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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Basic Bakery Operation

Everybody loves bread. It is simple and easy to eat even while you are walking on the street or on the way to your office. Loves eating it does not mean that you know how to make it. We usually get our bread and pastry at bakery or supermarket and it is already baked and ready to eat. But do you know how the bakers made it and what is the basic bakery operation took place?

Bakery operation can be divided into four main section. This section including mixing, shaping, dressing and baking. There are certain tools and machinery needed although there are sometimes it just need experience and skill obtained by long years in this fields. Different with other type of food and beverage business, bakery business need more than one staff that work in production kitchen to be more efficient.

Mixing is the most important section in bakery operation. This section will determine how long your production will run each day including washing and cleaning process. The one who is responsible in mixing dough for bread, topping and cake mixed need to be accurate, consistent, discipline with high level of concentration to avoid mistake and waste. Not to mention using a lot of energy. Just imagine if someone who work with 20kg to 25kg of sweet dough each session, need to transfer the dough from the mixer to the kneed table to cut and weighed before dividing it to smaller pieces. These tiring process will easily make people forget and made a mistake on following the right recipe.

Transforming a dough into an interesting bread design will require skill and experience. The knowledge in culinary art will help greatly in this artistic process. Imagine a baker with a skillful hand can make more than 30 bread design each day and he need to make it all in a hurry to avoid the earlier made dough get proofed. However, for much easier bread design that does not require additional tools except for roller, a staff with good training can make sure it done. For beginner or rookie baker, task like shaping tart dough or preparing the mold for baking is most likely the best choice.

Dressing a proofed bread does not need much skill or effort. What they need is good memories and faster hand. The one who up for this task need to memorize each shape and names of the bread that are ready to dress with specific ingredients, topping and quantity. For samples, if production order require Tuna bread, so he need to make sure what shape or bread design that use with tuna flakes. This goes for every type of bread that need to be baked. If daily production require more than 30 different bread design and shape, there is nothing more than good memory needed.

The last and finishing section is nothing more than baking. The one who is responsible for this task usually known as oven man. Good knowledge and high concentration needed while handling an oven to ovoid over baked or much worst disaster. Every type of bread has a different setting of temperature and time needed to get the best result. Oven man need to concentrate on his job because handling this dangerous machinery can be much trickier when it involves electric or gas. Some small mistakes can lead to profit loss and not to mention life at stakes.

Psychological & Philosophical Reflections About Life & Humanity Based on Glimpses From the Bible

Interpretations of the Bible through the centuries

Throughout the centuries there have been various interpretations and comments about the bible. Among the best-known are one from the 11th century, of Rabbi Shlomo Yitschaki (known as Rashi, 1040 - 1105) - a French rabbi of the Middle Ages, considered as the greatest scholar ever to interpret the Old Testament. Another well-valued interpretation of the Old Testament is from a much later date - the 19th century - the one of Moshe David Cassuto, an Italian Rabbi and Scholar (1883 - 1951).

Many of these interpretations are meant primarily to those who devote themselves to reading in and learning the Bible, and otherwise are too complicated for the average person to understand.

Bible stories told in simple language

In addition, there are many books which tell the Bible stories in a more "simple, readable" language. Many of such books, intended for adults as well as for children, attempt to be accurate to the Scripture, crafted in a simple, understandable language, aimed at having the reader (s) grasp and understand the main point (s) of the stories (I do not mention here any examples of such stories in order not to "advertise" any of them).

Yet, Mordechai Rimor, Ph.D., a psychologist, a philosopher, a college teacher and the author of many academic and literary works, has found a unique way to bring the bible stories to our attention (Mordechai Rimor, Ph.D. : Variations on the Book: Glimpses from the Bible, Create Space Independent Publishing, 2012, 590 Pages).

The Uniqueness of Dr. Rimor's "Variations on the Book"

"Variations on the Book", is unique in form and style, featuring brief tales - one page or less. Each tale is based on one verse taken from the Old or the New Testament. In the more than 500 tales in "Variations on the Book" Dr. Rimor allows his imagination to carry him beyond "dry" interpretation of the verse and to a more poetic, interesting, compact story-line. In so doing he not only brings forth a unique approach (different from many others who tried to literally interpret the Bible), but also engages us, the readers, in visualizing the picture he draws in front of our eyes.

What's unique and refreshing about Dr. Rimor's "Variations on the Book" is that he does not try to interpret the bible stories, nor does he attempt to re-write or craft them in a simple language. Rather, he takes a paragraph which joins his attention and, based on this single paragraph, he crafts a short, concise fictional story, applying his own imaginary powers.

In so doing Dr. Rimor gives us - the readers - the freedom and the "permission" to use our own imagination, psychological and philosophical perception - just as he does! - to refer to the Bible's stories in our own way , thus linking our own life-experiences and wisdom to the Bible's stories.

Many literary as well as religion scholars have long agreed on the promise that the Bible engulfs all possible "scenarios" of human kind, from love and death, to betrayal and war; from belief and emotion, to sadness and happiness. Dr. Rimor's book takes a note of such a well-known argument and uses his fruitful imagination to bring a new, current life-perspective to many of the Bible's versions.

As such, Rimor's "Variations on the Book" hints at the educational value of the Bible, by "allowing" and encouraging us to open our eyes and imagination to the Bible's stories - each from our own perception and life-experiences.

Is there any better way to get "involved" with these stories than on a personal level?

Pros and Cons of Declawing Your Cat - Know Your Options

Please consider your options before presenting your cat for declaw surgery

There are many alternatives to declawing that should be considered before you choose to have this surgery done on your cat. I'm going to discuss a selection here, along with three of the most common surgical techniques.

Option to #1: "PRE-CLAWING"

I'm going to coin a term here! Have you ever heard the term "precycling"? It's the act of buying items that you know will NOT create a lot of waste. Like, buying something in a cardboard box instead of something in a plastic bag. Anyway, if you've got a cat, or you're going to get a cat, THINK before you buy your furniture. Cats like to scratch rough surfaces, so instead, buy items with a smooth texture like leather or velvet. The better you "preclaw", the more likely you can avoid having to declaw your kitty!

Option to #2: NAIL TRIMMING

Trimming your cat's nails is pretty easy, once you get the hang of it. A cat with blunt nails does MUCH less damage to furniture, drapery and rugs, and in my opinion, trimming your cat's nails is much easier than applying Soft Paws. The basic premise of trimming your cats nails is to cut the white part, don't cut the pink part:


Most cats can be trained to use a scratching post to avoid declaw surgery. Scratching posts can be bought, or if you're into carpentry, built. Sisal-covered posts are preferred by many cats, though other materials like cardboard are often equally effective. Scratching posts that include several elevations (horizontal and vertical) are best since cats like sitting on elevated surfaces. If one post doesn't work, get a second one, and experiment with their locations. Offer kitty a variety of surfaces and elevations, and he will soon choose his favorites. You may need to entice him to paw at the new post by encouraging him to chase after a toy or string around it. As you might expect, the earlier you start to train your cat to use appropriate scratching surfaces, the more likely he will be to prefer scratching posts in the end.

Option to #4: SOFT PAWS

These are soft vinyl caps that you superglue onto each of your cat's nails. They fall off after a few weeks, and need to be reapplied at least monthly. I can count on one hand the number of clients who have used these and liked them. On the other hand, if you think you'd like to see your cat with fluorescent pink nails, these might be just the thing for you. Seems to me trimming the nails is easier and just as effective.

Option to #5: FELIWAY

Feliway is a pheromone, produced as either a pump spray or a room atomizer, that mimics the scent applied when a cat rubs the side of her face on something. The theory here is that if your cat smells what she thinks is her own pheromone on the couch, she'll be less likely to feel the need to apply the scent that comes out of the bottom of her FEET by clawing.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON AVOIDING DECLAW SURGERY, this site from Cornell University offers a video series on Managing Destructive Scratching Behavior you may like.

Veterinarians use one of three basic surgical tools to perform declaw surgery


Sure, they're whiz-bang, and incredibly expensive, but it turns out a LASER is really just a fancy scalpel blade. Its supposed upsides are that it "seals and cauterizes" as you cut, but the way it does this is by literally burning a hole through the tissue. As you might imagine, burned tissue doesn't like healing against other burned tissue, and bleeding several days after surgery is not unusual. I have seen NO clinical benefit to using the LASER, so I don't have one. Don't believe the hype! A LASER does NOT improve outcomes, and is NOT worth the money!


BOOOO! Back in the day, veterinarians used a brand name nail trimmer to remove MOST of the claw. Problem is, sometimes that little bit of claw you left in there regrew, causing additional pain and often a second surgery to remove the regrown portion. No vet worth visiting does this anymore. MANY OF THE STORIES YOU READ ABOUT ON THE INTERNET REGARDING POORLY HEALING DECLAW SURGERIES ARE RELATED TO THIS OUTDATED SURGICAL TECHNIQUE. Nail Trimmers do a POOR job of declawing


When I am asked at our Indianapolis Veterinary Clinic to declaw a cat, with informed consent and having considered alternatives, my surgical experience has taught me to prefer an ordinary #11 scalpel blade for this surgery. I can feel the tissues and make sure I'm only cutting what I intend to cut, I can see the tissues and don't have to wear LASER-attenuating plastic glasses, I can hear the tissues move and not listen to the gas-evacuation pump that is necessary during Laser surgery. In my hands, a scalpel is the safest, quickest healing, most effective tool to use for this surgery.

Consider your options and make an INFORMED decision before surgery

Whatever your feelings, it's clear there are alternatives to consider. Alternatives to having it done in the first place, plus alternatives to consider on the surgical table if you decide to have it done.

Monday, February 25, 2019

A Comprehensive Guide In Choosing Used Vans For Sale

When it comes to vehicles, vans are one of the most popular options since it provide numerous benefits for individuals. For one, vans can be used in different purposes. Next, vans are very reliable. And, vans have good value in case that you plan to sell it in the future. However, buying a new one can be very expensive. That is why, more and more individuals are opting for used vans for sale. To help you the best used van, below are some factors you need to consider.


First and foremost, when searching for used vans, it is important for buyers to check the model. This is important since there are numerous models to choose from. And, each model offer unique features that can match a driver's need. Plus, older van models are cheaper than new ones, which can benefit individuals who have low budget.


The next factor that individuals need to consider when searching for used vans for sale is the engine. Apart from interior and exterior features, van models also differ in the engine. Some engines are equipped with more advanced technology for better response, while some engines are built to provide you with power. Not to mention, you may also find used vans that use gas or diesel engines. So, it is important that you consider these factors in order to help you make better buying decisions.


It is also best that you check its space. Some vans have larger interior space than others. And, these vans are commonly used by individuals who are looking for a vehicle that can be used for private as well as business purposes. Other than that, space is crucial especially if you want to provide comfort for the whole family when traveling.


Individuals must also consider its maneuverability. Vans are quite huge. Thus, driving on tight spaces can be stressful. This gets even worse if the van you purchased does not have good maneuverability. Vans with good maneuverability can also help you reduce the risks of accidents.

Parts availability

Finally, it is also best that you check the availability of parts of the van before purchasing. Surely, you can find used vans with low mileage or even vehicles that are in pristine condition. However, with regards to parts, finding one can be hard. So, make sure that you choose a van that have accessible parts. In this way, you can maintain the vehicle easily and properly without spending too much.

These are some of the most important factors that individuals need to think of when searching for used vans for sale.

Is Cash Gifting a SCAM?

Stop the commotions! Everything on the internet is a scam. Right? That's what I was told. There are scams out their in cyberspace. But I will tell you as a member that cash gifting is furthest from a scam. In cash gifting there is almost a security factor in the system. You are invited into the program so that you can gift the individual. But it does not stop there. The reason that you are given the opportunity is so that you can give someone else the same opportunity.

People go to college to learn about a career. The problem is that 80% of students do not use that learning for that career. I know that cash gifting has a better percentage rate for people that learn the system.

This is possible because the members that you see all over the web are their to make money and produce more members. The only way that it is going to work is if they teach new members the secrets of the internet.

I have never known so much about the internet. The only way that I found out about the secrets was by taking action and joining the program and if that means that it might be a scam than I just wasted a lot of time and so did my invite. People were put on earth to prosper and change. Lets start using that to our advantage. Lets stop accusing people of wrong for our own self-confidence.

Please research and contact a team of friends that do not really now each other but help each other.

Van Parts - How Do You Replace a Torque Converter?

If you're faced with the decision on whether or not to fit your own torque converter and are unsure how to do this, then do not fret. We'll take you through how, in our step by step guide.

Depending on your speed and levels of skill, this job will take around three hours to complete. It is a fairly tricky job to undertake so please take the time to read through the instructions and ensure that you feel competent and confident in your ability to complete this work.

The first thing to note is that you will need to have the car jacked up completely, at both ends and of course ensure that it remains level. Jacking the car involves raising one side at a time and ensuring that both sides are jacked adequately.

The first step of the process to replace a torque converter is to locate the driveshaft. The rear axle will connect to this and at that location the driveshaft will be held in place by bolts- four in total. You will need to remove these bolts before continuing. The next steps will instruct you on what to do in order to remove the drive shaft from the rear axle.

Ensure that the van (or car) is in the neutral position. This is very important to enable you to turn the driveshaft. Carefully move the driveshaft so that it becomes loose, enabling you to free it up from the rear axle. Once you have moved the driveshaft, pull it away from the axle and once you feel you have done this enough, pull the driveshaft away at the other end too- from the transmission.

The next step in this process is to open the bonnet and locate the transmission filler tube. You will need to remove this tube and you can do this by following the tube all the way through to the transmission and loosing the bolt that holds it in place at this area. Once loosened, pull out the tube. It is important at this point that you ensure the car is back in park.

The next step in the process is to locate the torque converter attached to the transmission. You will need to go back underneath the vehicle for this. There are bolts holding these together which will need to be removed before you will be able to remove the converter. In order to remove the bolts effectively, you will need to jack up the transmission slowly. The reason for this is to take any pressure off the cross member, enabling you to disconnect the parts. Only once the pressure is taken off the cross member, should you try to remove the bolts holding these two parts together. The bolts connecting the cross member to the frame of the van or car should also be removed. Once this is complete, remove the cross member itself.

After this, disconnect the transmission from the engine and this is firstly done by freeing up the bolts connecting these two parts. You will most probably need a socket set for this. Once the bolts are gone, lower the transmission on to the jack and then on to the floor.

Next, pull the old torque converter from the input shaft. Congratulations- you're now ready to fit the new converter!

Firstly, top up the new part with transmission fluid in order for it to function correctly, and slide into place, into the input shaft. Gently push the converter side to side until it fits correctly, this may take a little manipulation to get it snug.

To secure the new parts, follow the sequence you took to remove the bolts in reverse order. You must make sure that everything is fitted correctly and connected together with bolts as was the condition found.

Once complete, you can now lower the vehicle ready for use. Check the transmission fluid and top up with some more new fluid if required.

Lastly, you will need to turn the engine on and let it run idle for a period of time- usually and few minutes in order that you can check levels when the engine is running and warm. If you need to top up again after this then so, it is perfectly normal for the vehicle to require another top up.

Building Background - Benefits of Using Sentence Frames to Build Background Knowledge

Even as native English speakers we sometimes struggle with just the right word to explain, describe, clarify, or elucidate what we want to convey. We always understand more than we can speak. One of best ways to engage English language learners (ELL) in actively acquiring new material is to connect their background knowledge to the new topic. So, let's give them some sentence frames to help them use language.

We will be most successful if we remember to always start with the concept or theme.

#1 When beginning a new topic, let pairs pretest one another. Write this sentence frame on a board, overhead, or PowerPoint, or make your own blackline master with the sentence frame repeated four to six times on a page so you can cut them into strips to hand out to the pairs.

A: "Do you know anything about (topic)?

B: "I'm not sure, but I do know _____."

or "I think it could be _____ because I learned _____."

After students copy the sentence frame, or use the handy strips, erase the word 'topic' in the first sentence. Write in the topic for today. It might be a theme, or a characteristic, or an emotion.

  • Read the sentence frame aloud to the students.

  • Read it again, and this time the students should repeat after you.

  • Give them sixty seconds (yes, really time it, using the entire sixty seconds) to look at the word and think about everything they know about it. No talking. No writing. Just thinking.

  • Next, let students use another 60 seconds (yep, time it again) to write words and phrases to capture their thoughts about the topic.

  • Finally it is time to talk.

This is time well-spent. Your lesson will be stronger and more relevant. Your students will be engaged. You can continue to spiral the content, connecting it to what they already know or previously learned. The ELs will build confidence as they are encouraged to think, write, and talk about what they already know.

#2 Plan more opportunities for student interaction. Here's another sentence starter than can be used with individuals, then shared in small groups.

This new theme of _____ reminds me of a time in my life when _____.

#3 Make sentence frames with the word 'because' to have students explain connections between previous learning and the new topic.

"I think the next topic will be _____ because our last lesson was _____."

This kind of sentence frame encourages prediction according to prior learning. This is a good time to show the students how much they have learned and how it all links together.

#4 After reading a story, a sentence frame can be used to let students speak with a partner. You can expand this speaking activity to include a second partner, like elbow- partners and across-the-aisle partners. Provide a sentence frame:

For example, "I think _____ is a hero, because _____."

#5 Ask students to make comparisons to concrete objects in linguistic ways. Hand out objects to students and give them some time to think and write again, before speaking.

Try this sentence frame with a variety of objects:

I am like this _____(Snickers bar), because I am _____ (nutty).

I am like this _____(Matchbox Ferrari), because I am _____ (small and fast).

I am like this _____(red pencil) because I am _____ (my face is red because I have to talk aloud).

The objects you use can be almost anything!

Now that your imagination is gearing up, make up some sentence frames to use tomorrow.

  • Think about how you would want the smartest student in the school to speak.

  • Then use your target vocabulary and academic language to make a sentence frame.

  • Encourage your ELLs to speak in complete sentences in all conversations in the classroom. This will increase their academic vocabulary, which maximizes learning, and builds confidence.

  • Kids like to feel smart!