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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Option Trading Basics

Options trading can increase the profits you make when trading Stocks if you understand how to use them and know what you are doing. Options can be a very useful tool that the average investor can use to enhance their returns.

This article - Options Trading Basics, looks at what options are and discusses some of the options trading strategies traders can use with these versatile instruments.

Options - An Overview

Options give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (a call option) or sell (a put option) the underlying Stock or futures contract at a specified price up until a specified date.

In other words, options are like tradable insurance contracts.

An investor can purchase a Put option as insurance against a decline in the Stock price or a Call option in case the Stock rises. Buying an option gives the purchaser time to decide whether they will buy or sell the underlying Stock. The price is locked in until the expiration date, which in the case of LEAPS can be years into the future.

Options trading has several advantages that every Stock Market investor should be aware of, such as high leverage, lower overall risk than owning the physical security, more versatility and the ability to generate extra income from a current Stock portfolio.

An option of value fluctuates in direct relationship to the underlying security. The price of the option is only a fraction of the price of the security and therefore provides higher leakage and lower risk - the most an option buyer can lose is the premium, or deposit, they paid on entering into the contract.

By purchasing the undering Stock of Futures contract itself, a much larger loss is possible if the price moves against the buyers position.

An option is described by its symbol, whether it's a put or a call, an expiration month and a strike price.

A Call option is a bullish contract, giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying security at a certain price on or before a certain date.

A Put option is a bearish contract, giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying security at a certain price on or before a certain date.

The expiration month is the month the option contract expires.

The strike price is the price that the buyer can either buy call) or sell (put) the underlying security by the expiration date.

The premium is the price that is paid for the option.

The intrinsic value is the difference between the current price of the underlying security and the strike price of the option.

The time value is the difference between current premium of the option and the intrinsic value. The time value is also influenced by the volatility of the underlying security.

Up to 90% of all out of the money options expire worthless and their time value primarily Declines until their expiration date.

This clue offers traders a very good hint as to which side of an options contract they should be on ... professional options traders who make consistent profits usually sell far more options than they buy.

The option contracts that they do buy are usually only to hedge their physical Stock Portfolios - that this is a powerful distinction between the punters and small traders who consistently buy low priced, out of the money and close to expire puts and calls, hoping for a big payoff (illegally) and the guys who really make the money out of the options market every month, by consistently selling these options to them - please read the rest of this article.

The seller of the option contract is obliged to satisfy the contract if the buyer decides to exercise the option.

Therefore, if he has sold Copped Call options over his Shares, and the Stock price is above the option strike price at expiration, the option is said to be in-the money, and the seller must sell his shares to the option buyer at the strike price if he is exercised.

Sometimes an in-the-money option will not be exercised, but it is very rare. The option seller (or writer) has to be prepared to sell the Stock at the strike price if exercised.

He can always buy back the option prior to expiration if he chooses to and write one at a higher strike price if the stock price has rallied, but this results in a capital loss as he will usually have to pay more to buy the option back than the premium he received when he originally sold it.

Many option writers simply get exercised out of the Stock and then immediately re-buy more of the same or another stock and simply write more call options against them.

The buyer of an option has no obligations at all - either either sells his option later at a profit or a loss, or exercises it if the stock price is in-the-money at expiry and he can make a profit.

The vast majority of options are held until expiration and simply decay in price until there is no point in the hapless buyer selling them. Very few options are actually exercised by the buyer. The vast major expend worthless.

Having said all this, lets look at an example of how to use options to gain leverage to a Stock price movement when the trend does go in our favor ...

For this example we will use MSFT as the underlying security. Let's assum MSFT is trading for $ 24.50 a share and it is early January. We are bullish on this Stock and based on our technical analysis we think that it will go to $ 27.50 within two months.

In this example, we will ignore Brokerage costs, but they do have an effect on the percentage returns. The prices and price moves of the Stock and the options are hypothetical - they are intended as a guide only.

Buying 1000 physical shares will cost $ 24,500 and if we sell our position at $ 27.50 a share, we will make a profit of $ 3,000 or a 12% return on our capital. We will have $ 24,500 at risk if we take this position for a potential of 12% or $ 3,000 profit.

Instead of using cash to buy the physical Stock, we can buy 10 call options with an expiration that is at least three months into the future and a strike price that is close to current price of the underlying security.

10 contracts represent 1000 shares of the stock, a call option is bullish, three months until expire gives us some time for a quick move, and buying an option with a strike price that is close to the current price of MSFT allows us to get the full potential of the intrinsic value.

We buy 10 MSFT $ 22.50 April Call options. These options are currently selling for $ 2.80 and they are in the money.

$ 24.50 (the current price of the Stock) minus $ 22.50 (the strike price) is $ 2.00, which is our Intrinsic value. $ 2.80 (the option premium) minus $ 2.00 (the Intrinsic value) gives us $ 0.80, which is the Time value.

If the price rallies to $ 27.50, as we believe it will, the intrinsic value of these same options at that point will be $ 5.00 ($ 27.50 - $ 22.50). That means that if the Stock gets to $ 27.50 a share, our option premium would be at least $ 5.00 plus a small amount of time value, depending on the remaining time until expiration.

Ten option contracts will cost us $ 2,800 ($ 280 times 100) and if MSFT goes to $ 27,500, we could sell our option contracts for at least $ 5,000 ($ 500 by 10 contracts), maybe more.

We will have $ 2,800 at risk if we take this position, rather than the full price of the Stock ($ 24,500) for a potential of 80% or $ 2,200 profit, plus whatever time value is left in the option, probably another $ 100.

Our options buying strategy cave us a much larger percentage profit with a much smaller potential risk. Do not forget that, for us as the buyer, these options will expire worthless if not sold or exercised by the expiration date.

The option seller or writer simply has to sit back and wait until expiry to see if he is going to be exercised. If the Stock price is below the strike price at expiration, it keeps the premium and can write another option over the same Stock.

If the Stock price is above the strike price, he will most likely be exercised and will have to sell his shares if he does not exit the position by buying his options back on the open market (quite often at a higher price than he originally sold them for).

The downside of buying the option over the physical Stock is that if you bought the Stock itself, even if the price had not moved, you would still own it, but by buying the option, if the price does not move in the desired direction , you lose part of your trading capital.

To make options trading work, the undering security must move fairly quickly in the direction you expect, or you will lose money at an ever increasing rate as the expiration date draws nearer.

As you can see, options strategies can offer much higher percentage returns with less risk for the same trade. The majority of your cash is still safely in your trading account rather than being exposed to the market.

This is just one example of using options trading to increase your Stock Market returns. There are many more strategies and ways to use options and I encourage you to explore them further.

All options expire worthless if they are not in-the-money at expiration, so the buyer must close out or exercise his position on or before the expiration date or he will lose the entire premium.

The time value portion of the option premium decreases periodically until expiration date. The closer to expire, the faster the time value decreases, as there is less time for the option to move in the desired direction for the buyer.

For buyers, top traders advise never to hold an option with less than 30 days to expire due to the exponential rise in time decay during this period.

For sellers, it is usually most profitable to write options that have 30 days or less to expire, due to this same time dece effect ... the buyer of these options has the odds stacked against them and will require a large price movement in his desired direction to make a profit - remember, the vast majority of options expire worthless - so this is the side of these instruments the wealthually find themselves on - just a thought ...

There are many other intricacies of options trading that investors and traders should be aware of. This article is only an introduction to options trading and there is a lot more information for you to learn.

For a more in-depth look at the various Options strategies available, visit

This page has a series of articles on options trading and outlines some of the strategies merchants can use to profit from these extremely flexible vehicles.

We encourage you to study these instruments carefully if you decide to trade them. Then use the trend trading strategies outlined in these stories and articles to position yourself on the right side of the market - whether as a buyer or a seller.

To Your Trading Success,

Parking Sensors - 5 Information Tips

Parking sensors are becoming more commonly fitted to vehicles, but how do they work? Can a car's design affect installation and will they look factory fitted?

How Do Parking Sensors Work?

As the car reverses into space and moves closer to objects, an audible buzzer beeps more frequently.

This is usually achieved by four ultrasonic parking sensors fitted into the bumper of the car. They send out an ultrasonic wave, and if this hits an object, it bounces back to the same sensor. Information received is then relayed to the brain, allowing it to make the buzzer sounds.

Will Bumper Design Dictate Installation?

For most vehicles the shape of the car will determine where sensors are fitted. This is due to wide differences in design, between manufacturers and models of vehicles.

For cars with a center panel and separate corner bumper pieces that curve around the car, two low and two higher sensors are often necessary. If a vehicle has a metal panel behind the bumper, this usually means holes must rise above the obstruction, also avoiding interference issues.

What are the Differences Between Factory and Retrofit Fit?

Factory fitted parking sensors are the ones fitted to a car at the time of manufacture. Retrofit, often called 'After-market', are the ones fitted at some time after the vehicle was produced.

Factory fitted sensors have a certain look, devised by the car designer, which is difficult to recreate in aftermarket sensors. Retrofit devices are made for all cars from all manufacturers, and clearly have their own distinct look.

It could be argued that some of the latest aftermarket designs are better due to their small, discreet shape. They are also constantly being redesigned for better looks or usage, and not devised and forgotten like factory ones.

What Size?

Sensor heads are getting smaller. Small is definitely less intrusive although they may have limited color options, for example only available in black or silver.

Usually it is best to go for the smallest sensor heads possible, as once a hole is drilled it can not be made smaller.

Do I Need Front Parking Sensors?

Factory fitted front parking sensors are integrated into the vehicle's ECU. They will automatically switch on, and instinctively sense if you begin a parking manoeuvre. Aftermarket versions, with the same functionality, can be expensive and are not available for all vehicle models.

A realistic option for front sensors is to use a switch. This avoids the system becoming active when moving slowly, for example in a traffic jam, but means the driver switches on the system before beginning to park.

It is also worth knowing that generally drivers can see the front of their cars. This means that while rear parking sensors are a significant help when parking, the gains from front ones are limited.

Top 10 Online Freelancing Marketplaces

I am working as a professional internet marketer in various online freelancing marketplaces from the last seven years. When I initially started the online freelancing career, I depended on one marketplace for all of my work. I earned enough money to conduct my career smoothly. When I started working other sites, I was able to get significantly higher paying freelancing jobs from there. So, today I would like to share my view and top ten awesome online freelancing marketplaces among the hundreds of freelancing marketplaces.

1) UpWork is one of the awesome online freelancing marketplaces. This site is the combination of two of the most popular marketplaces oDesk and Elance. Here a freelancer can find out almost all kinds of online jobs. There are two kinds of jobs. One is hourly and another is a fixed price job.

2) Freelancer is another popular online freelancing marketplace. Here a freelancer can get data entry work to high level programming projects. There are thousands of clients and freelancers around the world. A new freelancer can easily get their desired jobs from here.

3) Fiverr

According to my view, is one of the most popular online freelancing marketplaces. Here a freelancer need to post a gig with all clear instructions that what can he or she provide. If the client like this, then they can start ordering with five dollars. So the client can easily get quality work in cheap price. For this reason this site is becoming more and more popular day by day.

4) PeoplePerHour is a great platform, focusing on freelancing for web projects. If you're an article writer, digital marketer, graphic designer, web developer, SEO specialist, or anything you love to work with your specialty then. PeoplePerHour is definitely worth checking out. Here you have to post hourly and clients will buy this and pay you according to your set price.

5) 99designs

This is a platform for freelance designers, lets you compete in design contests and get feedback as clients choose the best ones with a great payment. It's a great way for talented designers to prove their talents and earn handsome money.

6) iWriter is the best online freelancing marketplace for content writer. This is the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to get content for your website. A freelancer also can earn almost 15 dollars for each quality article.

7) Freelance Writing Gigs

This is another popular freelancing marketplace for freelance writers, editors, bloggers, publishers or any combination of those. This is a great option for freelancers who have a way with words.

8) Toptal is also one of the most popular freelancing marketplaces for a custom software development project. Here if a client wants to get a custom software development service, then they can get it from a highly skilled and professional freelancer.

9) Project4hire

With hundreds of project categories, makes it easy to identify jobs that suit your skill set, without scanning through large volumes of posts. It's great for writers, coders, consultants, designers, programmers and more.

10) iFreelance platform accommodates some of the usual suspects of the freelancing world. Here you will get proofreading, arts, data entry, graphic designing, photography, bookkeeping and all types of professional task. But this site is not free for freelancers. There will be a membership fee required for it.

So, you can choose one of these online freelance marketplaces to start your freelancing career or to get your job done fast. Here you will get all sorts of talented freelancers and clients around the word. So what are you waiting for? Start your smart career with these.

Different Ways of Making Money Online

Computer technology is no longer limited to IT and computer professionals. Some people are working online full-time and are making their living out of the Internet. You have the liberty to work from your home and there is every possibility that you will make more money than you make from your day job. People do want to make money online but are afraid of all the scams on the Internet.

Patience and determination is the key to success on the Internet. Those who fail or do not earn anything online are the ones who want to get rich overnight. There is no shortcut to success online like anywhere else in the world. You can sell your skills online or can become a guru and can teach people what you know. There is a possibility to sell almost anything on the Internet. Your tiniest of skills can make you hundreds of dollars in no time.

You need to have something that you can sell to make money online. You need to create products and market them on various platforms. Creating products is not easy for beginners but it does not mean they can not work online. Affiliate marketing is good for both beginners and experienced people working online. You promote products of other people and take your commission in this type of marketing.

You can utilize the power of social media and can make money out of it. People are making thousands of dollars out of Facebook and YouTube using their creative ideas. You can sell your products directly on Facebook or can direct traffic to your websites and sales pages and can sell to your fans.

Blogging is also a very good option for beginners as it can start paying you back within a few months. If your blog has rich content and is full of information then it will certainly get people's attention. You can sell your ad spaces and can earn through Google AdSense. A lot of bloggers use their blogs for affiliate marketing and make money online.

Freelance websites are also a good option for beginners looking to make money online instantly. All these options can be exercised and they are legit as well. Freelance websites have escrow systems in place so chances of scams are very low on them. Find out your potential and see what option is best for you and start making money online today.

Making Money Online With a Forex Trading System

In this article I will discuss making money online, Forex trading, and software related to Forex trading. Both good and bad. As well as cover some other things. Although there are a lot of systems out there, more importantly scams, there's not quite as many as there are online get rich quick schemes and ponzi schemes in general. There are still hundreds if not thousands of scams that directly refer to Forex Currency Trading. These scams come in various formats but often get the record set straight on them quickly, however a few others somehow escape the negative publicity and go for years and hit unsuspecting profit seekers where it hurts the most daily. The problem with Forex is that so much seems too good to be true, and a lot of stuff is, but it's also true that many people have made millions and some are not really all that smart at it. You can profit from the right robot.

The first thing I would like to discuss is the topic of sales pages, that common pitch page that a lot of products use and you often think it's gone too far or it must be a scam just by looking at it. But when you think real hard about it, over half the time this is not actually the case ... These sales pages are so long and packed with information since they are commonly advertised on the web and it is more or less business strategy, as opposed to anything reflecting the product. Certain sellers force you to use pitch pages, they need a specific landing page and it makes things much easier for sales transactions.

So rather than guide you through a structured web site with more details through various sections; they often use this pitch page and they generally pack it with information and a ton of hard selling. This has proven to be the trend and it's gotten harder and harder for some EAs to market their software without these types of pitch pages. It is often the case with digital products and or / stuff you can order online. When it comes to these make-money-online and Forex sites they often have a lot of flash to them and obviously many things to draw customers in. In reality it's not much different from any other form of advertising, most certainly not the likes of gambling, and so forth. They need to have some sort of appeal and be competitive. My conclusion is that even if it looks like it could be a scam, do your homework anyway and it may not be. It just depends. Some things are signs, but in my opinion web design and hard selling are not direct signs of a scam. Although in the Forex Market something to hope for would be charts and proof.

With regards to the surveys and other things, it amounts to filling out spam for pennies pretty much, data entry is the same and much more annoying than even the most desperate realize. It also makes you look bad if you tell your friends. You still have to spend time to make any real money, not prizes, and some also require a credit card number on file, and they text you and stuff too. Let's be honest, it sucks. It's bottom of the barrel work that just is not worth it. It's for the ultra-lazy. The kind of human being who for example might get scammed by a Forex system. Not a serious adult who is looking to profit from investment and extend their savings, along with make more money in general.

I once tried a clicking service just to see if I actually could make money, on the popular moneytec forum it was this highly recommended thing by a bunch of lazy work at home users, but I bought into it at the time, and, no joke I signed up and they told me it would be easy and they would make it easy to visit 1000 sites or whatever they have you visit for 15 cents. So I clicked a link and it just starting loading every 2 seconds, it was awfully slow, I waited 15 minutes and that was only like 25 sites, i got a virus after, and i closed it fast. I abandoned the 15 cents for it and thought instantly that these poor souls who do this are a whole helluva lot more desperate than I am. I do not belong in these sort of slums of the internet. This is the first time I have ever written about it. During that several years ago before I started trading Forex I also wrote a few surveys and never got paid once. I have marketed online to some success but mainly my success has been through Forex Trading. That's why I do not need to work a real job and can sit around doing stuff like this all day. Publishing is very important to me. Once something you write online get indexed by a major search engine like Google, chances are that it will be there for a very long time. I find that important anyway ...

There are other ways you can make money online without Forex Trading, though sadly it is often below the barrel work; boring data entry, filling out surveys for pennies, to name a couple of the more common ones. If you're into making web sites you may also advertise on one of your sites or a network of sites, and for that you need fresh content and you need to get traffic, which is way harder than one might think. You can sell products as an affiliate, although you need to find your niche and work very hard at it, it becomes a time consuming job for some people and no matter what you're likely to going to need to invest in something no matter what you do. Whether it's Forex, Web Design, Advertising or whatever it is or a combination of things, most importantly it takes time and ability to adapt your passion. Although you still have much more freedom, affiliate marketing online is very crowded and has been for years. You can also use a revenue-share article and / or video submission service in hopes of being one of the few who can actually earn a living at it. Though that is not for everyone. If you've got four young children and only have an extra hour or two a day to pull in some extra income you most likely do not have time to play a Martha Stewart like figure. Most people do not.

Forex Trading on the other hand is more convenient in the sense that it is an extremely profitable investment opportunity given the right expert adviser, to advise your trade and supply signals, generally to guide you. That is option one. You need a broker. It's way easier than you think and in the Forex industry not as big of a word as you might think, easy to get and you do not gotta meet them in person or anything. It's an online thing.

There are many options to trade Forex, one of the most common would be the use of automated Forex platforms and Forex robots, all automated Forex trading in general. There is nothing wrong with it. This is where expert advisers come in, EAs for short. These are the Forex experts as I mentioned above who supply your trades and information to you. They pretty much tell you what to do. Some are much better than others. Some are not out to supply signals at all and simply selling their software to make profit from that end. Proper automated Forex software oftens runs on the metatrader 4 Forex trading platform, or at least the more popular ones do. Your EA software is like plug-in software for it. I'd actually be wrong to say all EAs use it, but many of the ones I have experience with use the Metatrader 4 Platform and I prefer it.

The other way to trade Forex is to study the market, find all the relevant information you need, take a very long time of a few months to several years to learn something, only to have it blow up as you were still too inexperienced to do something with your strategy when the market changed. Strategy is a very important element of online Forex trading but not just having a strategy, it's about having enough strategies and being able to adapt properly with the market. This is why a lot of people fail without popular EAs, because the EA is usually a well-trained trader and your common trader can not provide himself with signals even half as good and a lot less consistently. The well known EAs are usually like 15 year traders and so forth who studied the market like a school subject and make extra money on the side by selling there signals too you, or software which grants them.

A lot of Forex EAs today simply do not have that sort strategy or ability to adapt with the market ... So not making them scams, but just not prepared for the long haul in general. I have a lot of experience with failed systems and systems that worked for just a little while. I have others that work to this day but I am always seeking new ones. I can review several including one I use now however that has already been done a few times over.

If you're looking for the cross between really learning Forex and just really having to learn complicated signals and software I'd suggest Forex Fap Turbo. The downside of this is you often need to buy extra stuff to learn it and some of it is useless. All of this for pretty decent software but it takes way more time and skill and not something I was happy with. I requested and received my refund for the software and some other software related to it, as it was just not for me and the only people i heard reviewing and bragging about it were a lot more educated before they tried it than I was. I was not ready then, am not ready now. Although it's a well reviewed Forex system and not a scam, I've provided a lot of help, but there are too many of the same, some are forex advertisements so that's not a lot of help. It also brings up a lot of the Fap Turbo related software that is not even the direct software and you gotta buy it separately. So it's a lot of hassle even more than some typical investments that are not related to Forex.

I have also tried automoney and several other Forex robots and automated Forex platforms. I have found that many of these automated Forex systems are a dime a dozen and send you through far too many loops to get the desired results. If they do not eat your entire investment ... Some systems do not have stops and you have to do too much often, others are slow, and sometimes the EA is simply just not your sort of teacher and you get lost sometimes. ..Some EAs will simply sniff you out and then screw you over in the end. This is why it's important to watch for signs of proof either by service trial or physical proof before making your purchase of expensive Forex software.

I have also used Forex Assassin, the eToro Forex trading platform and Forex Harvester but nothing really significant has come up from any of those systems for me.

Some Forex marketers, EAs and employees in general and so forth are so wicked that they monitor new "Forex" related domain registration and somehow get your email address and solicit you ... So you have to be aware that in the Forex market as far as Forex expert advisers go, there is a lot of them competing to get your money. You are sincerely seeking the ones who are also looking to have a solid reputation and actually provide you with profitable trades, your EAs # 1 objective should be successfully trading Forex and not selling their software. This is another thing that makes the simple "pitch page" easy for EAs with very little maintenance, on that end of things. The software should be and often is a side venture for Forex experts who can actually profit from their knowledge of the market and have the means to market themselves ... Can anyone create automated software and sell it? Probably not, I think it's a bit of a stretch but then again it depends if you even get software, or whatever, most systems that are fully developed and have good features but do not work - were more than likely meant to work at some point.

I have read up on quite a few of the most popular Forex review sites like Forex Peace Army and many other well known ones, and to me they all pretty much point towards the same complicated software and their voters are already experts investing 10s of thousands already and they barely feel some of their losses. They switch around a lot; nothing turns out to be solid in the end. The reviews on sites like that most likely got started through advertising. Too many people get to review their own systems on Forex sites like that, etc. You never know who the reviewer is. Searching for automated Forex software reviews is almost impossible nowdays since they all say pretty much the same thing and are mostly positive ...

I have read up on many "free Forex signal" reports on the web and I also participate actively on various Forex forums and other Forex related sites. I often find with these particular Forex signals at least my impression is that you get someone looking to be a mentor of some sort for you, they are usually shady and turn out to be lacking when you need them the most. These guys are usually empty handed. They are trying to freelance or whatever so that they can supply systems and build a name for themselves, but the problem is that these are the guys who after so many followers do create a commercial system and then extremely end up failing, their the failed EA newbies to some extent and you want an EA who is an accomplished Forex expert.

One should consider it much better and safer to use an established system that is known to work, and not the work of an aspiring EA, or even worse, somebody who does not have those credentials at all and are just trying to stuff their ego . I have not enjoyed the free Forex signals and find it more like looting through them then finding anything that productive, not much is there or else all the Forex signals would have to be free and would be for everyone, all the best Forex signals would be free. At least that is my concept. I do not want a rookie EA telling me what to do, since the trend in the Forex market nowdays is most definitely for more popular and well established EAs to sell systems, mostly automated software. That is one thing I do not understand, who these people are that clog up the forums with nonsense and think they can compete in the market with actual successful Forex EAs who really know how to trade.

How much you want to trade really depends on you. If you're a Forex starter you need to have a good EA for starters, and while I can not hand pick one for you, I can provide at least one review since I have spent time on the subject, in this article off- site to an excellent EA which i have tried and complies with several of my standards. I feel it is an excellent resource for people like me at least who gets lost on the big stuff. There are many fish in the sea.

Going Green - Saving Money With Green Energy

Going Green - Saving Money sounds like a big come-on, does not it? Well, it is not. And the good news, is I can prove it. I can put my money where my mouth is ... in fact, I already did. And it turns out I am saving money on my electric bill! That is not easy thing to do in this economy, but every month I am saving as much as 30 percent on my electric bill and now my electric power comes from renewable green energy sources and I did not spend a dime to change over to solar or wind power.

How Can I Use A Green Power Source

How can I save money and go green? Let me show you. This only took me two minutes of my time. A few minutes to learn how to save up to 20 or 25 percent a month on your electric bill?

Have you wanted to live a green life style but just did not know how to take advantage of renewable energy sources? I understand because that was what I wanted too. I did not know how to live a gener life style so I just kept on recycling my cans, glass and papers. I felt like, big deal, I want to make an impact and though I know recycling is a good thing, it did not feel like I was doing enough. After all the environment is calling out for help. Our Planet and its resources are in danger and our future generations need our help.

You do not have to set up solar panels or put a wind farm in your backyard to use power from renewable energy sources. In fact with electric deregulation we can now decide where we want our energy to come from. You get to choose, fossil fuels or clean green renewable energy sources ... which would you pick?

Of course you would choose green, most people would. Only those die-hard types who refuse to admit we have a crisis situation with regards to the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming would not choose to go green. Even if all the evidence we have that points to Global Warming was incorrect, why would not someone want to use renewable energy as compared to fossil fuel sources which will run out and are pollutants? That just does not make sense. And that is exactly how to save money and to go green, by choosing a third party energy supplier who delivers energy from green sources.

So let us all begin to make sense today. Please, do not take my word for it ... after all, you do not know me. I am just someone who put words on a web site. You will, after you check out what I am saying, trust me and you will also thank me ... just like I thank the person who pointed me in this new, exciting directions with this Green Energy Source.

I actually looked into getting Solar Panels on my house a year or so ago. The government was offering a huge rebate and I thought that would be a great way to start going green saving money also came into play. But it was so expensive initially to purchase and install the panels that I saved up on that renewable energy very quickly. I am just an average Jill and do not have tens of thousands of dollars to set up an energy source ... even if I am all for the idea and want to do it. If I had the funding I would have ... but I do not. I was disappointed too. But you know they say, "When one door closes, another opens" and I believe that the solar panel door shut because this new FREE Go Green solution was coming my way. And I am thankful is every Green way that it did.

So do not take my word for it, see for yourself, get the facts, investigate and when you are done, I will see you on the other side ... The GREEN Side. And not only will you trust me, you will thank me and I in turn will Thank You for being smart enough to look into this wonderful Go Green Idea. Today we can choose our energy service provider and that means we can also choose the type of energy our providers deliver to us. That is how you can go green right now and when you do the math you will see it will be cheaper for you too.

If you live in New Jersey, New York, Connectitcut, Maryland or Illinois, you can switch over to green energy today. If you live in the other states you will be able to switch over soon. Find out more about this money saving energy plan so you can save money and go green too.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

It is Easy to Buy an Air Conditioner

Like every year when summer comes we try to spend as much time outdoors as we can to enjoy the charms of summer. Having fun in the warm weather and swimming in the pool are just some things that we dream of during cold winter. But, when we came back home and we want to relax, we will see summer as a problem. It is very hot inside. Fortunately, you can resolve this problem if you buy and install an air conditioner.

Just a few years ago it was expensive to buy air conditioner. Fortunately it is no longer the case. It is now much easier to choose and buy unit that you can afford. In case you do not have enough money to buy a split system and to install it, you can always buy a portable air conditioner. This way you will be able to save because you will not cool the whole house but the room where you are.

Depending on the size of the room you want to chill you can buy a portable air conditioner. You do not have to spend a lot of money but chose wisely. In the case that you buy to cheep and weak air conditioner for your room you will not get anything because it will not be able to do the job for which it is designed. Take a look at the vendor sites and sites of large companies; find the models that you can afford and that can chill your room.

Depending on whether the air conditioner set to a window, installed on the wall or can be transferred depends how much it costs. Personally I would recommend you devices that are installed on the wall because their outdoor units are located outside your house. In this way, warm air, which compressor relieves will be outdoors and it will not be noisy. Another good possibility is buying air-conditioners which are placed on the window; just in that case you will be unable to open the window.

I recommend you to first decide how much money you can spend for it. Then, browse the internet; see what people say about the device that you can buy. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of air-conditioners. In my case, I was not looking for a brand. I did not want to pay more just because it is popular. I was looking for performance.

Another good thing if you are looking for air-conditioner via the internet is that you can find them on sale. Many vendors will even offer you free home delivery. In this way you will not have to go out of your room to buy air conditioner. As you can see, buying air-conditioners is really no big deal, what more, can be even fun.