or tablet, hence the common BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) design.

For such devices, some contain a cellular connection within the engine-connected relay, some do not.

For those that do not, generally, extra costs incurred for data-plan charges on a smartphone are not reflected here.

Just a quick overview for car haulers:

We're covering just new industry information so that every single car hauler out there can read it and get a general idea - for full in depth explanation of specific cases feel free to visit FMCSA for sure.

How to Know If a Man Is Emotionally Connected to You? 7 Signs That Will Confirm His Deep Feelings

If you're fascinated in keeping your man emotionally connected to you, then it's vital that you form an emotional bond with him that will not be broken no matter what sorts of tests come your way. You know that it is not enough that you establish a physical connection. You should also work on making him emotionally committed to you:

You connect in different aspects, not just the physical.

A man who is able to relate to you spiritually and mentally will be someone who will stay with you much longer. This is because he's able to share his feelings and thoughts without feeling shy or awkward about it. So strive to make him feel comfortable in sharing his innermost desires and emotions.

This man trusts you will all of his heart.

Giving you his full trust also means that he truly loves you. This is because he's willing to have faith in you way before you even prove it. A man who knows how to understand the woman in his life is one who will also be understood in return. He knows this that's why he has high hopes that your union will be able to withstand the tests of time.

You share like interests.

If your man shares common interests and activities with you, then it's a clear proof that he's enjoying your company. You're definitely connecting at a higher level because you can both hang out and have fun without pretense.

He drives to show intimacy.

Remember that being intimate doesnt mean having sex all the time. Of course, sex is still a great part of being intimate, but this is not the only gesture that confirms his love to you. He'll also show his love for you by expressing them in words and actions such as hugging and cuddling while watching your favorite TV show together.

He knows that he's bound to you.

This man is definitely connected to you if he knows that he does not have to look at other women anymore. While all other men have the guts to look at girls while in the company of their girlfriends, your man, on the other hand, knows that his heart belongs to you so there's no longer any need for spoil.

You've got undeniable chemistry.

Since this man is emotionally connected to you, you know that you understand each other even without verbally confirming your feelings to each other. Everyone thinks that you're a great pair because you jive so well.

He contributions in strengthening your relationship.

Most men would just rely on their partners to do the work. With your man, he's more than willing to connect with you at a higher level in order to make your relationship flourish. You can actually entrust him with anything because you know that he'll never let you down.

How To Start Making Money Online As An Affiliate Marketer

The field of affiliate marketing is probably the quickest developing way to make money online. After all, billions of ordinary people use internet every day. Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to target potential customers regardless of their location in the world.

For this reason, it is not surprising that a huge number of people make a reasonable amount of money through affiliate advertising and marketing. Many skilled affiliate marketers end up making more money in this field than they did in their previous job, and since some of them even resign their normal 9-5 job and pursuit affiliate marketing full-time.

A Quick Overview On Affiliate Marketing
Now that we have a little idea about the capacity of affiliate marketing, Let's dig in and discuss what it really includes.

The easiest way to describe affiliate marketing is when you help another company sell their products online, and then you get paid a commission for each sale you bring to them.

If you are promoting a product priced at $ 200, and the company pays you 10 percent commission of the sale, you would make $ 10 for each sale.

However how do you refer sales? You can begin promoting your seller's products on your website, which receives targeted site visitors in the same niche as the product you are advertising. For example, if you have a website that sells makeup you would not advertise health insurance, but instead you could promote makeup related products. Every time one of your website's visitors clicks on your affiliate link which was provided to you by the seller, you will be paid a commission.

How To Choose A Good Affiliate Network
One of the largest errors new affiliate marketers make is becoming a member of almost every affiliate network they encounter. This is without a doubt considered to be a totally incorrect technique. That is due to quite some reasons.

Firstly, being an affiliate marketer is an undertaking which calls for a lot of awareness. So, if you try and work with many affiliate networks at the same time, chances are that none of your initiatives might go as planned and consequentially, none of them might end up being very successful.

Secondly, focusing on just one or a few products without a doubt will let you research them thoroughly before you start to promote them. This method also helps you refine your strategies, making the required adjustments, and then making your marketing a whole lot more powerful. An effective approach will yield better results, and reward you for your efforts and time.

Thirdly, make sure you do some research on the affiliate network as there are some networks that will only pay you once a month which might not work for you or worse they could not pay you at all. I am not telling this to discourage you from being an affiliate marketer, but instead I want you to succeed in finding the correct network and products to market and make your commission.

There are affiliate networks that resort to "shaving", a very common exercise in affiliate marketing where the networks display a discounted number of sales than what you mentioned, consequentially paying you drastically less in agreements.

Here, to avoid being a victim to this action I would suggest that you stick to known and trusted affiliate networks. In any case, they only way you will succeed with a network is if you are comfortable with them and the products you are promoting.

How To Start Getting Sales As An Affiliate Marketer
Getting instantly to the point, some affiliate marketers use social media web sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more, for doing associate marketing, other decide to build out their own site. Getting your own site is an exceptional approach to affiliate marketing, because it gives you control over everything.

So we will focusing on affiliate marketing using your own site moving forward. First matters first, as mentioned earlier, you will want to find an affiliate network you're comfortable with. This includes being knowledgeable about the products you are promoting, so that you do not come to be selling products you do not know anything about.

Amazon's Associate Program
That being said, many marketers look at Amazon's associate marketing program as one of the best. It's probably the most trustworthy network, and has a large inventory of products to promote and get your responsibilities.

This offers you a possibility to promote almost any product in the market, or pick a niche with low competition and you could be earning contracts in less than a week.

Finding A Good Keyword
That is considered to be one of the hardest parts of marketing. You simply can not clearly choose any keyword and expect to start making sales quickly. One of the reasons why many affiliate marketers fail is due to using a wrong keyword.

If you are new to the affiliate marketing, you are going to want keywords that have low competition. Start your keyword research by finding long tail keywords with a low search volume, that means much less money, but not really with the ones that have large competition.

You may test the top 10 and 20 results and do a few studies to discover if you may outrank them. Review keywords being used by the competition to determine if they are using identical key phrases you are looking to target. If they are, and they have a high authority website in that niche, I would recommend that you keep away from that niche, and opt for a brand new, less competitive.

Quality Content
This is significant. If you think you will make a lot of money creating items that does not help the visitors in anyway, you are very wrong. Although your goal is to earn cash by means of referring visitors to the offer, you will have to offer one thing of importance to them. Merely posting your hyperlinks along with lame sales pitches like "this is a wonderful solution, purchase this product via my personal hyperlink and get a discount", and so on, you might be only heading to disaster.

If you decide to join Amazon's associate program, you could write an informative article on your homepage and include your primary keywords and some secondary keywords throughout the article. You could have the purchasing guidebook, and write your brief opinion of each product you are marketing. Remember that the greater the cost of the product you market, the greater the commission.

We realize it's probably the trickiest method to accomplish, unless you're an SEO guru. Contacting site with high authority and guest posting on these sites is a really well-known means of getting great backlinks. These great backlinks, along with guest posting in related sites in your niche will get you ranked on the first page of the search engines as long as the keyword you chose has really low competition.

However, even when your site does not reach page one, as long as you have guest posted on a number of sites in your niche, you will be bringing substantial amount of targeted traffic coming from these sites. So that it is a great tactic anyway.

Mistakes To Avoid
Now you are aware of the process to becoming a great affiliate marketer with your own website, I want you to also keep in mind some of the most common errors brand new affiliate marketers make.

Not Providing Any Good Value
Although we've got this item, it's certainly important to remind you if you try to be extreme with your words to pressure the visitors to click on your affiliate link, it's probably being deemed as junk or spam by many websites.

Rather, it's suggested to help these individuals select the right solution determined by their particular needs. This method makes these individuals feel more, which in return will check out the products you are marketing based on the value in your article.

Product Research
Numerous online marketers will not do proper product research to gain knowledge on the product they are promoting, instead they are only worried about the amount of commission they will earn per sale regardless if it will provide value to their visitors. This is an oversight, and will at some point lead to your readers not relying on anything you tell them.

Tracking Your Links
When you begin advertising on Amazon or even some other affiliate network, it will be beneficial to track your affiliate links. It can help you find out which website is doing more sales and then you can make your other websites have the same kind of setup.

Final Thoughts
I would like to say that since the fact that affiliate marketing can be very fulfilling, it has a steep learning curve to it. You may face disappointment on numerous occasions prior to making a nice amount of money online.

That said, affiliate marketing it's simply for individuals who are likely to deal with several failures, but will come back with a positive attitude and willing to learn from their mistakes.

Watching Movies Online

The movie watching habits of people are changing as we get busier with our lives.

On demand is becoming the status quo and with advances in internet technology and video streaming capacities now is the time to partake in this marvellous revolutionary entertainment value.

Did you know that while most people hunt for a free movie online, Persons associated with a subscription service such as Netflix have probably already enjoyed the movie online via their computer or some other device?

It just does not make sense any more to keep exploring for a free movie to watch online when for less than.30 cents per day you could subscribe to a service that gives you access 24/7 with endless viewing favours to movies and TV episodes plus still having a DVD movie posted to your home without any fees fees or penalties ever everolved.

But people never want to know how to watch movies online but with a subscription service you could watch online using your internet ready device or game console. Some of these items include game consoles, TVs, Blu-ray players and more.

You probably already got one of these and are just unmindful of the future already at your viewing pleasure.

The Xbox 360 game console lets members immediately discover movies & TV episodes streamed from Netflix on the Television. This is available to Netflix members who are also Xbox LIVE Gold members for no additional Netflix fee. In addition, the Xbox 360 offers more than 400 video games, a unified online gaming network, and a variety of entertainment features.

Xbox 360 owners: If you're an Xbox LIVE Gold member, you already have a Netflix ready device. Note: The device will need to be attached to a high speed Internet connection.

The PlayStation 3 system is the only gaming machine that returns a complete high-definition entertainment experience with a built-in Blu-ray player, hard drive, and Wi-Fi. Now you can enjoy Netflix streamed instantly on your PS3 ™ system with thousands of movies and TV shows ready at your fingertips. Coming this spring for the Wii gaming console.

As you can see, the power to watch a movie online has never been easier.

In these uneasy economic times a person could drop their high-price cable or satellite package down to the minimum and add a service such as Netflix and cut your costs by up to 50% of what you are now paying with more flexibility as to how and when you watch full length movies online.