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Friday, January 11, 2019

Make Money and Love It

Someone once told me that play is work that we enjoy. I began to wonder why people do not play at work. There is a stigma that surrounds the word work. It is a necessary evil; it forces you to work for your weekend - the time you enjoy; it is just to be endured. But I do not believe it. Work can be fun, sure there will still be tough days, but there is nothing wrong with looking forward to going to work on Monday. Many things factor into whether you will enjoy your work: the people, the environment, and the work itself. These factors can keep you from enjoying work, but when used to your benefit, they can also help you find and retain enjoyment at your work.

What you excel in doing will affect if you enjoy the work you do. This is because individuals find satisfaction in accomplishes. I am a great goal-setter, planner and executor. I worked for a company where I severely got to use any of those skills. Instead, my time was focused on encouraging people to do things that did not want to do, which required skills in reading people, customizing messages to each individual person, and being a cheerleader; none of which are my strengths. Knowing this, each day I would try to improve how I talked to people and to influence them to smile at customers, and each day when my goals were not reached I went home feeling like a failure. Being in an environment where you can use your strengths allows you to go home with a sense of accomplishment. Spending your day toiling in areas where you struggle, leaves you feeling empty.

Many books have been written that will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses. Some go so deep as to help you find your undering motivators. These are fantastic resources which I recommend. For now, however, I want to focus on a quick analysis.

Think of your best day at work where you felt a sense of accomplishment. What happened? What activities were you doing? Did you land a tough deal? Did you overt a crisis? Did you create a successful plan? What attributes did that day's activities have? By boiling it down you will find the basics of what you enjoy doing.

What do people say you are good at? Does your boss ever refer co-workers to you for advice because you do something well? Do people seek you out as the expert in certain activities? What do you get recognized for? These are all great indicators of your strengths.

What do you find yourself doing when you do not have to? Are there activities at work or home you find yourself participating in even though you do not have (are not required) to? I am constantly creating plans and setting milestones for projects I do outside of life. My friend will sit down and pound out a book in a day. My husband will design and build things, not because it needs to be done, but because he enjoys the process. Figure out what you enjoy that can be translated to work.

Just knowing what you are good at is not enough, it is important to understand what you do not do well. What do you dread doing at work? Do you avoid paperwork like it is the plague? Do you make as few client calls as possible? What activities do you do that never seem to measure up to the status quo? My first internship I asked to cold call potential investors to see if they would be interested in speaking with a broker. After four hours of cold calling I went home crying. Each time I made a call that day, I would feel apprehension: afraid they would ask a question I would not have the answer to; afraid they would be rude to me; afraid I would get yelled at. Talking to strangers and trying to sell a product was not my strength.

After you know what you do not do well, there are two things to do: either manage those weaknesses or avoid situations that require them. To manage a weakness you need to leakage other skills to help you do that activity to the (level of the) status quo. Do not expect to ever make your weaknesses a strength. That same time you could use practicing and improving your current strengths and yield a much higher return on investment. Look at the activities you do not do well and see if there are ways for you to do that activity a little differently and still achieve it. Some things you can avoid absolutely. Is there someone at work whose strengths compliment your weaknesses? Maybe you can share the work. Do you have the authority to hire someone to take on the work you do not do well so you can focus on your strengths? In my business I am good at the organizational management piece where my partner is better at the sales piece (remember my cold-calling experience). I focus on directing the vision of our organization while he brings in the business. Would this work for you?

By understanding your strengths versus your weaknesses, you can begin shaping your job to fit you (or finding a different career). You will find you have much more satisfaction after spending your day being successful versus struggling through a workday by trying to rely on weaknesses. And go ahead, play at work.

Selecting A Make Money Online Site

The internet offers wonderful opportunities for anyone who wants to make money online. The choices are endless because there are no geographical restrictions. What about if you want to work for somebody else at this stage rather than striking out on your own?

What you need to do is to find a make money online site that suits your fancy and get to work. The kind of site that you select will determine the kinds of jobs that you have access to, so choose very carefully.

Decide On the Terms You Want

It is important for you to practice caution when it comes to selecting a make money online site. You need to decide on the kind of job you want, as well as the terms and conditions that suit your needs. If you want complete flexibility when working online, then you should ensure that you select those sites that allow you to choose your clients and set your own hours. Some sites usually emphasize on a minimum number of hours per day or week, and if you are not able to meet the requirements, you will gain a bad reputation.

Decide the Kind of Work You Want

Not every make money online site that you want, will offer you the kind of job you are interested in. It is possible to find all kinds of jobs as long as you know where to look. Online writing sites, for example, offer you numerous opportunities to write articles, academic papers, SEO articles and so on for clients. Transcription sites, on the other hand, offer you an opportunity to convert files to transcripts for various organizations like hospitals and news media.

If you are interested in accounts, you will also be able to get a job doing accounts for individuals, small and medium businesses, as well as corporations. Additional jobs include programming tasks, film editing, photograph editing, proofreading among others. It is important for you to find the right site for your specific skills. If you have more than one skill, then sites that offer a variety of jobs may be the best option for your needs. It will allow you to perform tasks you want when you want them without suffering from monotony.

Decide On the Kind of Payments That You Want

Different jobs pay in different ways depending on the moneymaking site that you join online. Some will pay you a one-off payment for your work while others will pay you residual payments on a regular basis and in the long-term. Other sites may off you an immediate payment as well as residual earnings. After analyzing the pros and cons of each method, ensure that you select one that will benefit you the most in the long-term.

Also, ensure the method of payment; be it through checks, debit cards, points system, gift vouchers, or even online payment systems is agreeable to you. Some of these methods are irreversible. It is, therefore, important for you to research into the make money online site interest you before opening an account. You will be solely responsible for the decisions you make with regard to working online. The wrong decision will cause you plenty of regrets down the line but the right one will bring a much brighter future for you and your family.

Things To Be Remembered About Fuse Replacement

Electrical power is significant to people's lives. It is important at the same time hazardous and powerful. Safety measures should be followed to be able to stay clear of harmful circumstances when working in direct contact with electricity. Even electricians who are skilled in this sort of discipline are taking precautions to avoid accidents. Anyone who will not have any electrical background on electrical power should not attempt or trying out to repair any electrical difficulties in their homes. This may result in personal injuries and destroy properties as well.

Actually, many inventions have prevented some hazards to take place so that you can keep away from any risk when doing work with electrical power. One of these safety defense inventions will be the fuse. Fuse is a basic safety measure to help avert electrical cables or wires from overheating. The metal strip melts if there is overloading that disconnects the electrical current flow in the circuit to in which it is connected. By doing this lessens the potential risk of overheating wires and cables which may bring about electrical fires. The moment blown, fuse replacement needs to be done.

You will discover cases in which many individuals are actually electrocuted because of fuse replacement. Anybody is at substantial risk if no precautions are already taken. Not being careful can effortlessly turn electrocution into a fatal situation if there is an occurrence of a sudden power surge. It is very vital to shut the electric power off through the main supply when working with potent electrical current. This safe tactic prevents a person from being electrocuted, steering clear of injuries, at the same time damage to properties.

Don't try to come in contact with or touch the electrocuted individual. Also, you need to call paramedics straight away so that you can save the life of the electrocuted person. Handling electricity without right measures taken may cause cardiac arrest, extreme burns plus a probably brain damage as well as impairment to other organs.

Paramedics or any person who is trained on how to deal with this circumstance can greatly assist. These trained experts have health care equipment referred to as emergency defibrillator to use to restart an electrocuted persons' heart and prevent death. In managing any electrical issues, you ought to request the support of an electrician. They are absolutely skilled professional for this discipline and have great knowledge about electricity. Employing qualified electrician could be the most effective way to correct electrical complications within your home.

Buying A Low Cost Washing Machine

One of the necessary appliances in a household today is the washing machine. Doing your laundry without the help of a washing machine just takes so much of your time and energy. Yet, sometimes we just do not have enough budget to buy such high-priced machines no matter how bad we need it. This is where purchasing inexpensive washing machines comes to mind.

The market has a lot to offer, nowdays, you should decide to purchase a low-cost washing machine. You simply need to do some research and pick the one's that will fit your basic laundry needs. These days, most manufacturers offers washers that are packed with cool functionalities that are mostly not needed especially if you're on a tight budget. You do not need to squander your money on those machines.

Most known brands offers two classes of washers, namely, the fully automatic washers and the semi-automatic ones. It's the semi-automatic that you should go for if you're planning to save some bucks. It already comes with a washer, spinner, and a dryer, but will definitely require your supervision. As for the fully automated machine, you can just load your laundry and leave it. It comes with a high price tag, though. A semi-automatic machine is your best economic option if you do not mind doing a bit of supervising on your laundry chores.

When purchasing a low-cost machine, its quality of wash is just comparable to its expensive counterpart. It's definitely not essential to buy the high-priced ones just so you can get a superior wash for your garments. Expensive machines may be packed with excellent functionalities, such as delay wash, super quick wash, and different temperature regulators, yet, all these does not better the wash quality. They're just there for your ease and convenience.

If you examine a known machine brand and do a comparison between its high-priced design and its lowest-priced one, you will notice that similar parts are being used. You are only paying extra high for those additional functionalities. This is why it's advisable for you to identify which functionalities will best suit your washer needs, so you do not have to pay extra for those that you do not require. It's safe to say then that purchasing an ordinary low-cost machine from a known manufacturer will provide you an excellent bargain in the long term.

Definitions Of The Most Common Medicare Terms

There are a number of Medicare terms that everyone should know if they are policy holders or are about to be. We have listed the more common ones below.

Appeal - a formal complaint that an individual files if certain drugs and services are not covered by their particular Medicare plan when they feel that they should be.

Co-pay - the portion of any medical services and / or prescription medications that you are responsible for paying.

Deductible - the amount of money that must be paid by the insured for medical care before Medicare covers any such expenses.

Doug dungeon hole - the coverage gap found in some Medicare drug plans (scheduled to close in 2020).

Dual eligibility - refers to being eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare.

Enrollment period - the limited time period that an individual can enroll in a health care plan or switch to a different one.

Grievance - a formal complaint made to Medicare when your health care plan or the person administrating medical treatment to you has treated you improperly or poorly.

Home health care - short-term care provided while you are recovering at home from an illness or injury. Occasional part-time skilled care as well as some medical equipment, services, and supplies are included in a home health care plan.

Hospice care - care administrated to those individuals with a terminal illness or medical condition (covered in Part A). Counseling and physical care are included.

Long-term care - Medicare does not cover ungoing health or personal care that an assisted living facility or a nursing home would provide.

Medicaid - federal and state programs that are separate from Medicare. This assists those individuals with limited assets and low incomes to pay for their medical expenses.

Medicare Advantage - alternative health care for Parts A and B that are provided by a private insurance carrier.

Medicare Part A - pays for hospitice care, hospital stays, and some home health care.

Medicare Part B - pays for lab tests, medical equipment, physician visits, and some medical services.

Medicare Part D - coverage that is provided for some brand name and generic medicines.

Medigap - private insurance that covers the gaps in Part A and Part B coverage. It is also sometimes referred to as Medicare Supplemental Insurance.

Out-of-pocket expenses - those expenses that you are responsible for and are not covered by Medicare insurance.

Premiums - payments for health care coverage that is usually made on a monthly basis.

Skilled nursing care - medical care provided by licensed LPN's (Licensed Practical Nurses) or RN's (Registered Nurses).

For more information, the entire Medicare glossary is available online at the US Government Site for Medicare.

Buying Back Taxes - Properties For Fun and Lots of Profit in 5 No-Brainer Steps

If you've been considering taking the leap into property investing, now's the time. Buying back taxes properties is a great place to start. You can potentially buy dozens of properties a year if you know the right way to go about getting them. You should learn to buy tax property outside the auction for the best profits. Here's how.

1. Let other investors bid at tax sale ... you stay home. New tax sale investors always drive prices up - no more good deals to be had. Also, Buying back taxes properties at tax sale is risky. You can not inspect it first, more than doing a drive-by. Even if it looks good from the outside, it could have major issues inside. You'll be able to avoid all these pitfalls by getting your properties without going to the tax sale.

2. You'll buy property at the end of the redemption period after tax sale. This weeds out owners that will redeem the property - they have, by this far in. This leaves owners that can not or do not want to pay the taxes, for a number of reasons. Keep your eye out for this situation - it's the one you want to find, because it makes buying back taxes properties really simple!

3. Next, determine who the owners are and what their contact info is. Free searches on the web as well as paid skiptracing sites makes this step easy. When you have their contact info, give them a call or an email.

4. Buy the deed. If they are not planning to pay the taxes, tell them you'd love the chance to see if anything could have done with the property, and offer a few hundred bucks for their time. These owners are often glad to see you get the property, and not the tax sale bidder.

5. Sell or pay the taxes on the property. If you have enough cash on hand, you can redeem the property and rent it or sell it later for market value. You can also opt to sell right away and let the new buyer take care of the back taxes. Either way ensures a healthy profit on your investment.

This method of buying back taxes properties works. Try it for yourself! And because of the rising number of tax foreclosures, there's never been a better time to start buying tax foreclosure property. Like anything in life - taking action is the first step!

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of 3rd Party Motor Insurance

Insurance coverage is some of the best tools available when it comes to risk management. Understanding 3rd party car insurance is essential if you wish to learn about the pros and cons which go along with it. This article will talk about the definition of third party auto insurance as well as the pros and cons that come with it.

Understanding 3rd party car insurance

Third party auto insurance is also referred to as liability coverage. These terms are used to describe a kind of insurance which will pay out a certain settlement to 3rd parties if your vehicle should be involved in an accident. Many countries have laws in place which state that is the minimum quantity of insurance coverage that all car owners need to have. This is because 3rd party car insurance will pay for any and all damage to a third party's property that is a direct result of any sort of accident involving your automobile.

Various insurance providers have different deals available with regards to 3rd party vehicle insurance. It is up to you to determine which package and just how much coverage will be the best choice. If you choose a low amount of coverage then you may find yourself in a situation where your insurance policy doesn't cover all costs related to damage to a third party's property. However, high coverage limitations can cost you a great deal more in monthly premiums.

The Pros Of Third Party Vehicle Insurance

The biggest pro of getting third party vehicle insurance coverage will be the proven fact that you would be financially protected in the event that you are liable to pay for damage inflicted to another's property as a result of an accident. Your insurance company would settle the total amount owing. If you did not have third party insurance you would then be taken to court and would need to pay for all damage from your bank account. Many people don't have this kind of cash readily available.

The Disadvantages Of Third Party Automobile Insurance coverage

There's truly only one notable disadvantage or downside when it comes to third party insurance coverage. This is the fact that many car owners feel like they are paying for something they will never make use of. Actually, numerous car owners are lucky enough never to require this insurance coverage. However, one cannot know when something like a collision or car crash will happen and therefore, you always need to be prepared if you wish to safe guard your own financial situation. In the event that a separate 3rd party car insurance policy is working out to be too costly every month then you should consider shopping around for an umbrella policy. These policies are comprehensive and are made up of some different types of insurance policies but because of the fact that you are opting for a package deal, you'd benefit from a huge saving.

The advantages that come with 3rd party car insurance policies far outweigh any potential disadvantages.