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Saturday, January 26, 2019

A New Car Break-In Technique

We live in a fast pace society and that includes technology development. Technology can be a great tool to make our lives much easier in many ways. However, with great technology comes great responsibility. It is easy for technology to consume your life. It is also easy to abuse and misuse the wonders of technology.

With this story, that is the case. Thieves caht on surveillance camera were recorded walking up to cars and yanking on the handles. Usually at this point you would see broken windows or pried open doors. In other words, there would usually be a lot of damage done. But, in this case the thieves seemed to use a compact device to electronically unlock the doors.

It is pretty easy to manipulate, according to tech experts, especially since most vehicles use a keyless method to unlock and lock their vehicles. It is easy to create something that manipulates the vehicle into thinking that the owner with the car remote is standing nearby, even when the are not.

This case took place in Sauk Village, IL, but it is not unheard of happening in other places. The victims losses included a jujitsu belt and some boxing gloves, estimated around $ 30. Fortunately, there was not anything extremely valuable to the victim in the vehicle. Again, the thieves left no evidence or damages including the contents of the glove box being strewn across the passenger seat.

Although this new technique can be difficult to prevent, there are a few factors to keep in mind when trying to prevent theft. First, remember to avoid leaving anything valuable in your vehicle, especially when leaving it for the night. If you are running errands and must leave something in your vehicle, experts advise you to leave it in the trunk or underneath a towel or blanket.

It also helps to install extra security systems and anti-theft devices in your car. It decrease your auto insurance cost and prevent the theft of any belongings. It also helps to add security systems around your home to expose criminal cases such as the surveillance footage did.

Another tip that may reduce the likelihood of a break in is parking your vehicle in a well-lit area. Most thieves will not target a vehicle that is in an area that has reliably bright lighting because it increases the likelihood of them getting caught.

It also helps to avoid parking in an otherwise empty area. This also makes your vehicle an easier target to thieves since less people will be around.

Remember, car break-ins are fairly common and now technology is making it even easier to unlock and get into vehicles. Always lock your vehicle when leaving it and again, never ever leave valuables such as money or electronics in your car.

Additionally, keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior out of people around cars, as this could be criminal at work. Report anything unusual or unsafe to entities immediately.

100 Great Romantic Ideas

1. Bury a "Time Capsule" together with trinkets, love letters or other romantic sentimental items. Then, draw up a simple map and store it in your safe deposit box. Date the map and decide together when you'll dig up your romantic treasure.

2. Create a special music disk together of love or fun songs. Have them ready for those special times together.

3. Plant a romantic note in a book your love is reading. It can be as simple as: "I love you," "I want you" or just XOXOXOXO.

4. Next time you're at the mall together, jump into a photo booth and take some fun pictures. Keep in your car or in your desk for a quick pick-me-up during the day.

5. Plant a tree together and plan to carve your names in it when it grows big. This can be a fun place to have a picnic or just hang out together; watching the clouds or stars.

6. Stop at a local coffee shop and spend some "two-gether" time there, or take a long walk or scenic drive in the county.

7. Send your love a letter at work. You can disguise it in a regular business envelope and it can be funny or / and romantic. Or even a little naughty if you're planning a special evening together.

8. Use heart-shaped sticky notes, one or a bunch to post little messages through the house or garage to add a little thrill to your love's life.

9. Pick up some dipping chocolate and fresh strawberries, cherries or bananas and make tonight's dessert incredibly romantic.

10. Take a long drive and stop at a new restaurant, or a deli to pick up a picnic lunch. Spend this time really listening to each other.

11. Name a star together and when you're apart; you can look at it and know that your love is waiting for your safe return.

12. Use glow-in-the-dark stars and black lights to create a romantic night sky inside.

13. Create a spa atmosphere at home with candles, essential oils, incense burners, mood music, massagers or other relaxation products.

14. Chocolate, the flavor of romance! Serve chocolate liquor in small glassware as dessert to vamp up a romantic dinner.

15. On a special night, dim the lights and put on some soft music. Then undress leaving a trail of your clothes from the front door to the bedroom.

16. Spend a quiet evening by the fire together. Roast marshmallows or have drinks available.

17. While your love is showering, sneak in and write, "I love you" on the steamed mirror.

18. Take a love letter or romantic vacation brochure and cut it into a puzzle. Mail a piece of the puzzle to your love every day or place every puzzle piece on table or dresser.

19. Make a romantic tape recording asking your love to meet you somewhere. You'll need confirmation that they can make it so be sure to leave a return number.

20. Next time you're walking together, grab your love's hand or walk arm-and-arm.

21. Make a "Prescription for Love" form on the computer. Then hand write each prescription using words like ... take two doses of love and come see me now, make it more creative and intimate. Re-label an empty prescription bottle with heart stickers and set the blank prescriptions next to the bottle with a pen so you can both play doctor.

22. Create a romantic slideshow using old photos of you and your love. Sort pictures by years and events starting from when you first met until present. Add some romantic music then set a date for both of you to enjoy.

23. Do not put those photos away just yet! Pick out the best ones and frame as many as you want to display on the mantel, coffee table or dresser. This grouping will bring back wonderful memories every day.

24. Email greetings. They can surprise, create fun, show affection or entice your love. Send a free greeting anytime; why not send one right now!

25. Purchase an inexpensive calendar calendar. Keep track ofcoming romantic dates and events; do not use it as your everyday calendar. You can, however, mark a black "x" on days that there's a family or other event so you do not overbook days. Likewise mark your regular calendar with a red "x" for romance days. Keep this calendar as a special keepsake when the year is done.

26. Sometimes changing your normal routine can spark romance. Like using candles or mood lighting or bringing home a bouquet of flowers to set the stage for romance.

27. Date night is a must! Maybe a picnic for two or tickets to a ballgame, movie or play. Consider mutual interests so you both have fun or take turns picking the entertainment. Remember, a date does not have to be expensive; get creative. The idea is to have fun and talk. Schedule a month in advance and do not cancel, as it's the most important appointment of the month.

28. Each one makes a list of romantic fantasies to share during a coming romantic evening.

29. Happy Birthday Banner. You do not have to buy one; it'll be better when you've created it.

30. A candlelight dinner for two is very romantic.

31. Splurge on some new, sexy lingerie which could be just the thing to give your love the urge.

32. You're the star. Have a personalized romance novel created where you star and he's the hero.

33. Alone away from home. Send a small gift or flowers to your love's destination to be received upon arrival.

34. For a personalized keepsake, consign a local artist to sketch you and your love doing something fun or romantic together.

35. Keep some coins handy so when you pass a fountain, you can both make an impromptu wish.

36. Slip a love note in your love's pants or coat pocket.

37. Acknowledge your love's interests. Get tickets to an event, ie, game, opera or concert, you know your love is interested in. Keep the location a secret, however, mark your romance calendar so you both keep this date open.

38. Be extra understanding when you're love has a down-in-the-dumps day.

39. Cut small, heart shapes from colored paper and jot down a romantic message on each. Then, take them to a party store and ask the clerk to put one in each balloon before it's inflated. Tell your love to pop them as they deflate to find a surprise.

40. Buy a box of Lucky Charms and remove all the marshmallows except the heart-shaped ones.

41. At the mall, split $ 20 and plan a time and place to meet later. Then split to find secret romantic or seductive items for a special evening.

42. Fill a scrapbook with souvenirs and special mementos of your times together, such as concert ticket stubs, a napkin from a restaurant where you had a special evening together, romantic photos, etc.

43. Take your camera or use the picture option of your cell phone to record your special dates. Lots of people will take your picture if you ask and many times, they are looking for someone to take their picture.

44. Get a hammock, make some lemonade and spend a warm sunny date being lazy together.

45. Design and install a small sitting area at home where you can both enjoy the day and each other.

46. ​​Take a trip to a winery. Do not forget to take the tour and buy a bottle for reminiscing at a later date.

47. Buy two disposable cameras and take pictures of each other being silly, loving and romantic. Have them developed in an hour and then talk about them over iced tea, wine or dessert.

48. Rent a funny movie.

49. Create a romantic bedroom. Spare no expense and splurge on a new romantic-style bed, soft fluffy pillows, sheets, bedspread and curtains that ooze romance. Soft, sensual throw rugs and mood lighting will complete the transformation from dull to soothing and sexy.

50. Pamper your love by warm bath towels in the dryer for a few minutes.

51. Move those candles into the bathroom for a candlelit shower.

52. Put a note on the remote. "Come, turn me on," may be the start of a special evening.

53. Pamper her and go to a chick flick; hold hands and let her cry if she wants to.

54. Plan a romantic trip and you'll find that half the fun is in the planning.

55. Spend a day at the beach .... at home. Decorate an area with a beach or Hawaiian theme. Get some coconuts, lounge chairs, beach towels and maybe even some sand. Do not forget the tropical drinks and food.

56. Spray a heart shape in the grass so your love knows you care. Or use your lawn mower to cut one out.

57. Stargazing is fun, so buy an easy-to-follow book so you can both enjoy the sparkling sky.

58. Buy a smoothie maker and make a couple Pina Coladas or Daiquiris (alcohol or non), then pick a spot in the yard, throw down a blanket and enjoy your very own deserted island.

59. Drive to a nearby town and walk hand-in-hand to enjoy the sights, shops, restaurants or nightlife.

60. A moonlight picnic for two might be just what you need to set the stage for romance.

61. Plant some favorite flowers and when they bloom, you can pick them for your love.

62. Plan a midnight rendezvous on a hot summer night. Do not forget the blanket and cold drinks.

63. Sidewalk chalk is handy for creating a special message to your love.

64. Spend time just spending time together. Activities such as croquet, horseshoes, golf and cards are fun.

65. Stock up on hot cocoa, tea and popcorn for the cooler months when you just want to snuggle up together.

66. Instead of springing for a fancy dinner, have dinner at home and go out for the dessert.

67. Gently blindfold your love and lead into the bedroom for some soft, sensual pleasure.

68. Resolve to become more romantic and you will.

69. Get a small box and decorate with hearts and flowers. Then start throwing in your small bills and change so you will have lots of "fun money" to spend when the mood is right.

70. Jot down those romantic ideas as you think of them for future reference.

71. Light up the fire pit or patio stove for a cuddly evening.

72. Spend an evening together making up love coupons and then have fun redeeming them.

73. For the gals - Dress in layers of lingerie and ask him if he wants to play strip poker.

74. Take a nature walk together. Breath in the fresh air, feel the sunshine and enjoy the walk.

75. When you notice your love is looking your way, smile.

76. Write a love note and place in plastic bottle to slip into her bubble bath.

77. Spice up your notes and love letters by referencing a Thesaurus. For example, other words for "love" could have been emotion, passion and affection.

78. Mail a postcard to your love with a hand-drawn "I Love You" heart.

79. On those cold nights when you want to cuddle, warm your hands under water before hopping into bed.

80. Assemble a pizza, putting the toppings in a "heart-shaped" design.

81. No matter how bad your day was, always give a smile or kiss to your love.

82. Have some fun at Halloween and dress up to complement each other's costume, ie, Sonny & Cher, Biker Dude and Biker Babe, Cowboy and Cowgirl, etc.

83. Give your love a compliment when you can. Some example; that was a great dinner, you're really good at balancing the checkbook, I could not have done it without you or you look good in that outfit.

84. If you are not, get healthy together. Take that evening walk together, find out what healthy foods you both like and plan some healthy meals together.

85. Spend some time in the kitchen together preparing a meal or cleaning up.

86. When your love talks, listen.

87. Surprise your love with a kiss when least expected. Say, "I Love You."

88. When using massage oil, pour on hands and rub them together to warm up the oil before applying.

89. If you're not sure of what romantic things your love would like to do, start off with some things you would find romantic.

90. Take your love dancing and ask the DJ to dedicate a slow romantic song to your love from you. Then dance the night away. Or, call in to the radio station to dedicate a special love song to your love.

91. Leave a love note in your love's car where it will be readily seen.

92. If you have a "Honey Do List," add some "special" things you would like your honey to do with you.

93. If possible, offer to help your love when it comes to home repairs or general fix-it projects that might have been a one-person job before. This is quality time spent together and will reduce the time it takes to get the job done.

94. Make a "Why I Love You" list of your love's best qualities and jot down in a simple, handmade birthday, anniversary or other card.

95. Spend a few minutes daydreaming about your love and the romantic things you want to do together.

96. Invite your love to join you for a drink and talk about a romantic vacation that you would both like to take if money was no objective. Be as detailed as possible and maybe you will find that you could enjoy some of those dreamy plans without spending big bucks.

97. Do not forget to say, "Thank You" when your love does those little things for you.

98. Start each day by thinking about all the good things in your life. Then keep that positive feeling flowing through the day by staying upbeat and helpful.

99. Always be considerate of your love when at a social or other type of event. Plan to spend some time together during the event.

100. When your love is sick, take some extra time to make things as comfortable as possible. If a doctor appointment is made, offer to drive and to stop at the pharmacy if a drug is required. Make sure there are plenty of liquids available and offer to put together a simple meal, like toast and soup.

Dental X-Rays: Fast, Safe, Efficient

Digital X-rays are a diagnostic tool necessary to aid the dentist is determining the health of hard tissue in the mouth. Dental x-rays are a useful tool to use in concert with a visual exam to prevent dental problems, maintain healthy gum tissue, and diagnosis any oral health issues including dental caries. There are two types of diagnostic x-rays that can be taken in a dental office. Intraoral x-rays are the most helpful in determining cavities and determining the health of the root and surrounding bone levels. With digital x-rays a sensor is placed in the mouth and the x-ray is taken with the image almost immediately being directed on a computer screen. Extraoral x-rays are performed with the x-ray scanning the outside of the area of ​​interest. One of the most common types of extraoral digital x-rays available in a general dentist's office would be the panoramic x-ray. The purpose of this type of x-ray is to focus on the development of the teeth and bone in the jaw, determine the position and existence of third molars, and help in diagnosis and treatment of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues.

Many benefits exist for the patient in having digital x-rays taken in the dental office instead of conventional film based x-rays. As mentioned earlier, the ability to produce the dental image seconds after the x-ray is taken for faster treatment and diagnosis of dental issues. This technology is particularly beneficial during endodontic treatment when multiple x-rays may be taken to determine the file and fill lengths during a root canal. In addition, the reduction of radiation exposure for the patient is a dramatic advantage. The digital x-ray image produced can be manipulated with dental software by using contrast techniques to aid in diagnosis of dental problems. The advent of digital x-rays also allows the process of transferring x-rays between offices to be faster and more efficient.

The need and frequency of digital x-rays for a patient is dependent on the health and clinical history of each individual. For new patients entering a dental practice, it is important for the dentist to determine a baseline from which to to compare changes in oral health as time progresses. This new patient set of x-rays may include a full mouth set of x-rays and / or a panoramic x-ray and 4 bitewing x-rays. This x-ray series will help to create a reference starting point for future treatment. Future maintenance x-rays will be determined according to the consistency of care and health of the individual's mouth. For proper dental care, digital x-rays provide an optimal tool to aid your dentist in providing the best possible care to maintain your oral health.

Computer Knowledge (Literacy)


Advancing in ICT (Information Communication Technology, has made the world to be viewed as a global village. Regional economies, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transport, and trade), the computers playing a major role, in this integration.

This integration of regions or nations of the world through this global network has made the world to be like a big village, where various nations are like clans in this big village, while the Presidents of the various nations are like heads of clans in this big village.

Therefore as it is any thing that affects one clan affects the other in this big village. This is what is actually happening in our world of today. A crisis in the Niger Delta of Nigeria affects the international price of crude oil, travels, etc.

This joining together countries in the world economically, through education, society and politics, and citizens viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole is what is globalization.

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by a combination of economic, social-culture, politics, international trade and investment and aided by ICT (Information Communication Technology), in which the Internet pays a major role, through the network of computers cut across the globe or world

Globalization, has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

In our world today, there are few places a person can not get to via telephone or the Internet. Because of modern modes of communication, citizens of a nation are more conscious of the world at large and may be influenced by other cultures in a variety of ways.

Time and space matter less, and even language barriers are being overcome as people all over the world communicate through trade, social Internet forums, various media sources, and a variety of other ways.

As a result of globalization, the world is viewed as one Big Town or Village called a Global Village. And members of the Global Village are called Global Community. One major medium which has brought people of all nations closer together is the Internet. Internet is the networks of Computers all over the globe, which enable people of the world (Global Community), communicate with each other. Internet is one part of ICT.

ICT has been the major driver of globalization. Advances in Information Technology, in particular, have dramatically transformed economic life. Information Technologies have given all types of individual economic actors-consumers, investors, businesses-valuable new tools for identifying and pursuing economic opportunities, including faster and more informed theories of economic trends around the world, easy transfers of assets, and cooperation with distant partners .

As you are reading this article now, minds are communicating all over the world through the Internet, to achieve their desires. Buying and Selling, School Admission and Registration, Airline Travel Booking, Research of any kind, Banking, Emails, looking for Employment, Information, etc, are all going on through the Internet.

Being Part of the Global Community

From the understanding above, no one in this present world, can succeed if he is not a member of the global community. To be a member of the global community, you must:

1. Be Computer Literate

2. Learn how to use the Internet

3. Own a Personal Computer (Desktop or Laptop)

Computer Literacy

Computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use Computers and technology efficiently. Another valuable component of Computer literacy is knowing how computers work and operate. This later component is for advanced users or operators who may want to be Computer engineers. Knowing and having the ability to use Computers is mile stone into the global community.

Why Is Computer Literacy Necessary?

There are a lot of things you will need the Computer for directly or indirectly in this present age of ours. Either you use it directly or someone is using it on your behalf. Some reasons why you have to be Computer literate are as listed below:

1. When looking for job, your employers require that you be Computer literate, as Computer could be a basic tool you will have to use.

2. In most places of business, Computer is standard. For example, in the banks Computers are used for banking transactions and to look up customer's account information. In some auto repair shop Computers are used to assess electronic and other faults in cars.

3. In schools Computers are used for student's registration and admission, accounting, exams and records. School libraries are database of books. No more use of library cards.

4. In some Hospitals and Clinics patient information is stored in Computers. Doctors must know how to retrieve such information to treat a patient.

5. To send or receive electronic mails you need to learn how to use the computer and the Internet or you pay someone to do it for you.

This list is endless. It is in your best interests to start learning to use the personal Computer now. It will help you get a job and it will help you advance in your career.

Computer literacy does not mean you need to know how use every single piece of software you may encounter. It does not mean you need to know how to write programs or network Computers. You just need to know some basics:

1. How to Start the Computer

2. How to use the OS (Operating System) running in your Computer, Windows, Mac or Linux.

3. How to open Application Software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Create, Save and Open Files.

4. How to Exit or Close an Application Software and open another.

5. How to properly shutdown the Computer after usage.

6. How to use the Internet to Browse the Internet, send and receive email.

7. How to listen to Music and play Video in your Computer.

8. How to handle your PC (Personal Computer).

When you learn how to use the computer, you will have some sort spot for it in your mind, when you come to appreciate how easy it is to use the computer and how useful it is. Then the fear that it is impossible or difficult to learn how to use the computer would have been a thing of the past.

I remember when I was teaching a very good friend of mine how to use the Microsoft Word and the Mouse. It did not come so easy. But because she had made up her mind to learn, it did not take time for her to start using the tools. One day I went to her office to see her, just to find out that the typewriter she so much loved was under the table. Then I ask her how is the mouse doing? And she smiled. Her masters program was on Computer Networking. This is the joy of learning how to use the PC.

How do you Become Computer Literate?

To become Computer Literate, you have to attend a Computer Training School. There are all over the place. In such schools, Basic Computer courses are offered. They are usually reasonably priced, and you can workout time to learn them. There are free online courses in the Internet, if you don want to attend any school. You can learn from a cyber café, but some body must have to teach you. Some Cyber ​​Café offer computer courses. Two free computer courses online sites are:

At this point in time you do not have to own a computer, except you want to practice at home. After finishing your course, you would have made up your mind as to what type of Personal Computer you want (Desktop or Laptop).

Learn How to Use the Internet

To be a member of the global community, you must know how to use the internet. If you can imagine the information you can find virtuously from any facet of life in the Internet, you will appreciate what humans are doing to make life and the world an easy place to live in. You must learn and know how to use the Internet to be relevant in this 21st Century. There is no age barrier to becoming a computer literate. Interest is the watch word. It is good to learn from a Computer Training School, how to use the Internet. When you have grabbed the basics, then you can visit these free sites, like this shown below:

Own a Personal Computer (Desktop or Laptop)

After you have learned how to use the computer and Internet, it is time to own your computer, if you have not already bought on. Your decision to own a PC depends on what you want to do with it. That will inform your decision to own a desktop or laptop computer. Be part of the global or digital world.

Types And Benefits Of Auto Insurance

If you have made plans of buying a vehicle, then you also need to think about insuring it. Basically, and vehicle you are going to buy or own already should have insurance coverage as per the law in the United States and almost every other country in the world. What is vehicle insurance? Auto insurance is a kind of policy or insurance which insures your vehicle, yourself and third parties when your vehicle has been in an accident and caused damages to either another vehicle or to other persons. and provides many facilities also. It has a variety of types and miscellaneous services included so always get the proper knowledge about it before signing any deal as it will be better for you to make the right decision.

Fundamentally auto insurance has three types and they are insurance coverage, physical damage coverage and uninsured motorist coverage. Each one has its own specific role. Let's start with the liability coverage. It is the most ordinary type of auto coverage. According to this strategy, it leans to cover all the physical injuries of the persons involved in the accident and his or her assets' damage expenses which may take place due to the accident. It provides all checks, operating cost, and cost of treatment of that injured person and it also takes care of costs in case of death. It also provides you the financial facility if the injured person files a court case against you.

The second one is physical damage coverage. It is divided into two parts and those are comprehensive and collision. The comprehensive plan will cover the expenses for your vehicle, due to any destruction done by any ordinary event apart from accidents and collision plan covers the damage to your vehicle caused by a collision. In this plan, it does not matter whether you are the injured party or the guilty party. It covers both. But in other cases only the other party is covered. With this type of auto insurance you will benefit a lot.

Uninsured motorist coverage is the third type auto insurance plan. This kind of plan provides not only for you but also for your whole family in case of any harm caused due to an accident. It can be divided into four classes and those are the under-insured motorist property damage, the under-insured motorist coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, uninsured motorist property damage. It can be said that these plans cover the expenses for your vehicle, family, and any damage caused by a person who has no insurance for himself.

Conclusion: Accidents do not come with a notice. So, everyone should insure his or her vehicle with auto insurance because it covers expenses for the vehicle, the driver and any third party involved also.

Summary Of Mine Boy Chapters 1-6

The story sets in South Africa. In this story, Peter Abraham portraits apartheid through following the life of Xuma, a villager in search of a better life. Xuma first lived in Malay camp where he was offered accommodation by Leah on his first night in the city. After getting a job, he moves to his own house in Vrededorp.

Leah earned her living through selling illicit brew. There was also Dladla who was bitter about Leah controlling him and betrays her to the police. Leah found out about it but before she could deal with Dladla, he was found dead in the bush stabbed in the back. Johannes, a strong well built miner, was a timid person who became bold and loud only when drunk.

Daddy was never sober and died after being hit by a car. Xuma falls in love with Eliza. He constantly rejects Maisy who loves him.

However, in the end he accepts her and promises to marry her as soon as he gets out of jail as Eliza left him.

Leah gets sent to jail after being caught red handed with the illicit brew by the crafty policeman nicknamed the Fox who had been trying to catch her for a long time. She had managed to escape the police dragnet by bribing some policemen who kept her informed.

Johannes and his white boss Chris died under the mine as they tried to prevent it from collapsing. Paddy, Xuma's boss sides with the blacks and is arrested when a riot breaks out in the mine. Xuma flees but later surrenders himself at the police station.



It was three o'clock in the morning when a man arrives in a town on a narrow street. The whole town was in darkness. He surprised where he was. Suddenly, he saw a woman at a door standing in the darkness.

He moved closer and asked her if he could get a place to rest and have a drink.

The woman asked him if he had but the man said he had none. She further enquired to know his name. The man identified himself as Xuma, form the north. After speaking for once the woman left to bring light. She returned without him noticing.

From the door, a beam of powerful torch stuck on Xuma with a voice calling him to come. He followed the beam of light and the woman into a room where he met three men and an old woman. The woman introduced Xuma to the people and asked Ma Plank to give him food. Xuma got to know Dladla, a man fond of playing with knife. Xuma saw a knife in Dladla's hand. Xuma however carefully placed his bundle on the table and went round a long bench.

Dladla raised his knife and showed his teeth. Leah commanded Dladla to give her the knife but he refused with a plea in his voice. He later lowered his eyes andave her the knife.

Daddy showed displeasure towards Leah. Xuma's food was brought to him by Ma Plank.

Whilst Dladla and Ma Plank went out, the man who had remained silent expressed his suspicion and asked "How do we know if he's not from the police?" Leah was always optimistic about Xuma's identity.

She identified the man as her man's brother. Leah's man was in jail for killing a man who tried to kiss her.

There was no work at the north. This was what brought Xuma into the town, to work. He however expressed interest in working in the mines.

Leah took her time to tell him about the dangers involved in working in the mines and tried to convince him to work with her but Xuma refused.
Xuma was finally given a place to sleep but he found it hard to sleep because he was tired.

When Xuma woke up the next day, he met the house empty. However he found himself among a crowd forming a ring outside, and Daddy hopping and shouting at the top of his voice. Two women, Lena and Drunk Liz, were also on the ground engaged in a fight.

Xuma pushed his way through the roaring crowd wanting to get away. But he heard a voice shout "stop it". He turned and it was Leah. When she arrived at the scene, Lena (the thin dark woman) was on top of

Drunk Liz who was fat and pale. Leah walked through the crowd and picked up the thin woman and flung her away from the fat one. The crowd grumbled yet no one was able to speak to her hearing. Leah challenged the crowd to fight but they broke up in silence and walked away.

Leah picked up the thin woman, who was woefully injured, into the yard. She was followed by Xuma and Daddy. Upon entering the house, Daddy bought a sack and spread it in the shade for Leah to place the woman on.

Leah prepared food and they ate. She saw Daddy in the yard and called him to come and tell Xuma about the custom the city. Daddy spoke drunkenly about the custom and the city. After he had finished, he picked a sack and spread it a little distance away, stretched himself and slept. Soon it began to rain. Xuma went into the yard and watched the three sleeping people.

In the house, Leah sang a guy song full of happiness and laughter. Xuma went back into the house and saw Joseph, the brother of Leah's man. Leah asked Joseph to take Xuma to see the market. At the market, Joseph and Xuma saw many people on the street. One street was crowded as another. The people were in their colorful clothes with a lot of money to spend. The big men among them wear singlet and sometimes cooked among them to determine who is the strongest.

Joseph and Xuma stopped on a corner and watched the crowd across. A little further up the road, they saw two colored men fighting. Still further, there were two "swankies" on their way down the road. A crowd of cheering and laughing people followed them.

Suddenly, a pick-up van swerved round a corner. Policemen jumped out and run down the street. The crowd scattered except the colored people who claimed they have done nothing. However, Joseph warned them that the police would not ask them.

A policeman who was ten yards away came straight ahead to Xuma. But Xuma waited because he had done nothing. The policeman came nearer, raised his stick but it missed Xuma's head and stuck his left shoulder. Xuma whispered and stuck the policeman in the face repeatedly till the policeman collapsed.

Xuma looked around and saw the police van still a distance away but two policemen were closing in on him so he decided to ran.

The two colored men stepped into the road. Xuma felt afraid, to run and knock two men at the same time was impossible. But an unbelievable thing happened, the second colored man knocked the first one down and ran down the street traveling to Xuma to follow him. Xuma followed him into a house. The colored man locked the door and flopped down into a chair breathing heavily.

The man's woman came into the room and Xuma noted with surprise that she was black. She expressed her disappointment at Xuma for striking the policeman.

Finally, when Xuma asked to leave, the man's woman cautioned that it was not safe he left.

Xuma came out and found the street free of trouble but it was difficult for him to find his house. He saw the fat Drunk Liz and touched her shoulder to ask her for direction to Leah's house. The woman looked at him with bleary eyes and looked her head barely refusing to help him.

Xuma met Daddy who thought he was in jail. Daddy was drunk but he agreed to take Xuma to the Leah's house if only he (Xuma) would buy him a drink again. At the house, old Ma Plank sat over a huge vat in the yard and in the kitchen was Joseph who was busy. Joseph was happy to see Xuma. Leah entered the house; she grabbed Xuma and hugged him.

They stand on the corner and waited. Leah kept looking up the street that cut across the one where they stand. After ten minutes a black policeman on a cycle came down and stopped. Leah smiled and counted five pound notes from her leather bag andave them to the policeman.

Leah led the way through the yard to the door at the far end of the yard. She introduced Xuma to a girl they met in the house. Xuma asked the girl's name, who said she was called Eliza.

Eliza asked Xuma to help her lift a machine. Xuma jumped up and grabbed the sewing machine but he felt a sharp pain stab in his shoulder. Eliza found a bottle of ointment and rubbed it on where Xuma's pain was.

She saved him a cigarette and looked at his face and laughed. Xuma turned and saw huge towering shapes almost in the sky. He pointed and asked what they were. Eliza replied and said "those are the mine-dumps". Xuma shifted his eyes from the mine-dump to Eliza and longed for her.

All that night people drank at Leah's place. Xuma and Eliza returned and saw more people crowed at Leah's place.

Dladla attacked Xuma with a knife accusing him of stealing his woman and brave him a cut on his face. Eliza took Xuma into a room and washed his bloody face. They returned and found a doctor who fixed Xuma's face.


The streets were empty after being crowded on Saturday. Xuma and Johannes walked up and down the empty street. They left Johannesburg behind them and in front of them were the towering peaks of the min-damp. They ever found themselves at the mines.

For Xuma, the day was strange. Stranger than any day he had ever known. There was the rumbling noise and the shouting and explosions and the trembling of the earth. Xuma was scaredened.

When the whistle blew for the workers to stop work for food, one of the men called Nana asked Xuma to eat with him. He divined his food and wave Xuma half. When they had finished Nana stretched himself full-length on the ground and slept.

The men who had gone underground that morning came up. Xuma watched them coming and shading their eyes against the light. Xuma asked Nana if it is dark underground. But Nana laughed at Xuma.
Xuma looked up quickly when he hear Johannes voice. Johannes had a confrontation with one of the white men. He called Xuma who flung his spade and followed him. Johannes took Xuma to the shed of the mine doctor.

Xuma stripped and lay on the long table. The doctor examined him while Chris and Paddy watched. Johannes led the way to the washing place for the mine boys. He pushed a few men out of the way and the men made place for them.

They went in and washed and set off for Malay Camp.

When they got to Leah's place, a group of women were just leaving and Leah was at the gate watching them go. Leah welcomed them. Johannes went inside the house leaving Xuma and Leah outside to talk.
Leah told Xuma about life in the city. She said "to live in the city you must be hard. And money must be your friend.

There was a long silence between them. Rosita who lived across the way had turned on her gramophone and came on her veranda. She called Leah from across.

Leah and Xuma got startled. They got up and went inside the house.

Xuma was offered food, finished eating and left the room. He felt dissatisfied and unhappy. He went on the veranda and watched the street. Maisy came out and joined him. On the corner of the street, under the light of the lamp, a group of men and women formed a ring. And in the center of the ring a couple danced and made signs to each other as they mimed.

Xuma and Maisy joined the ring. When they got home, Xuma sat on his bed and held his hands. He thought about Eliza for a while. He blew out the candle and sat in the dark. As soon as he lit his cigarette, there was a knock at the door. He responded and it was Eliza's voice.


Xuma had left Leah's place and lived in a room in Malay Camp for three months now. Eliza is now like a devil in Xuma's blood and he did not want to go to Leah's place again to see Leah for the fear that he should meet Eliza. As he sat alone he longed to see all the people he left at Leah's place but for the fear of Eliza he would not go.

It was Saturday night and in spite of the cold the streets were crowded. But it was not as it had been that first Saturday when he had gone walking with Joseph. He went up the street and walked in the direction of the heart of Johannesburg. He near the heart of Johannesburg and the people grew fewer. There were more white people now and they were different. They were not his people so he did not give attention to what they did or said.

Xuma saw some cakes in a window and stopped to look at them. He felt a tap on his shoulder and when he turned it was a policeman. Without a word Xuma gave his pass to the policeman for inspection. As the policeman goes, Xuma traveled on up the street. The crowd on the street was thick that it was difficult for Xuma to move among them. The only place that Xuma could be free was underground in the mines. There he was a master and knew the way.

Xuma met his white man, Paddy, who was with a woman. Paddy led Xuma a little way down the street and showed him where he lived. Xuma looked around Paddy's house. He had never seen a place like that before. Paddy and Xuma sat down while the woman came in with three glasses. They raised their glasses and cheered Xuma. However, Xuma kept on thinking about Paddy's woman.

The atmosphere at Paddy's house made Xuma thought he knows what Eliza wants. Paddy came in with food and when they had finished eating they drank more wine. Xuma and Paddy talked about the mines. Paddy took the things away. And Xuma forgot that they were white and even spoke to the woman.

On his return, Paddy asked his woman what she thinks about Xuma. The woman replied "he is just a mine boy". The man and his woman arguably extensively about Xuma as the woman spoke favourably about Xuma. Paddy looked at her. His face clouded. And Di got up and went into the kitchen but the argument continued.
Xuma was glad to be away from the two white people. It had been uncomfortable there. Only when he had been with the woman had he felt all right. He crossed the street and went his way back to Malay Camp.

Gradually he left the heart of the city behind him.

He turned down Jeppe Street where he came across people standing at the lower down the street. A man being chased by the police has climbed a rooftop. The roof sloped steeply. One wrong move and the man would be plunged down, either to death or a broken body. Fear rose from the crowd. The man had lost his hold and was slowly sliding down. For a minute the man was in space. Then with a dull thud, he fell to the ground. But the doctor was there to administrator help.

The doctor tried to lift the man up but could not. Xuma however stepped forward but the policeman tightened his grip on his club and washed it from side to side. Xuma lifted the man. The first policeman prodded Xuma with his club. Xuma got up. His body trembled and bunched his fist into hard ball.

Xuma picked up the wounded man to the doctor's car. The doctor pleaded with Xuma to go with him to help him.

At the other end of Malay Camp the doctor folded up. Between them they carried the man into a house. A colored woman met them at the door. They carried the man into the surgery where the doctor worked on the man. Xuma sat on a little chair and watched.

The wounded man was revived. The man expressed fear that the police would arrest him.

The doctor and Xuma left him behind as they went for some tea. The two men entered a room where Xuma felt as he had felt in the place of the Red One.

Emily reported that the wounded man had escaped through the window. The doctor got up and went to the surgery while the others followed. The doctor spoke harshly to Xuma. This made Xuma felt hurt. He was angry but more the anger he felt hurt. He turned abruptly and walked to the door.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Know About Diesel Power Cleaner Equipment

Today, you get to choose from pressure washers with different power options. While some are powered by electricity, others run on gasoline, diesel, or propane. Each of these power options has its own share of advantages and shortcomings. Read the below mentioned points to learn more about power cleaning systems that run on diesel and what makes them perfect for cleaning commercial and industrial facilities.

The best in portability

Leading suppliers now offer powerful and technologically advanced versions of diesel power wash equipment designed for users in commercial and industrial facilities. Diesel pressure washing machines do not need electricity to power up or heat the system. As a result, they do not have to be connected to an electrical socket while in use. These diesel pressure cleaners can be easily used to maintain remote areas where electricity may not be available. Since there are no power cords, operators can work in peace without stepping over wires or worse, tripping over the cords. This function greatly improves the productivity and ensures that the job gets finished faster.

Versatile enough for indoor use

Traditionally, diesel pressure washers could not be used indoors or in poorly ventilated areas, since the combustion of diesel generates fumes. To address this issue and make these pressure washing systems ideal for indoor use as well, top distributors now offer unique long hose technology that guarantees excellent power and performance even if the system is connected to hoses of 300 feet in length. Operators can now place the system outdoors or in a well-ventilated zone and use the long hoses to maintain indoor areas. The fumes will be ejected outdoors, presenting no risk to the users operating indoors.

Unbeatable combination

Extremely powerful diesel pressure washers feature an unmatched combination of high pressure levels, high flow rates, and tri-mode temperature options. These industrial pressure washing machines feature pressure levels of nearly 3000 psi and above, making them the right choice to blast away tough dirt deposits. High flow rates of the high pressure washers add to their overall cleaning capabilities. Gas pressure washing machines from reputable suppliers feature super-fast heating functions that help convert cold water into steam or hot water within 30 seconds. Companies even offer mobile hot water pressure cleaners in wheeled and trailer mountable configurations.

The tri-mode temperature settings of gas pressure washers offer ultimate versatility for maintenance professionals. This technology enables these industrial pressure washers to generate hot water, cold water, or steam. It also ensures that the operators will have just the right temperature setting, no matter what kind of application they need to tackle.

Typically, the cold water mode is used for lighter-duty applications and the hot water pressure clean mode is ideal for moderately challenging jobs. For maximum cleaning power, operators choose the steam mode, which is capable of generating wet steam at temperatures up to 330 ° F. The wet steam generated by high pressure washers is useful for heavy-duty degreasing tasks. You also have the choice of enhancing the cleaning action of pressure washing machines by using them along with green chemicals.