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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hair Falling Out With a Little White Bulb at the End

A small white bulb at the end of a fallen hair is not, in itself reason for concern. It only indicates that the follicle has passed through the various phases of the growth cycle before the strand was shed. Although this is a normal process (even in the absence of any type of hair loss disorder), the white bulb is not usually not yet noted, or otherwise shedding becomes excessive - prompting one to examine their fallen strands.

If a disorder is suspected, an examination of the bulb can provide professionals with clues as to the type and cause of the disorder. The shape, size and color will determine which stage of the growth cycle the hair was in prior to falling out; and if any abnormalities are present.

The first phase of the cycle, the period of active growth, is called anagen. During this time the hair is firmly anchored, deeply within the follicle. Removing an anagen hair from a healthy scalp would require a firm, forcible pluck. The tip would reveal a small rounded or slightly elongated, pigmented bulb that may be surrounded by a gelatinous sac-like enclosure.

After each individual hair has reached its full growth potential, the follicle moves into what is known as "catagen". Although catagen lasts only one to two weeks, many changes take place during this time that prepare for the formation of the white bulb. The lower follicle shrinks. The inner root sheath disappears. Pigmentation ceases. Cellular material (such as that of the outer root sheath) that is no longer needed to sustain growth, begins to migrate to base of the strand.

Once all catagen changes have occurred the follicle enterals which is known as "telogen." In early telogen any remaining cells that are no longer needed migrate to the base of hair. Because pigmentation has ceased, these cells will be non-pigmented. These non-pigmented cells cluster together form the "mysterious white bulb that acts as an anchor to hold the hair in the follicle while it" rests "for approximately three months before being released. The telogen phase is also referred to as the resting period .

Any hair that falls out with a white bulb attached indications that it has cycled through the telogen phase before falling out. Because of the shape, these strands are also referred to as club hairs. This feature will be present in normal daily shedding. Without shedding is excessive there is no reason for concern.

The most common condition that causes excessive shedding with a white bulb attached is telogen effluvium. Because any particlele at any stage of the growth cycle can be affected, fallen strands may be of various lengths.

With alopecia areata the hair is often shed during the telogen phase, but in some cases it can be shed during anagen or it can break off. The affected strands may have an "exclamation mark appearance." A small portion of the strand right at the scalp level becomes very thin giving the appearance of an exclamation point. Because the hair is very thin at this point it can also break off. Although the most common form of alopecia areata causes bald patches, there are other variations of this condition that cause other, more severe patterns of baldness.

The absence of a visible white bulb could indicate that the hair fell out during the anagen stage, such as in loose anagen syndrome or anagen effluvium. It could also indicate that it broke off rather than fall out.

The size, shape, color and condition of the bulb can provide valuable diagnostic information to the examining hair loss professional.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Wallet Or Money Clip

Women had always been blessed with a wide variety of selection when it comes to carrying their money with them. They can choose to keep their cash and credit cards with the use of wallets, purses, or money bags and so forth. Men, on the other hand, used to have one choice alone and those are wallets.

Today, however, a new kid on the block has entered the picture; now, men can choose between two things to help them keep their money safe and accessible at all times: wallets and money clips.

The Advantages of Using Wallets for Men

Wider Variety of Selection - There are more designs to choose from with wallets as compared to money clips. Firstly, consider the size. Men's wallets can either be square shaped - which generally makes a perfect fit with a man's back pocket - or rectangular shaped, which male users prefer to place inside their coat pockets. Secondly, consider the materials used. Wallets can be made of genuine leather, plastic, or other types of fabric. Thirdly, consider the design itself. Wallets made by Polo, for instance, are famous for their green and black plaid design. Also, it's important to consider that there are various wallets that are specifically designed to appeal to children.

Non-Cash Item Storage - Wallets have undergone a huge amount of transition through the years, evolving in appearance and features to make it more useful to men's ever changing needs. Now, men's wallets can also store credit cards, photos, driver's license and other pertinent IDs, calling cards, and even small change, depending on the design of the wallet.

The Disadvantages of Using Wallets for Men

An Unappealing Bump - Wallets supposedly bursting on the seams will create an unappealing bump on your back pocket, thus distorting your appearance from behind. As such, if you wish to make your wallet a seamless part of your pants, you need to decrease the amount of cash and other things you've placed in it.

Tendency to Lose Form and Shape - If you make a habit of placing your wallet in your back pocket and sitting on it, time will gradually make your wallet lose its original form and shape.

Wear and Tear - Wallets are more prone to wear and tear than money clips because of the types of material used to make them.

The Advantages of Using Money Clips for Men

Better Accessibility - There's no need for you to flip it open and close just to get your money. When you have to use your money, all you simply have to do is pull out appropriate bills from the clip.

Durability - No matter how much you sit on them, money clips 'because they're made of steel' will never lose its shape or be sentenced to wear and tear.

The Disadvantages of Using Money Clips for Men

Poorer Selection - Unlike wallets, money clips give people a rare limited variety of styles, materials, and designs to choose from.

Either choice is acceptable and the winner in the battle between wallets and money clips will always and extremely depend on the person's preferences. Of course, if you have a hard time choosing between the two then you can always decide to purchase both. There are after all certain situations where one will be more advantageous to use than the other and owning them both will then keep your money safe for any eventuality.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Effect of Speed ​​on Vision While Driving

Visual Acuity

One of the primary effects of speed is to decrease for objects in the foreground, which are rendered unclear because of the motion and vibration of the car. Investigation has shown that this range of sub standard foreground vision increases by approximately 20 feet for each increase of 10 miles per hour in speed. So at 20 miles per hour we can not see details clearly within 40 feet ahead of the car; at 60 miles per hour, not within 120 feet or more.

Let us imagine a driver with 20/20 visual acuity driving at 60 miles per hour. There is a highway sign ahead with three lines of writing on it. This driver does not know the area - his memory can not be of any help - so he must read the sign. We have seen earlier that this driver can read 5 inch letters from 280 feet. We now know that when his car reaches a point 120 feet from the sign, he can not clear see the details. He has only 160 feet, or 1.8 seconds, to read the sign.

A driver with 20/60 vision can not see that same sign before he reaches a point 93 feet from it - but his close up vision is affected the same as the first driver's. Will this driver be able to read a three line message? The problem of reduced close up vision explains why some drivers make emergency stops or slow down abruptly at road junctions, especially at super highway exits. You must always be aware of this danger and be ready for any sudden action by other drivers. If you know the area you are driving in, a short glance at the sign will be sufficient - but remember that strangers who do not know their way will need longer periods of time.

Road departments, having studied this problem, use symbols as much as possible, or make the written message as brief as they can. Super highways always have signs with large and easily read letters.

Field of Vision

Your field of vision is reduced by concentration and speed. When you concentrate on one single object, the field of vision is nil - which is generally what happens with new drivers, because they tend to stare at what they believe to be important. Field of vision is also narrowed by speed. When stopped, a driver's field of vision may be as high as 190 degrees, but for the same person, the angle will be narrowed to 40 degrees at 60 miles per hour. That is why, whenever possible, highway signs are positioned above the roadway.

Distance Judgment

Good distance judgment is dependent on good visual acuity. Since acuity is reduced by speed, distance judgment will also be adversely affected when you are driving fast.

Business Sales Close Plan - Milestones to Close the Deal

Being with my feet on the sales ground for 25 years in IT, I can recommend that many steps in the sales process need to be discussed and agreed internally and with the business customer to come to an agreed and signed contract.

Following this sales process through a so called 'Sales Close Plan', describes all the necessary milestones that need to be agreed from a resource perspective, internally from a supplier perspective as well as from the business customer resource perspective. This Sales Close Plan will enable you to set up the right expectations during the contract negotiation milestones during an enterprise sales process.

Discuss with your business customer the close plan and have your customer sign / off the Sales Close Plan on timescales and milestones. If each stone is finalized confirm this in email to your customer so all expectations and potential road blocks keeps transparent and visible to you as supplier and business customer.

1. Identify the Power Sponsors:

Which customer contacts have the power to approve or veto a major contract deal?
Who are the business owners?

2. Identify customer procurement process:

Send Non Disclosure for approval.
Perform Customer due diligence and screening.
Is supplier employee screening process required?
What are customer standard terms & conditions?
What are the expected legal challenges? Intellectual property, Warranty ...?
What are the payment terms?
What is the VAT number?
What are the shipping address details?
What are the billing address details?
Discover expense costs cap guidelines.
What is the business identity code?
Will payment be in Dollars / Euro ...?
What are the finance contact details?
Which legal resources are required from supplier, internally, externally?

3. Approval process:

Who needs to approve from the IT department?
Who needs to give approval from the business department?
Is budget available? If not when?
Is Board approval required to close the deal? I yes, when is next Board meeting
Which person from the Board supports business case?
Do we need a reference visit and who will attend from the customer?
Which reference do we nominate for site visit or phone interview?
Agree on travel arrangements for reference visit.

4. Feedback 1st round legal / proposal discussions:

Does the commercials / T & C's in the proposal need to be updated to get a deal?
If yes, which resources from supplier and customer are required?
Do we need internal approval from higher management for this?
Is customer requesting any legal adjustments that need further legal review by supplier?

5. Send new proposal / T & C's contracts:

Agree date for presentation final proposal to customer.
Is customer verbally accepting new proposal / T & C's?

6. Contracts:

When will customer sign / off contracts?
When can signed contracts be collected at customer?
Reconfirm resources allocation.
Start of project or delivery.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Vauxhall Corsa - A Great Value Car

As you may be aware, it sees people have less money over the past year or so available to spend especially on new cars. Petrol prices seem to increase on a daily basis so it comes as no surprise consumers are looking to purchase cheaper cars. These cars which are more reasonably priced seem to be smaller cars. Vauxhall has definitely benefited from being a brand that offers great value for money with other car manufacturers like Mercedes that are perceived as offering quality rather than value for money.

Of course it all depends on what you are looking for in a car. Indeed some top of the range Corsa cars can cost close to £ 16,000. But the cheaper models are reliably good value for money which is where the Vauxhall Corsa comes into its own. Having started its life in 1993 with redesigns in 2000, 2003 and 2006, this year it has become one of the best selling cars. The latest models are categorized by no fewer than 14 different versions which does not even include the different sizes of engines. So far the variations include Expression, GLS, Club, Life, Classic, Breeze, Elegance, Active, Energy, Design, SXi, Exclusiv, SRi and finally SXi +.

It can be noted that Vauxhall has over the past few months increased its marketing activity, particularly on the Corsa. This has been surprisingly if you have watched television recently and sat through some of the car adverts and sponsored adverts after your favorite TV programs, you might have noticed Vauxhall is currently offering some good finance deals to encourage people to purchase the new Vauxhall Corsa. This is definitely worth a look. Some of the offers that I have seen in the last few months include 0% finance over three years if you can afford the deposit, free car insurance for one year (age criteria and other terms and conditions may apply) discounts because of the scrapage scheme which looks likely to continue in to 2010 and various other incentives.

This car would be ideal for someone that has recently passed his or her driving test. It is a favorite for first time car buyers because like most small cars these days it is fairly easy to drive. In particular the car is quite light to drive and the clutch is reliably smooth. If you're looking for a bit more excitation in a car then go for the SRi sporty version which handles far better than the basic Vauxhall Corsa. There are several extra options that you can purchase for example an automatic gearbox in 1.4 petrol engine, Easytronic system on certain smaller engine models which has an automatic mode helping the car to swap gears without a clutch pedal.

As shown by the number of versions Vauxhall Corsa has to offer there is no doubting a fundamental choice to consumers. I am slightly daunted though with the vast amount of different versions which certainly confused me so I can certainly imagine new customers baffled by the various different options available.

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Free Online Blackjack Games - The Truth

It is common practice for online casinos offering blackjack games to also offer you blackjack bonuses. Blackjack bonuses are essentially free money in exchange for signing up or blackjack that has been played already. Free money comes in the form of welcome bonuses, deposit bonuses, sign up bonus, refer a friend and loyalty points. Another way that casinos offer you free online blackjack games is by offering you practice play sessions, 1 hour of free play as well as just for fun games. Of course you can not win real money from these games.

Blackjack bonuses are a way of enticing you to play blackjack online for real money at their casino. However online casinos are not charities they are running a business and all businesses want to make money. By giving you free money you may well continue to play just at their casino but they are aware that there are other casinos offering similar or the same free blackjack play online and you may play at their casino. More importantly though you may be a blackjack bonus abuser, that's someone who plays the minimum amount to cash in the bonus hoping to make a profit. Obviously casinos do not like these players and have rules to try to prevent this happening.

Next whilst most casino games are a game of chance now there is no possible way that you can win, blackjack is just a little bit different. Blackjack is a not a game of chance but a game of skill and there before it is absolutely possible to win. Using correct blackjack strategy means that a player can reduce the casino's edge and sometimes get an advantage.

For these reasons any free blackjack money offered as an enticement to join the online casino has a wagering obligation attached and why this wager requirement generally has to be sent on games other than blackjack. Any free money offered has a wagering requirement attached. Generally the more generous the bonus, or if it's too good to be true it's likely that they will have imposed a larger wagering requirement for the bonus. Again blackjack is a game of skill and can be won and for this reason blackjack games either or not count at all or count as a very low percentage towards meeting the requirement. These requirements are structured and in place to offset the risk that a casino takes by offering bonuses to its players. The casinos are simply protecting themselves by ensuring that you spend some money on other games within the casino before you run away with your winnings.

Of course it's not guaranteed that you will win, you still need to learn basic strategy and learn how to manage your bankroll. But the casinos still need to protect themselves. They do not want players who are excellent at blackjack strategy, unemotionally attached to any losses made and counting cards at the same time. The online casino would lose the free money they had given you plus whatever you won. Whether you can card count online is debatable because the deck is shuffled after every hand in non live games and half way through live games, meaning that a count can not be kept. It is extremely illegally that using this card counting method in live or non live games you will gain an edge over the house.

In summary free online blackjack games do not really exist in the form of a blackjack bonus due to bonus seekers, bonus abusers and the ability to beat the house with basic strategy. It is possible to find a free game look out for offers such as "Win Real Money - NO Deposit Required" of course these are hard to come by and you often need to e-mail them instead of just signing up, so it makes it a little bit more difficult to acquire and there are still certain restrictions placed upon these bonuses before you could cash out any winnings. Make sure you read the terms.