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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Accounting Services

There is more to accounting than filing income taxes. Proper use of accounting allows your business to create and use many useful tools to help your company grow and to understand how and where improvements can be made in your business to maximize growth and profits while reducing expenses and losses.

To most large businesses, this is old news, but many small businesses remain small and struggle because they are not aware of just how useful accounting is and how important it is to have an accountant to track every aspect of your business.

Most business owners think of accounting as just recording the income and expenses for their taxes, and only use an accountant at the end of the year for filing the income tax statement. You know, that point when you gather up all of your receipts and place them in an old shoebox and drop them off with the CPA. Well, there is more to accounting than filing income taxes.

By recording all of your business activity from income and expenses to man hours, pay rates, production, and inventory or waste, an accountant can create reports that help you track and understand the growth or reasons for lack of growth of your business.

Some basic reports that are useful are productivity reports, balance sheets, cash flow analysis, and profits and losses reports.

Profit and loss reports analyze the costs of production against the amount of profit made. This takes into account the income, labor, materials, waste and overhead costs associated with a particular part of your income. These reports show you where you can reduce overhead costs and labor or if you need to increase the price of the product or service analyzed to meet your desired profit margins.

Cash flow analysis reports examine the amount of income and expense your business has overall, and more directly shows how and when your income comes in and your expenses go out. This is crucial to your business.

When your expenses flow out before your money comes in, it creates problems making payroll, inventory purchases, or overhead costs. The cash flow analysis report can show you when to order inventory or adjust payments and income schedules to ensure that you always have the available funds to operate your business.

Balance sheets record your assets, liabilities, and equity or Net Worth. While these reports show when things are out of balance and help locate missing funds, they are also used to gain an overall prospect of your business performance. In understanding where your company sets, you can make more informed decisions about your company growth, expansion, advertising budget, and ability or need to hire new employees or cut back on your labor force.

Productivity reports can be used to show rate of production, costs of production, and overall performance of where your company is performing daily operations. By comparing reports of product or service production with waste and labor or even each individual labor and your schedule of man hours used, you can determine many points of improvement in your company productivity. Productivity reports help to determine scheduling, staffing, when to order materials, how long it takes to fill orders, where you can reduce wasted man hours and materials or just use a less expensive employee.

As you should see and understand by now, these reports are critical to the growth of any company and make the difference between staying a small struggling business or growing or just stabilizing your small business with higher profits and less complications.

These reports are all part of accounting services that an accountant can generate for your company through daily accounting services and recording all activities of your business. Accounting reports can be generated daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and so on. When you start using these reports, you will find different trends by comparing daily, weekly, monthly, and annual reports that will also help your business grow and profit.

Computers For Senior Citizens

This is the first article in a series aimed at senior citizens who are new to computers. Maybe your children have talked you into getting a computer to 'go online', sometimes to keep in touch with loved ones by email, maybe to help with your genealogy research, or to shop online as it increasingly becomes easy to do so rather than face a trip to the shopping mall.

The first thing to understand is that you are not alone, 'silver surfing' - older people using the Internet - is the fastest expanding group of Internet users. Of course anything new can be daunting, more so the older you get; but there is a lot of help out there and you will probably be up and running much quicker than you expect.

The first decision is what sort of computer to buy. There are two basic types: a PC (personal computer) which probably has a 'tower' which holds most of the working bits, and a separate keyboard and mouse. Then there is the laptop and its smaller sister the netbook / notebook. These are portable and everything is contained in the one box which is about the size of a large book. Each has its pros and cons.

The advantages of a laptop are its portability, but as you are illegally to want to carry it around with you this will be much less of an advantage than someone who uses their for work. A PC's screen will be larger, as will the keyboard; and a mouse is less fiddly to use than the equivalent part of a laptop. So I would recommend a PC as your best buy. PCs are also cheaper than a laptop with the equivalent power.

If you visit a shop selling computers you will find the price range is huge. The good news is the cheapest end will suit your purposes as even at this price level you will be able to email, shop online, write letters, use a spreadsheet for the family budget, store and play music, store and manipulate photographs and many more tasks. More expensive machines are for those who wish to play sophisticated games or run complicated business software.

The only other thing you need to choose at this stage is the operating system. As the name suggests this is the software that makes the computer work. Most computers come with one of the Windows operating systems already installed. The alternative is a Mac, a rival system that has a cult following but which is more expensive. If you follow the Windows route there are several to choose from. Windows 7 is the new offering from Microsoft which will replace Windows Vista. It is an improvement, so faced with the choice go for '7'. However, there are several flavors of Windows 7. The one you want is Windows 7 Home Premium. This will enable you to surf the Internet, contact family and friends, watch and record TV programs, and create DVDs from your own photographs or camcorder.

Further articles in the series will show you how to get the most from your computer.

The Most Important Birthdays in a Person's Life

We all would agree that a birthday is typically a day to sit back, relax, and celebrate! For some, every birthday is a special day, regardless of what they do or who they spend it with. Others feel the only way to really enjoy a birthday is to have a huge party where all their friends and family can celebrate with them. No matter the way you celebrate your birthdays there will always be our most memorable days of the year. However, there are just a handful of birthdays that are commonly considered the most important in our lives.

First Birthday- While you really have no choice on birthday decisions made when you are turning one year old, as a parent you have the opportunity to make your child's first birthday amazing. While they might not be able to remember much, the video and the photos will speak for themselves as they grow. To celebrate the first birthday it can be a great way to celebrate if you give them their first cake or cupcake. It is the start of all the years to come, and a great way to celebrate a baby becoming a toddler.

Thirteenth Birthday- For a child, the thirteenth birthday is just one step closer to adulthood. A child is now a teenager and they want to have a little more birthday freedom than they did before. This is their opportunity to be taken a little more seriously and seen as a small step closer to making adult decisions.

Sixteenth Birthday- Primarily for a female, the sixteenth birthday is a step closer to womanhood. For many teens they are obtaining their driver's license, in some states they can get a job, and many are now allowed to date. Sixteen years is just a little bit away from eighteen, and a teen is going to be sure you do not forget that.

Eighteenth Birthday- Arguably some will consider their eighth birthday to be the most important birthday of their life. This is the day a child legally is called an adult, and life "begins". While there are many ways to celebrate, the 'new' adult is sure excited about the day in general.

Twenty-first Birthday- A twenty-first birthday is the official step into adulthood. This birthday is more about celebrating with adult parties and drinking than any other birthday before or after it. At twenty-one most people are interested in celebrating with their friends and not necessarily their family, keep this in mind if you want to plan a party for your child or family member.

These five births are standard for special birthdays in the average person's life. Do not be surprised, however, if someone you care about says their favorite birthday is their twenty-fifth, or their thirieth, or even their sixtieth. There are various reasons why a person may find one birthday to be their favorite over all others, it is a matter of personal opinion, and the experience one has on their birthday is what makes the day special!

7 Thai Phrases You Should Learn to Impress a Thai Girl

So, you've decided to take my advise and find a Thai girlfriend. Great! That is the first step to a very happy life for you. So the first thing is to go out and find a girl. My past articles have given some great advise on how to do that and there will be plenty more advise in the future. But once you do find that special Thai girl, you will want to impress her by knowing a few words / phrases that will come in handy when impressing your new Thai beauty.

Today, I'll go over 7 Thai words / phrases that you should know when dating or trying to date a girl either online or when traveling to Thailand. Keep in mind that these are rough English pronunciations to the actual Thai words. The good news is that most Thai girls can read at least a little English and will be able to understand these English written Thai words and phrases if you are chatting online using IM or on Thai dating websites. Let's get started!

1. The first thing you should learn is to tell your Thai girl that she looks beautiful. This can be said as the following: Sway mak. The word "sway" means beautiful and "mak" translates into very. Alternately, you can say: "Narak mak" which translates to "very cute".

2. Next, you should know what she might reply to you when you tell here she is beautiful. She may just say "hob khun ka" which is Thai for "thank you". Or she may be sassy and say "pak waan" which means "sweet mouth". This is a cute and flirty way of a Thai girl that means she does not fully believe your sweet words to her.

3. If you are just meeting your Thai lady, you may want to ask her if she already has a boyfriend or kick, To do this, say: "Khun me faen mai?" This literally translates to: "you have boyfriend?"

4. When you are starting to get serious with your Thai girlfriend, it may be time to start calling her by the name that Thai ladies love. The word is "tirak". When you call her this, she's literally melt with happiness. But just be sure that you mean it first!

5. If you are talking to a girl and it's late, you might want to tell her "sweet dreams". To do this you can say: "Faan dee". She'll really like that and go to sleep thinking of you. Trust me.

6. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly is the first night you go on a date. If you are in Thailand, make sure to go to a nice romantic restaurant and bring a bottle of wine. Raise you glass and say "chon gaow". If you are drinking from a bottle, say "chon cuord". "Gaow" means glass and "cuord" means bottle.

7. The final phrase you will want to learn when dating a Thai girl is the big "L" word. To say I love you, simply say "Pom rak khun". I'll leave the rest up to you!

Monday, January 21, 2019

New Stitch and Glue Tug Boat You Can Build

The new "Tug Along" is the latest stitch and glue plywood design that you can build yourself whether you are a first time boat builder or seasoned professional. The Tug Along can be built in 16' or 18' lengths, both with a 7' 9" beam. This is a simple, practical yacht that will turn heads whether on the water or perched on a trailer.

The flat bottom hull provides excellent stability and won't rock when someone moves. The nice large high windowed cabin and 6' 6" of headroom makes this small boat seem unusually spacious. This is a great boat to enjoy in quiet water bays, lakes and rivers.

The Tug Along is designed for an outboard motor up to about 15 horsepower which can be concealed under the decks and runs in a partial tunnel. Sleeping accommodations are spacious with berths extending to 5' 6" by 6' 3". Room is also provided for a small galley with a stove and sink as well as a portable head, storage and helm station.

Full size dimensional layouts are provided for virtually every part of the boat which are easily laid out onto wood, cut and assembled. Also included are extensive written instructions and a Stitch and Glue Manual.

The Tug Along is designed with the first time builder in mind, but seasoned builders are sure to enjoy this straight-forward, fun project.


Length overall: 15' 10" or 18'

Beam: 7' 9"

Hull depth midship: 41"

Hull weight (approx): 450 lbs. or 525 lbs.

Overall height: 7' 7"

Cabin headroom: 6' 6"

Water capacity: 6 gals.

Holding tank (gray water): 6 gals.

Fuel capacity: 11 gals.

Hull type: Flat bottom, developed for sheet plywood with rounded stern. For standard sized plywood assembled by the Stitch and Glue construction method.

Power: Outboard motors to 15 hp.

Get to Work Finding a Job - Concentrated Career Efforts Pay Off

Anyone who says the current economy has drastically affected the job market is just wrong. For those who are willing to put in the sincere effort to find a job, providing them sincerely like to work, there's always gainful employment to be had.

If it takes you longer than two weeks to land a really great job, you're doing something wrong.

Heed this helpful of helpful tips and you're sure to get your career swiftly back on track.

Think that being unemployed means you do not have a job? Guess again. Finding work IS your job. Forget sleeping in and setting a leisurely pace. Get up early and immediately attack the job search. Devote at least eight hours a day to the process.

Have a plan. For example (and this is simply one course of action; you can certainly plot out a strategy that may be even more effective for you);

Day 1.
Get up by 6 am Get online. Search your state's Internet employment bank and job-search sites such as Career Builder and Make a point of applying for at least ten jobs. Take a break for lunch. Get in your car or on a bus or head out on foot and note the names of at least a dozen (hopefully more) major businesses. Not everyone is going to advertise on the web with an external service. When you get back home look up the company websites and see what positions they are hiring for. Plan to apply for at least 5 more jobs to finish out your day.

Day 2.
Perform a new online search and note the top six opportunities that look most appealing to you. Now call those businesses and get the name of the hiring party and their email address and phone number. Create a more comprehensive cover letter, something that essentially sells your expertise, and email it to the person in charge. Follow up with phone calls later in the afternoon, without the job ad specifically stated "No phone calls."

Day 3.
Make sure you have a quality, up to date and error-free one page resume at the ready. Get nice looking copies on a professional grade paper stock and take them, door to door, to established companies that appeal to you. Make a concerted effort to get past the receptionist and at least introduce yourself to the HR director or any variety of hiring manager.

Day 4.
Follow up and follow through. Make calls or send out second emails to the top ten companies that you prefer to focus on at this time.

Day 5.
You're likely to have at least a few interviews arranged at this point, possibly more. Make sure you schedule your appointments with significant time in between. You NEVER want to be late for an interview.

A few more points to keep in mind;

Do not jump on the first offer. Think about the fit, your goals, the corporate structure and culture. There are many more considerations than wage in the long run. Job hopping is a waste of your time (as well as your interim employers) and extremely it will have a negative impact on your future ability to progress effectively in your career. Make sure that the position you accept is something you'll want to stick with for a long time, given the opportunity.

Be realistic about your worth. Do not demand a salary that's higher than your expertise and education would warrant, but do not sell yourself short either. Make sure that your new salary is at least as much, preferably more, than the amount you were most recently e-learning.

Be honest about your needs. If you're really uncomfortable about leaving your kids home alone past 5:30 and a job calls for service until 6, getting you home by 6:30 or even later, do not take it. You'll only end up resenting it and in the long run that negativity will detract from your work and create an unpleasant scenario at the office. Good companies care about the well being of their workers and will, within reason, make minor concessions to accommodate your personal needs.

Put real effort into your performance once you accept employment. Do your best to hide by the adage that "a job worth doing is worth doing well." Do not be a prima donna; help out where you've needed and drop the "it's not my job" attitude. If you're being paid, anything legal and reasonably moral can be your job. Get busy.

When you're on the job, remember that the workplace is for work. If you have time to gossip, take frequent breaks, surf the net or text friends, you obviously need more to do. Let your boss know that you'd like to have more assignments. If your work is done early, offer to help with someone else's. It's a business, not a playground. Be a good worker bee.

There's plenty of work to be had and a terrific supply of top-rate employers who are on the hunt for capable, conscientious professionals. If you're the type who is enthusiastic about rolling up your shirt sleeves and getting things done, it's likely that getting a good job will not be too tough. Put in a good amount of effort and you'll see some great results.

Paint On Your Own With Professional Results

Fresh coats of paint can make your home look fresh and just the way you want it. New exterior paint can make your home look appealing and inviting. It can be fun to pick colors for such projects. Yet the biggest barriers are often the time involved and the cost when you hire someone else. With a paint sprayer, you can paint on your own and get professional results.

You will be able to save both time and money. At the same time, you can get the appearance you want anywhere inside or outside of your home. Take your time to compare the various paint sprayer products out there. They are offered with various features and in various sizes. Think about the scope of the work you will do with the tool, and go from there.

Use with Ease

Even though a paint sprayer is going to offer you an array of features and benefits, the product is not going to be hard to use. The company takes pride in offering user-friendly products for do it yourself products. This is why so many of the home improvement stores offer such products. You can also find them online and have them shipped quickly.

Of course, you still need to follow the directions for the specific model you buy. This will make sure you get the most benefit from the product and it lasts a long time. Never assume these products are the same. While they may be similar, there are significant differences to take note of.

Fast Application

You will be able to get the paint applied in a fraction of the time with a paint sprayer versus a roller. This means you can get a professional look but you are not going to spend tons of your time to get it done. Most paint jobs must at least two coats, and you will be able to get that all done with ease. You can do it in sections and you will love seeing the progress.

Even Flow

One of the benefits of using a paint sprayer is the even flow design. You do not want to paint your be thicker in some areas than in others. You do not want to have paint splatter or blotches either. They will be hard to cover up and you do not want to leave them because they will be an eyesore. Instead, you want the paint to go on evenly and smoothly.

In order for that to happen, you need to make sure you spend enough time prepping the surface. This includes removing paint that has chipped for exterior jobs and washing the walls and the ceiling for interior painting.

Easy to Clean Up

Once the job is done, you will be appreciative of the fact you can clean a paint sprayer with ease. The process is to make sure it can be packed away until you are ready to use it again. Yet there will not be any gunk or residue inside of it that can compromise how well it works the next time around.

Durable and Affordable

This is a well-known brand with plenty of local consumers due to the durable nature of the products. The materials are carefully selected to hold up well to the ingredients in paint products and storage. They are also considered a good investment as the price is reasonable for such a product. In fact, you will often find them priced lower than competitor products.

That is very encouraging, especially since you know you will be saving money but not compromising anything about quality. This is a painting project tool you can put to use and be very happy with from start to finish.