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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Unbreakable Padlocks and the Big Mistake People Make

Many people who are looking to buy a padlock and search for unbreakable padlocks are disappointed. Either they find a manufacturer or a seller of padlocks who claims they are unbreakable, or they find honest people who decline to offer them unbreakable padlocks. However, many make this mistake and fail. Why, we wouldn't mind betting that some don't even buy a padlock at all, after becoming disappointed and thinking themselves failures.

Here then are the 3 greatest errors that folks make whenever they start with a search for an unbreakable padlock.

First and foremost. although the quest appears to be a good one, it is also unattainable. Most people will tell you that there is no such thing as an unbreakable padlock, and they are right. A truly unbreakable padlock would remain unopened forever, no matter who tried to break the combination, and every conceivable method to break the padlock code or key would be employable, for as long as was necessary.

If this product existed would you be able to even afford such a padlock? So, if you search for an unbreakable padlock, think about what you really want, and we suggest that you redefine your search to something a bit more realistic.

The reason that this is very important is that there is no reason why you should not be able to buy a padlock which, while it won't be completely "unbreakable" it will be hard enough to "break" to prevent your property being stolen. For, while avoiding this issue, you need to be aware that nothing is totally unbreakable.

Secondly, there was a story some years back when the new U-locks for bicycles appeared, which are too thick for bolt cutters to be used on them. That was great until someone found you could pour liquid nitrogen on them, then hit them, and they would shatter. This is sometimes a crucial point because if a thief wants in they will find a way. Cutting with a welders torch, grind through it with a grinder, freeze it, etc. To avoid the bad outcomes of this typical mistake you will want to be a little bit more realistic, some would say "down to earth".

Last but not least, you will do probably as well as anyone can, by just buying a good quality Yale type padlock with a short shank, so that it would be hard to get a bolt cutter on it, and hope you catch the scum before they get a chance to rob you.

This problem occurs when there is nobody around to see what the villain is doing. If anyone was able to see what was being done with a whopping great set of bolt-cutters, it would look so suspicious that they would always take a good look at the offender.

So the problem is usually that the thief is able to be confident that nobody will see or hear them, and that being the case the offendor gains the courage to go and do it.

However, it occurs to us that this might be avoided by buying one of the new alarmed padlocks, with a motion detector, which have something like a 110 dB siren which would be activated as soon as the robber started to use a bolt cutter.

But, please be realistic about the fact that there are no such things as totally unbreakable padlocks, and insisting on buying one may just lead you to buying from an unscrupulous trader. So instead of insisting on an unbreakable padlock, ask for "the highest possible level of security at a reasonable price" and that way you are much more likely to get the padlock you need.

Truly, the idea of there being "unbreakable padlocks" on sale, anywhere, is an error.

You'll want to very carefully stay away from these types of errors, when buying a padlock, as searching for an "unbreakable padlock". As already explained, the seller would probably also fleece you for a lot of money at the same time. To avoid these mistakes, you could refer to the instructions above for carrying it out properly. You will then be satisfied that you have protected your property.

The Truth About Making Money Online - It's Not Just About What You Sell!

There are plenty of scams regarding making money online, so when you are looking for a business opportunity, be sure that you are using common sense and research to your advantage. Remember that business is business no matter what the medium, and if you find a business opportunity that promises everything but does not make much sense, there's a decent chance it's a scam. But, when it comes to turnkey websites, there's little doubt of the legitimacy of the operational model and the income it can generate. If you've dreamed of owning your own business, this can be the chance of a lifetime as there is little to no start-up cost or overhead, leaving you with a sales facility that is easy to manage and limiting risk. Sound too good to be true? Welcome to the new dynamic in the digital business world.

As the economy continues to struggle, thousands are out of work and looking for ways to generate income. What many do not realize is that there's never been a better time to become your own boss. Consumers have proven time and again that they are electing to shop online instead of driving out to a retail park or shopping center. When you consider the cost of gas and the fact that prices are cheaper online because of the lack of overhead, it's a no brainer. This dynamic is why millions are making money online every day. But, it is not what you may think, as the income is generated through ad revenue as well as sales. The duality of the income is why it can be so profitable.

When you have a high-traffic website, the sales will reflect your visitors. However, this is not the only way websites are making money online. Instead, through the use of PPC advertising networks, they are also getting paid for every click a placed advertisement is getting through their site. Google AdSense is one of the largest operations offering this opportunity, but they are not the only player in the game. Through intense research or the use of an ad agency, you can place ads that may appeal to your customers. Should they click on one of the ads, you'll be getting paid. Think about this: you're making money when they purchase something, and then making money again through the advertising. This is obviously a very viable business model, and the new way of franchising through turnkey websites is changing the business world. Making money online can free your schedule for things like family and travel. Escape the rat race, and learn how you too can benefit from the digital marketplace.

A Male Chastity Guide - Myths and Facts

Hopefully, you've got decided that Male Chastity is for you and you are ready to take the next steps! If you have, you will find this male chastity guide Beneficial to getting started on this pleasurable path. You and your partner will be pleased with the results. Believe me!

The First thing that you are going to want to do is make sure that you understand what exactly this lifestyle is all about. Many people assume that it is anti-sex, and that is false. Its just simply about having amazing sex with your partner. There are a variety of belts that you can choose from such as: plastic devices, metal tubes, or even piercings.

People do not want to get into male chastity because they may think that people will be able to tell that the belt is on. That is not true. The male Chastity belts are made to not be seen with clothes on. I would just advise men to not wear tight pants, then you might have the chance of showing.

Another Myth that people think is Male Chastity is unhealthy for your man. The man may encounter prostate problems if he does not ejaculate every few weeks, but with your help there is a way he can expel his fluids, while still in his device, without climaxing. This way you both will be pleased and your man will remain healthy!

One of the most asked questions is "What is the use of a male chastity belt, if he can get it off easily." That is False. Chastity Belts are made so that they can only be taken off by a medical professional. There are spikes in the belts too, so if he tried to take it off he would be in a lot of pain.

Hopefully, these myths and facts have shown you that this is a really fun lifestyle to get into, and it is not so harmful as people put it off to be. In my experiences, I've found it to be pleasurable and exciting. I am having the best time of my life, and I encourage you too!

How To Make Money With Free Home Survey Work

Free home survey work is ideal for anyone wishing to work out of their house, especially those with children. Although it may not pay all the bills, it can certainly be a big help and you are free to choose your hours.

Many people choose to do free home survey work because it allows them flexibility. It is something that can easily be done while you hold down another job, since you are able to work the hours that you have available.

Also, survey work gives you the ability to choose how much you want to work. If you decide you only need pocket change, a survey or two a day will suffice, but if you want to earn more, you can do up to a couple dozen surveys per day.

Finding free home survey work can be a bit difficult as most websites will want to charge you for a list of survey sites. These lists, while useful, can run anywhere between $ 10-100, depending on the received quality and the number of survey companies on the list. However, with a bit of hard work, you could find the same sites on your own, for free.

Legitimate survey sites will never charge you to take surveys. You should be able to take them for free, any company that charges you a fee to participate in their surveys is probably a scam and should be avoided.

Free home survey work does exist and there are plenty of people who earn a good amount of cash this way. If you are looking for a way to pick up some extra money, surveys may be for you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Making Money Online - 4 Easy Ways to Leave Your Day Job For Good

Getting bored to work from 9am to 5pm? Nowadays, with the technology advancement, getting employed is not the only way to make a living. You can have great income by making good use of the internet at a very low cost.

Many people do not know how powerful internet is in assisting them to generate income. Let me share with you FOUR easy ways you can apply so that you can generate cash income easily at home.

· Create your own blog or website

Develop a unique website for yourself. It can be a blog or a website with detailed information about your products or services. How can you make money from there? You are suggested to sell the advertising space of your own website to other website owners who want to bring website traffic to their sites in the long run. In order to make your website more marketable, you are recommended to create a designated web page that will show your traffic statistics on weekly and monthly basis.

· Run an e-commerce store

The best thing about online business is you do not need to pay rental for opening a store. No operating cost involved at all. You can sell any stuff you like in an e-commerce store. What is more challenging here is how to get your customers at the initial stage. It may take some time for you to attract visitors to your website. It will be good if you are selling niche products which are "special and unique" in the point of view of the buyers. Once you have a regular stream of customers, you will be able to earn money easily. Orders will be coming in from time to time.

· Affiliate marketing

To start an online business, it is not necessary for you to sell your own things. Do not waste your time in creating your own products if you have not got ready-made products to be sold online. Affiliate marketing is your alternative. You will be able to earn cash fast by selling other people's products or services. You will be paid with commission or marketing fee by referring your friends or other people to certain products or services.

· Be a freelance web writer

Do you have good command in English? If yes, you are encouraged to write as many interesting online articles as you can. Then you can refer the readers to the sites of the products or services using affiliate links. You will get paid by the web owners. In general, you will be able to earn $ 3- $ 5 for writing one article. In general, the web owners are willing to pay more if your articles are able to generate more sales to them. Some web owners like to maintain same reporters in the long run if the articles written are good and convincing.

By going through the practical tips above, are you ready to make money online now? Start working on your business plan from today onwards and say goodbye to your boss!

The Best-Selling Items to Sell on Cold Winter Days

Many people shop at swap meets to save money and get good deals, and cold winter days do not stop them.

Many people begin shopping more at indoor flea markets because they like the warmth, but the hardcore flea market shopper will still hit the outdoor flea markets even when it is snowing, because they know that since many people wimped out and went indoors, that leaves all the bargains for them. (Mile High Flea Market in Henderson, Colorado is open year round, yes, even when it is snowing, and the vendors and shoppers still come out like always.)

Sellers will still offer the usual swap meet fare, the used stuff and the new stuff, but no matter the time of year successful flea market vendors will still follow the rules: always sell what people want and need.

In winter people do not want swimsuits and shorts and sandals.

They want heavy coats with tall collars that can snap shut, furry hats that fold down to keep their ears warm and gloves to keep their hands and fingers warm.

They do not want sun tan lotion.

They want chemical hand warmers. They want thicker socks and warmer shoes and insulated boots. They want ski pants that the icy wind won't cut through. They want insulated bib overalls.

Air conditioners and box fans don't sell so well during winter, but electric space heaters do, as well as kerosene heaters, propane heaters, propane tanks, and propane hoses.

People will want snow shovels. They will want ice scrapers.

They will want to buy bags of rock salt and chemical melting compounds to spread on their sidewalks and steps.

People will also want snow tires. Used snow tires are great sellers, especially during the first few months of winter, but they don't move so well during the summer months. Most people do not think, or shop, ahead.

Used tire chains in good condition will also sell well, as will tow chains.

Cold remedies, cough syrups and cough drops always sell, but especially in winter.

Buyers will also be looking for snowboards, inner tubes and other things to have fun with on the slopes.

Many flea markets run their own concessions and will not allow anyone to compete with them. But many smaller markets don't have any concessions at all, and you can do quite well selling coffee and hot chocolate.

Just follow the rules and sell what people want and need. Change your inventory with the seasons and success will always be your friend.

Easy Ways to Make Money Online

One of the easy ways to make money online is by using different mediums to make your presence known. This means that you will create a website or blog that will focus on a certain niche that you believe you are an "expert" at. Driving a lot of traffic to your site will bring in so many opportunities that you will not believe how easy it is to make money on the internet. Ads and making money through Google AdSense is only the first part of the process but just being able to drive a good amount of traffic is a lot of money on its own. If you are able to find the niche perfect for you, you will then have to keep your readers engaged so that they will be coming back for more.

Give away real information

It does not matter what kind of business you may have, giving away good information via how-to guides, tips, and tricks, your social media audience will always be excited for everything that you have in store. You can help them through a YouTube video, a short status update on Facebook, or a long tweet on Twitlonger. It does not matter in any way, and as long as you know you're helping, you're doing a great job with engaging you and your audience online. To ensure an easy way to make money online you need to give back more than you get in return.

Get their emails

Getting your readers' emails and setting up an email marketing campaign could have been a wonderful way to engage with your audience more. Try putting a link on all of your social media pages leading to a page online where they can type in their name and email address. You will then be able to contact them personally on a consistent basis always updating them on the latest features about your business, new updates, discounts, and all things that you believe your audience should know.

Create contests and challenges

Contests and challenges could come in all sorts of different ways as they can come in the form of a prize being won by the most creative fan or simply choosing three people who comment the most. This is a nice little way to get your fans moving and being creative, along with engaging with them a bit more compared to simply letting them hang there. Try offering big prizes like free products at your store, free ebooks, and basically anything that you think your audience needs or wants. There are many easy ways to make money online but it depends on what niche you are focusing on.

Social media is one great way to connect with your potential customers and to keep them coming back. Utilizing social media may be hard to do at first, but gets easier the more you start using the sites on a consistent basis. Try hiring a social media manager to take care of your online presence, so at least you will not get bogged down by all of the different kinds of promotion that's needed. Getting readers and followers is pretty hard, but it's even tougher to keep them there. So, engage with them and develop a community, and you will definitely have quite a successful business. Another aspect involved in the easy ways to make money online is to make a name for yourself in the internet world and you will soon be able to see the opportunities arrive.