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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Your Happiness IQ

We all know that happiness is a state of mind but we seem to keep forgetting this. Regardless of our circumstances, we can work to become happy just as sure as we can change our state of mind. Here are some pointers.

A common belief is that happiness is a place we need to get to and that the acquisition of certain things will take us there, be it a new job, more money, a vacation in paradise. Millions of people from all walks of life through history have told us that this is not true, so sure there must be some truth to it? The smart thing to do is find those triggers that will make us happy regardless of our current circumstances and most often these are things that we have never tried, be it a yoga or exercise class, painting, photography, volunteer work or a thousand other things like them. If we have never tried these things, with a little bit of work and determination we may find one of them unlocking our real selves and leading us to a much wider and more fulfilling sense of being filled with wonder, curiosity and creativity we never know we had.

Many of us unfortunately want something and we go through endless visualizations of ourselves in possession of those things. Be it a flashy car or a new house, no sooner than we get those things, they lose whatever attraction they had that hooked us so hard in the first place. This is a destructive cycle that, taken to its logical conclusion, means we will never, ever be happy. The truth is that we were rightfully excited and aroused by those things to begin with and we simply need to force ourselves to focus on those things again. They attract us for good reason and if we try hard, we will reignite our passion for that sleek look in the car or the sexy growl of its engine which speaks of a different standard of workmanship. Why not find out more about the people who designed and made it? What were they thinking and how do they feel about it now? Could you improve on anything? And how about the golf course view that drew us to the house-wouldn't it be interesting and kind of fun to take a photo of that view every week for a year, make a calendar out of those photos and compare how every week looks every following year, making notes as we go for our children and grandchildren to marvel over and treasure decades after we are gone? Would not you love to find something like that your great grandmother wrote?

We have everything right now and I'm sure you can think of a hundred other things to do to light the fire.

Withheld Calls - Tracing Tips and Methods

The use of cell phones has risen exponentially with the consequent fall in the prices of hand sets and call charges. The advances in telecommunications technology has made distinctions insignificant and we can now communicate to any one in any corner of the world effortlessly. The advantages of cell phones are innumerable, but then there is one nagging problem associated with cell phones which is withheld calls or anonymous calls. All these calls harassment people without revealing any thing about the caller and are being used to intimidate and extort hapless people. We now will have a look at the best and efficient methods of tracing such calls without spending much from our pocket.

Landline users can obtain information on the anonymous callers by dialing * 69 which provides the caller number and address immediately. Cell users find it difficult to trace anonymous calls and they have to use the services mentioned here to get the information of the caller.

All with calls calls come without any number that can be identified by the receiver. Such calls can not be identified with our hand sets and only the service provider that is routing the call will be able to tell the exact number. All service providers maintain a log of calls routed through their network and will have in place relevant equipment to trace any number used to call any other number. If you change your number to avoid such calls, it will be a waste of time and money. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the number you have changed can not be accessed again by the anonymous caller. Frequent changing of numbers also makes your number unavailable with your friends and business acquaintances, and results in losing communication with them.

You can use the services of a reverse mobile phone look up website, which by virtue of technology can trace any with call call successfully. Some of these sites are free and some charge for the rendered service. They take all pains and provide the name, address and if possible, email id of the anonymous caller. In my view paid websites are better as they offer service faster and efficiently. You have to register in reputed sites that can do the work and for this; you can try your own number for the authenticity of the results. Once satisfied, you can proceed to find the mysterious caller.

You can answer the phone personally to know the caller, but if the caller does not reveal his identity, it is certain then that this is a mischievous call. If this persists for days, you can approach the police for help. Police personnel will be able to trace any phone and initiate measures to protect you from these calls.

You can also try through a search engine of the internet which searches all the available websites and provides information, if the number is there by any chance. Some of these anonymous people place their number on the net with the impression that no one will get their number, which is false thinking.

All these methods are efficient and you can try any one or all the methods to get peace of mind from the pranksters.

A Birthday Is More Than Balloons - Involving the Kids to Be a Part of the Birthday Decor Prep

Birthdays are not just about balloons and cakes and caps, it's more than that, if not noticed dernly. Decoration is the step "A" of any party, that's where the feeling of celebrating something begins, right? So, it's more than exclusive to adullege your kids with decorations to give them a head-start to some decorative life-lessons.

Let them breath imagination

Ask them to put their ideas on table and they will peg away in collecting some good decorative tips. Encourage is the first step evolvement. Give them space to showcase their imaginations. Challenging them to a contest would influence more heed to the situation and there would be a healthy competition to be the best. This would help with their competitive skills and polish them to work under pressure.

Teach them to be Organized

Tell them "what to set where" and they will learn by doing it by their own. This will enhance the power of organizing things in order. These little steps, if they follow them as decoration rituals will stay with them forever. We see kids creating mess and keeping their belongings unorganized. These types of activities will teach them to keep things tidy and organized.

Manners and Etiquettes come along the Bucket

Amidst their journey of decorating for the party, they will stumble upon many do's and don'ts. This is how they know the difference in what to do and what to avoid. They will learn about so many things differently, like the entire process of decorating home will look different to them if they participate in the process. Who knows, some get inspired about becoming interior designer or sort of. It's all about letting them do things on their own, to get the moral of the story at the end.

Painters and Artists under Construction

Let them decide the theme, let the colors flow, let the art sink in them, let them take the lead, let them be confident, let them astir their movements. Once you leave them in-charge of the party, you will feel the surge of them being creative and innovative with all that comes handy. They will shake hands with their creative side that early and it would help them at every step they take further in life.

Believe in them, for they believe in You

Give them the responsibility of making invitation cards or inventing some new games for the party. Trust me, kids have more creative minds than we have and they will certainly come up with something really interesting. Kids are the cute little curious minds and the helm they are handed over will be taken seriously and appreciatively. They will feel content and they will grow with the most poise minds.

Parties are not just about having fun but to learn something or the other from the tiniest of the activities in the house. Give your kids opportunity to show what they can do best and all of it would help them grow much wiser. "Do not spoon-feed them but teach them how to be at the helm."

Easy Ways To Make Money Online - Legitimate Methods For Beginners

Here are five easy ways to make money online that are completely legitimate and do not involve click sites or paid surveys and are simple for beginners.

1. Sell through eBay

It was recently estimated by CNBC that around 500,000 people make most or all of their income from home using eBay but it is so obvious that most do not even consider it when searching for easy ways to make money online . If you are new to eBay, get the hang of it by selling some things you have around the house. Once you know your way around the eBay interface, go online and find companies that do what is called "drop-shipping" and these companies will ship the products directly to your customers and they let you profit from the price mark-up.

2. Market Time-Tested Books

There are thousands of popular classic books that are now public domain. Use a site like BooksForABuck to choose an out of print book that you could market to a specific niche. Create an eBook and you will be amazed at how easy it will be to sell it using a simple blog and a PayPal account.

3. Adsense and Auto-Blogging

You have to get hundreds of hits per day to a site to profit from AdSense, right? Well, with a reliably new technique know as auto-blogging you can set up dozens of blogs in different niches to draw visitors. Each blog may only make a few bucks a day, but you will see some great results if you consistently set up these auto-blogs.

4. Cost Per Action Networks

Did you know that some insurance companies and mortgage brokers will pay internet marketers up to $ 30 just to capture a name, email address, and phone number of an interested prospect? These companies create projects through cost-per-action networks that you can join and the networks pay you directly for each of these leads you generate. Of these easy ways to make money online, joining a cost per action network should not be first on your list. You usually have to go through an application process and be accepted by the network but if you are getting any transaction from your auto-blogs then this should not be a problem.

5. Sponsored Social Media

Of all the easy ways to make money online, sponsored social media is the most fun. Companies large and small recognize the power of social media marketing but many have chosen not to limit them to the pay per click ads inside the various social sites. Go gather Twitter followers and get some transaction with one of your blogs and companies like Izea will provide the you with the opportunity to get paid for sending a Tweet or for writing a 200 word blog post. You will not get paid $ 15,000 for sending a single Tweet like Kim Kardashian (at least not until you can match her 4 million + follower base) but would not it be great to make a quick $ 25 for writing a couple of paragraphs about a cool new mobile phone?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Affiliate Marketing! What it is and How to Earn Money on the Net

Affiliate marketing is an online business that is very easy to start up. Affiliate marketing can simply be described as the selling of someone else's product in return for part of the profits. The affiliate marketer will always receive a commission for each product he or she sold.

Affiliate marketing is a powerful, yet simple business model. It is the fastest method of earning money online and requires very little money to start off with. You simply find a product that addresses a need, and promote it those who are in need of it. You will then receive payment for each and every product you sell.

Listed below are the steps needed to begin to earn money online as an affiliate marketer:

  1. Pick a Niche: This is an area of ​​expertise that you can fulfill. Find out what people want. What problems are they facing? What sort of needs are they seeking solutions for? Check out forums, Amazon, eBay and websites where you can get a good idea of ​​what people are looking for and buying. Some good niches to start off with are in the areas of wealth, health, relationships and self development.
  2. Find a Product To Promote: Register with an affiliate service and look for a product that meets the needs of your market. Promote and sell this product to your market. Use a website or blog to showcase your product. You will be given a unique link from the affiliate service that you will place on your website, linking your website to the sales page of the product. This link when clicked on by your customer will identify you as the person who sent the customer, ensuring that you get paid for every sale you promote. It is best to start with one product in the beginning. When you start making sales with this product you can add additional products that will compliment the product you originally started off with.
  3. Build a List: Need to register with an autoresponder service. This will enable you to capture the names and emails of those who purchase products from your website. Your website should have an area where you can collect the contact details of your customers before they buy your product. You can then promote other services to them as well as provide them useful and valuable information that will keep them as loyal customers to you for life.
  4. Generate Traffic: Use different traffic generation methods to drive potential customers to your website. Some traffic generation techniques that you can use are; search engine optimization (SEO), article and email marketing, social media, videos on YouTube etc. Experiment with the various ways of generating traffic to your website. Based on the results you get, continue working on the methods that are yielding you the best results.

Once you have a steady reasonable income coming in from the product or products you are promoting, repeat the whole process either in the same general niche or in another niche. Try to promote products that will compliment the products that you have already sold. Or select a completely different niche identical and promote products relevant to that.

Happiness: The Goal

Money can buy happiness in a sense, but only for a limited time! Let me explain. You see, money must be combined with the consciousness that knows how to use the money to benefit the person with the money. Money or anything else, just possessed for its own sake does not work, and even creates sadness by not being used productively. Indeed, real winning comes from using things right and being genuinely productive in every way that honestly counts.

When I think of happiness and productivity, there is a shocker: I think of Ebenezer Scrooge, before and after the ghosts visited him in Charles Dickens story "A Christmas Carol". Sure, we can all hoard up wealth, but if we do not absolutely enjoy it or use it productively, what is it worth really? Nothing. This is why I always like to say that we must come to the realization that wealth for the sake of "just having wealth" is not wealth. Using it productively, realistically and with expansion qualities is close to genuine wealth, but still not quite there. Being of genuine service and enjoying what you do honestly in every way and creating a great living at it is there. That is where genuine wealth and happiness is. Sure, you can argue that "Are not lottery wins without work except buying a ticket real wealth, too?" I would say, unless they are product used right, they are not wealth. It is also rare that those lottery winners know what to do genially with a lot of money also. In fact, that is another case of wealth for the sake of wealth without consciousness in the cases where people end up poorer than before because they do not know what to do.

I am not against wealth, but, I am all for happiness and productivity combined with wealth.

Sure, I could say the standard, "get all you can" type article. Here, though, I want to get into the deer aspects of wealth and happiness that actually work to make better lives and existences. Ebenezer Scrooge got his wake up call and this could be yours if you let it be. So, I will say that this is "get all you can and use it right as you can and must" article. That is what I mean. After all, in my humble opinion and my reality, genuine wealth is combined with happiness and productivity or it is the most abject and objective of poverty.

Track Your Advertising With Call Tracking

Advertising is one of the most important tools in business these days. With the help of advertising you can reach out to your prospective customers. One of the benefits of advertising is that you can reach out to a lot of customers at the same time. When you decide to advertise about your company you should consider certain things.

Advertising tracking is one of the most important ways to monitor the performance of your company. You can take the decisions regarding your advertising only if you track them properly.

Without you find out the results you would not be able to take proper decisions to promote your product service. If you do not track your advertisements properly then you are simply wasting your money as well as time.

There are various tools available these days which can be used for the tracking. You may be aware of call tracking which is one of the most popular tools available these days. You can track your advertising with the help of this tool.

This software has been doing the round since the nineties and has been gaining popularity quite quickly due to the wonderful service it offers. If you own a business then it's quite important to advertise for it. You should also find out ways to track your ROI so that it helps you company to make more profit.

The call tracking software can provide a company with necessary statistics so that they can invest properly and wisely and the end of the day it can increase their profit. With the help of this tool you can retrieve lots of information with just a single click.

You can redeem the customer's name, advertising source and phone number. You will also have access to the pre recorded calls. Once you create an account you are provided with a toll free number for all the advertising campaigns. This tool will track as well as record each and every call made from the website.

To track your advertisement you can track the calls through various companies which offer these services. Ad tracking will help you monitor the performance of your brand in the current market conditions.

Ad tracking is one of the best ways to make sure that your works are being rewarded. There are lots of people who have different kinds of questions in their mind regarding the tracking of calls. They are interested to know whether this tool can help the company make lots of money.

The answer is actually yes. A company which has more than one advertising campaigns must always use this tool to find out the return on investment. With the help of the internet, tracking has become easy these days.

To track your advertising you need to make sure that the calls are answered correctly and also make sure that the system does not miss any kind of emails. If you choose the best company for tracking your ads then you will also get analytics and reports about the advertising campaign of your company.