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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sending Money To Russian Women

You will receive requests for you to send money. If you do not know the women well, or if you do not feel good about it, do not send money. If money is all she is after, what kind of relationship do you have with her anyway?

Generally speaking, the only money I sent was to people who did not ask for it. My future wife wrote to me, after several months of correspondence, that she was having a terrible time.

The company she was working for had not paid her for several months. There was no heat in the building at the end of winter. Her mother was in the hospital. She was upset and depressed.

I sent her two hundred dollars. She wrote back saying she was upset with me. She said she did not write these things to get money from me - only so that I would understand about her life.

I told her I sent the money to her because I wanted to help her. She said she was going to put the money in the bank for when I arrived.

When I arrived she had the money, but she had used a little of it to buy a nice outfit. Every Russian woman I know, who had money sent to them, spent at least some of it for nice clothes.

You may be sending money for her to take English lessons, but I guarantee some of that money will end up hanging in her closet. Do not fret about it. You have made her very happy. She is only doing it to feel good about herself and to make herself attractive for you.

In short, if you like her and have established a relationship with her, show her you care. Send her presents. Buy her things she can use. Every woman wants you to show her she is special. Do not be a miser or a fool. Use your judgment.

If you are sending money, send it to Western Union.

Do not send money in the mail. It will not get there. I guarantee it. Send the money to be paid in US currency. US currency is more valuable than local currency and she can convert it into local currency at a better rate than Western Union will give her.

Take care in spelling her name exactly. The Western Union bureaucrats in Russia love to send people away for the slightest reason. You will need to send her the identification number on the wire transfer for her to claim the money.

She will also need to know the exact amount you are sending. Make sure the person receiving the money has proper identification or they will not give it to them.

One distressing piece of information is that Belarus was 'taxing' wire transfers at a rate of 9.5% prior to January 1, 2005. As of January 1, 2005, they are now taxing 100%. What this means is none of the money you wire transfer to a person in Belarus will get to them.

My recommendation is to ask the women you are sending money to for the best way for you to get it to her. She may not know. Talk to the company that is handing your email forwarding for you. They most likely will know what the situation is in that country.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Keys For Effective Electrical Troubleshooting

Equipment can malfunction for a variety of reasons. Mechanical contacts and parts can wear out; wires can overheat and burn open or short out; parts can be damaged by impact or abrasion; etc. Equipment may operate in a manner far different than it was designed to, or not at all.

Typically, when equipment fails there is a sense of urgency to get it fixed and working again. If the defective equipment is part of an assembly line, the whole assembly line could be down causing unexpected 'time off' and lost revenue. If you are at a customer site to repair equipment, the customer may watch you, knowing that they are paying for every minute you spend troubleshooting and repairing their equipment. Either one of these scenarios - and there are more, can put a lot of pressure on you to solve the problem quickly.

So What is troubleshooting? It is the process of analyzing the behavior or operation of a faulty circuit to determine what is wrong with the circuit. It then involves identifying the defective component (s) and repairing the circuit. Depending on the type of equipment, troubleshooting can be a very challenging task. Sometimes problems are easily diagnosed and the problem component easily visible. Other times the symptoms as well as the faulty component can be difficult to diagnose. A defective relay with visual signs of burning should be easy to spot, whereas an intermittent problem caused by a high resistance connection can be much more difficult to find.

What makes an expert Troubleshooter? One trait of expert troubleshooters is that they are able to find virtually any fault in a reasonable amount of time. Easy faults, complicated faults, they find them all. Another trait is that they typically replace only the components that are defective. They seem to have a knack for finding out exactly what is wrong. No trial and error here. So what is their secret?

You might think that a person who has a very good understanding of how the equipment works, should be able to troubleshoot it effectively. Being a good at troubleshooting requires more than this.

Expert troubleshooters have a good understanding of the operation of electrical components that are used in circuits that they familiar with, and even ones that are not. They use a system or approach that allows them to logically and systematically analyze a circuit and determine exactly what is wrong. They also understand and effectively use tools such as prints, diagrams and test instruments to identify defective components. Finally, they have had the opportunity to develop and refine their troubleshooting skills.

If you want to troubleshoot like the pros you will need to develop your skills in each of these areas. Let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Understand how the circuit works . This consists of understanding the operation of all the components that are used in the circuit. This could include such components as: push buttons, contactors, various types of switches, relays, sensors, motors, etc. Electrical circuits typically control or operate mechanical systems and components. You also need to understand how these mechanical aspects of the equipment operate to carry out the work. You need to be able to determine how the circuit works under normal conditions and what effect changing one of the circuit inputs has on the circuit operation. For example, what happens to the overall circuit operation when a push button is pressed; which relays energize, which lights illuminate, does the pump start or stop, etc. You also need to be able to determine what effect a faulty component may have on the circuit operation.
  2. Use a logical, systematic approach to analyze the circuit's behavior . This is critical. There are several approaches that troubleshooters use. They may have different steps or processes but they have the following in common: They all approach problems systematically and logically thus minimizing the steps and ruling out trial and error. One such approach used to teach troubleshooting is called the '5 Step Approach'. A summary of the key steps are:
    • Observe Most faults provide clues as to their cause. There could be visual clues such as signs of damage or improper operation. Do not forget to use your other senses; sounds and smells can also provide valuable clues. Through careful observation and a certain reasoning, most faults can be identified to the actual component with very little testing.
    • Define Problem Area At this stage you apply logic and reasoning to your observations to determine the problem area of ​​the malfunctioning equipment.
    • Identify Possible Causes Once you have the problem area (s) defined it is necessary to identify all the possible causes of the malfunction.
    • Determine Most Probable Cause Once the list of possible causes has been made it is necessary to prioritize the items as to the possibility of them being the actual cause of the malfunction.
    • Test and Repair Once you have determined the most probable cause, you must test it to prove it to be the problem or not.
    See A Systematic Approach to Troubleshooting for more details on this approach.
  3. Understand how to use tools such as prints, diagrams and test instruments to identify defective components. Let's first look at prints and diagrams. Some of the key things you should be able to determine from these are:
    • how the circuit should operate
    • what kind of features the circuit has
    • what voltages you should expect at various points on the circuit
    • where components are physically located
    • how the components are actually wired together
    Various types of test instruments are available for testing electrical circuits. The ones you choose depends on the type of circuit and its components. A common test instrument which is invaluable to a troubleshooter is a Multimeter. It is capable of measuring voltage and resistance with some meters capable of other measurements such as current and capacitance. You must be able to determine what type of test instrument to use, when and where to use it, and how to safely take readings with it.
  4. Practice! Troubleshooting, like any skill, requires practice to become proficient . Practice can be difficult to get. Depending on your job, you may not have the opportunity for enough troubleshooting practice. And even if you do, your employer may not want you to practice troubleshooting on equipment they rely on. Until you become reasonably competent, it is best to practice troubleshooting in a controlled environment. One option is to build or purchase equipment that can be used for troubleshooting. This equipment is designed with the ability to apply faults to it. Here you can practice your skills in a very realistic environment without affecting equipment in use. Another option which is gaining more popularity is the use of computer simulations. These simulations can be extremely realistic and allow you to practice your troubleshooting skills in a safe environment. Some other advantages are portability, cost effectiveness, and can be used in almost any location. Some even include an assessment function that assesses the user's troubleshooting skill, provides feedback, and records their troubleshooting processes.
Review your own skills in each of these areas. Improving any one of them, along with a good dose of practice, will improve your troubleshooting skills.

Auto Repair Services: A Guide To Choose The Right Service Provider

Is Your Car Damaged?

Have you ever met with an accident? You never know when an accident occurs. If you have a damaged car, look for a reliable garage to get back your car in an original condition. Most of the people find it difficult to choose the right auto body shop. What factors you should consider when you are looking for the best auto shop in your area? What questions you should ask to the mechanic?

Visit A Local Repair Shop

A good auto repair shop can offer you with the best services. They can also offer you with car paint services. Replacing the damaged parts is not a good idea. It's always a good idea to choose auto repair services. Therefore, you should take your time to find the best repair specialist in your area.

How Can You Find The Best Repair Service Provider?

Shop Around

Remember, you should always take some time from your busy and hectic schedule to shop around. Check the different deals offered by the garages/auto shops. You should focus on all the different aspects of the repair shop before choosing them. Compare the services and see which auto shop is the best. You can also use Internet to find the best one.

Speak With Your Near And Dear Ones

Speak with your friends/family/colleagues to know about their auto repair experience. Reference is one of the best ways to find an excellent auto body shop. You can even get referrals from your Truck Company or insurance agent. However, you should always check the credentials or testimonials before choosing the auto shop.

Ask Questions

You should ask as many questions to the garage or repair shop as you can. Moreover, you should also find the reason of their popularity in the market. Do they offer any discount on the services? Do they have ASE certified mechanics in their team? This will help you to get an idea about their work.

Check The Background Of The Auto Shop

Always do a complete background check of the shop before choosing them for car repairs. Moreover, you should also find how long they have been in business. A repair shop or garage can only stay in the business for long if they are doing good work.


Take a little time to choose the best auto shops in your area. Get references from your near and dear ones. Compare quotes of the different repair service providers to choose the best deal.

Auto Repair for Engine Stalls

A properly running engine is one of the most common things we take for granted every day when we get in our car or truck to go to work. We just assume the battery is going to jump start the engine, the starter will fire, the engine will turn over, and will idle properly before we pull out of the garage. If your engine stalls when you put it into drive or first gear, there may be something small or large wrong with the vehicle that requires extra attention from an auto repair professional.

The first step to diagnose an engine dilemma problem is to determine exactly when the stop occurs. Does it occur while idling? Does it occur when driving? If the engine stall occurs while idling, check all hoses around the engine for any type of broken or cracked vacuum hoses and air intake boots. If there is someone there to help, have them lightly press on the gas pedal while it is in neutral to evaluate for any movement of noise or air leaks that you can hear while the engine slowly revs up.

If the engine stalls while driving, this can be a more complex procedure to evaluate and requires checking fuses and fuse holders as well as plugging in the engine to a computer to scan for trouble codes. A test light is a tool used to check fuse status and should be performed as the first step before anything else. If the fuses test okay, the next step will be to scan for trouble codes. A stalling engine can often trigger trouble codes that are not related to the original problem. In that case, it is important to fix the engine stalling problem first before going on to evaluate and treat other auto repair problems.

However, any auto repair professional will tell you that it is often worth your weight in gold to trust your vehicle with an accredited and acclaimed technician from the start. This will help ensure that the problem is diagnosed properly and that the perfect fix is ​​executed with ease. Many individuals look at the auto repair business as an intimidating process in which they get taken advantage of financially. Instead, arm yourself with this information and get a reliable quote that will give you peace of mind for both the longevity of your vehicle and the status of your bank account.

The Duel of Fuel and Electric

The history of automobile emphasizes on luxury, comfort, and aesthetics over performance, power, speed and safety. This is true for its original necessity - transportation and transport. However, if we consider buying a car with more horsepower that is safe for everyday use and gives more mileage - gasoline-powered cars are the best choice - both for highways and racetracks.

The theory is not mere a wild speculation or desktop projection, it's a real world simulation. The UC Davis has recently launched the "EV Project" that allowed the car-users to simulate their commute in an EV (Electric Vehicle) compared to a gas-powered vehicle. The project found that, a 50-mile round-trip commute could save an electric 2014 Chevrolet Volt owner about $ 1,000 of annual fuel costs compared to driving a gasoline-based 2014 Ford Focus. However, pure electric cars are more expensive than their gas-based counterparts. For instance, a 2018 Ford Focus costs less than $ 18,000, while the 2018 Chevrolet Volt will set consumers back more than $ 34,000 and the all-electric Chevrolet Bolt will take more than $ 38,000. Solving the equation in this hypothetical scenario, it would take the Chevy owner more than 17 years to recoup the extra costs of buying an Electric. In other words, EVs are not suitable for the users who plan to hold on to the vehicle for a long period of time. EVs also cost more upfront than gas-based cars. They need supporting charging infrastructure, plug-in accessibility and specialized maintenance workshops, which are not yet appropriate to meet the rising consumer demand.

The added concern is spiced up when it comes to mileage and range. With a single charge, most of the elite EVs like Tesla Model X, Model S, Model 3, Chevrolet Bolt, and 2018 Nissan Leaf can run only 225 miles on an average in an ideal scenario. This number can get as low as 170 on cold or hot days with heater or AC running full blast. Hybrids and gas-based cars are better options in this case. To get full potential of the Hybrids, some auto buyers opt for the Plug-in Hybrids (PHEV). A 2018 Chevrolet Volt, for instance, has 53 miles of electric range, and a conventional gas tank for longer trips up to 420 miles.

It is true that EVs are environment friendly but they are not necessarily clean as the electricity is generated somehow. It is comparable to using the same fossil fuel - only cleaner. The EVs run on lithium-ion battery, which needs to be mined from the ground. Chemically, lithium is a corrosive alkali metal which wastes hazardous gaseous derivatives when it comes in contact with moisture, resulting in increased environment pollution. In application, this may cause the EVs to emit hazardous gases or even catch fire if they are stored in a cold weather or are not properly maintained. The current electric infrastructure of such technology does not provide provision for reusing the batteries or recalibrating the disposal costs. Fuel-based cars can be easily rebuilt, their engines swapped and fuels filtered; but not so currently with an Electric.

The technology of the "Future Transportations" is still young and expensive than their gas-based cousins. The EVs may be easier to charge, but they cost more in the medium-long run. Even the most advanced EV batteries wear out occasion and need frequent replacement. For such replacement, Tesla Model 3 battery pack costs $ 190 per kWh and Chevy Bolt battery pack $ 205 per kWh. The charging stations are another link to the EV sustenance. In a euphoric state, consumers can skip the gas stations and 'fill-up' their EV either from a charging station on their way to work or through an added solar array sitting in their home. In reality, while gas stations can be found every 1 mile on a regular highway, EV battery charging stations may not be found that often. People living in apartments or condos may find it difficult to get the charging plug-ins. At a high cost, the plug-ins are now available only in the most advanced countries, such as the US and Western Europe. Not to mention, this becomes a deal breaker for many new buyers and gives headache to auto owners in the developing countries.

The perennial debt gains much traction over automobile safety issue. In theory, EVs are less combustible than gas cars. However, once tattoo on flame, EVs are hard to put out. In October 2017, a Tesla Model S caught fire after it crashed into a concrete barrier on Ahlberg Expressway in Austria. The incident took 35 firefighters to extinguish the blaze. Recently, on March 23, 2018, a Tesla Model X rammed headfirst into an unshielded median on Highway 101 in California and caught on fire. The blaze shut the highway for 5 hours which became a nightmare for the firefighters to put out. The EV motors are not responsible for such disastrous catastrophes. The potent villains are the lithium-ion batteries that can fuel hotter fires and release intense heat and are harder to extinguish. The battery fires further generate a range of toxic fumes, smoke and gas that pose greater danger for daily commute and the environment. At present, only a competent personnel from the EV makers have the expertise in tackling such electrical emissions and hazards. The state firefighters and general commuters are not always aware of this 'technological knowhow' as the EVs do not come with a detailed manual of '101 of Putting Out your EV Fire'!

The recent crashes are bringing back the debate on whether EVs are safer than diesel and gasoline-powered vehicles when it comes to safety. In black and white, the Tesla Model X may have a perfect score for crash test safety rating. But hands-on experiences and records always prove stronger than rainbow promises and white-washed lab results. With technological breakthrough EVs may be the harbinger of transportation revolution in the coming decades. Battery packs replacement cost may drop to as little as $ 73 per kWh after 2030 and the current range anxiety may become a thing of past. The Hybrids and EVs may offer greater options and more convenience to the demanding consumer end and new commercial setup. But at this stage, if we consider road safety for tension-free travel, it is easier to bet on the 'combustion' engines over the battery run motors.

Importance of Amplifiers

Today there are many categories of amplifiers used for multifarious purposes. In simple terms an amplifier picks up a weak signal and converts it into a strong one. It is widely used in several devices to boost electrical signals. Radios, televisions and telephones are a few examples to point out in this regard. There are innumerable other applications of amplifiers and it is not easy to enumerate all of them. Some of the common types of amplifiers are used in electronic gadgets and audio systems. These are also used in musical instruments and guitars. Apart from the above many other types of amplifiers like vacuum tube or valve, transistor, operational and fully differential amplifiers are also used for specific purposes. Video amplifiers are of diverse types. Oscilloscope vertical type and distributed type are the two commonly used ones in this context. Again there are microwave amplifiers which are categorized as traveling wave tube amplifiers and Kly strons. Then there are subwoofer amplifiers. They are nothing but amplifiers that are used on subwoofers which are usually found in cars and radios. Subwoofer amplifier use power to amplify low frequency sound waves. A lot of studies and research were undertaken to develop the science of amplification in the past decades and this device have become integral parts of many systems. Several branches of science and technology are making use of the device.

The application of electronic device are therefore boundless. Various technologies are adopted to put the principles to their optimum use. Consumers today are more familiar with audio amplifiers. There is therefore a general perception that all amplifiers are audio oriented. It is part and parcel of any audio system. Amplifiers are utilized to enhance or regulate the audio contents. In the early stages of its usage, the purpose was to control the volume of sound. But in the course of time, technology developed and the role of amplifier became more elaborate. Amplifier is now made use of not only to enhance the volume of sound but also to add clarity to the contents. Both vocal and instrumental outputs are regulated to offer comfortable noise level without diluting the contents. A listener can give accent to vocal contents in a programme or alternatively to the background music from instruments by adjusting amplifiers.

The importance of this one is now paramount. It is essential for shoppers to understand the significance of the device in a given application. But many of the shoppers may not be conversant with the physics or theory behind its practical applications. In the case of this, irrespective of the category the best source to gather valuable information is the internet. Exclusive websites devoted to these are to be pointed out in this context. Visitors to such websites will have the privilege to learn about various products and services available in the market. Highly subjective reviews about latest introductions are provided for the guidance of the consumers. Such reviews will help the shoppers to identify the right product. Online dealers offer competitive rates for latest products like hifi amplifiers, car amplifiers, and integrated amplifiers from among large collections of sophisticated products. At a time when people find little time to search extensively and to resort to shop hopping, exclusive websites are really helpful.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Winter Auto Detailing Tips

The winter season can cause a lot of damage to your car. During the cold winter months, the car's plastic, glass, tires and paint work are at the mercy of the elements. Before the winter arrives, you can help protect your car with a little protective work. Let's take a look at a few things to keep your car protected for the winter:

Seal the paint work

A paint sealant like a synthetic wax is a practical option to apply to your car if it is likely to be left exposed to the extreme winter conditions. Use a proper paint sealant to give the desired protection against road salts and water. Many of the modern sealants are very effective at creating a useful barrier to stop oils, chemicals or other contaminants from causing damage to the paint work. A single application of a top-rated paint sealant has the potential to last the entire winter season.

Keep the car clean

Driving on the road in the winter can increase the risk of the car getting chipped or scratches because of the many items of debris on the road. Any deep scratches that are left in the car's paint work can lead to moisture penetration which will continue to freeze and thaw. Over time this will start to weaken the local paint work and oxidation will start to set in.

A regular car wash is a great way to minimize the risk of paint related oxidation. Also, the entire body of the car should be checked for paint scratches and chips. If any defects in the paint are noted, they can be repaired with a suitable paint sealant.

Treat the leather interior

The cold winter months can have a negative impact on the leather interior of a car. The dry and cold weather is very effective at pulling the moisture from the leather upholstery. The best course of action is to treat the leather before the start of the cold weather arrives. Ideally, it is wise to start the work on the leather before the daytime temperature drops below 50 ° Fahrenheit. If the treatment is left too late it can be difficult to get the leather to accept the conditioner.

Give the tires protection

Every part of the car has a tough time in the winter. This even applies to the tires, which can benefit from a generous application of a high-quality tire dressing to give a useful barrier against the natural elements. Also, a silicone based tire dressing is a further option for those traveling in snow because it can help to stop the buildup of road salt, ice and snow.