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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How To Make Money Online Selling Other People's Products

To make money online do not have to create, own or stock your own product. You can direct potential customers to websites already selling products that have been created by other people and if someone buys the product following your referral to that website, the product owner will pay you a commission.

The product owner also organizes the customer payment, delivery and fulfillment of the product. This is called affiliate marketing and it's your job as an affiliate to connect prospective customers with products or services that they're looking to buy.

So how do you get started?

Choose Your Audience

Before you start to look for products you can sell, you have to determine your target audience or niche. What problems do the audience in your chosen niche want to resolve? The affiliate products you promote should offer the solutions they're looking for. You can find a huge number of products to sell from affiliate marketing companies like Amazon, CJAffiliate, ClickBank and JVZoo.

Start Small

You will not make hundreds of thousands in a single day. Start small and keep improving your online reputation. Develop and provide high-value content on your website and social media. There are affiliate programs that do not require a website, but your own website makes it possible for you to concentrate on being authentic so that you come across as being reliable and professional.

Build An Email List

Concentrate on developing an email list of prospective customers from your website and social media accounts. You can send emails to your list whenever you want. This is the most effective way you'll have people buying the products and services you recommend.

Treat It Like A Business

Even if you only work it part-time you need to treat it like a real business and not something you play around with. It's okay to play around at the beginning to see if it's right for you and it's a good way to learn. But historically, if you want to create a real online business you'll have to treat it that way.

Think 'Telling' Not 'Selling'

Be helpful, friendly and care about the things you promote. Look at it as more about 'telling' rather than 'selling'. When you put it in the perspective of helping people find what they need or want, you take the strain off yourself to be continuing selling. This will allow your efforts to flow from genuineness rather than looking overeager in trying to make money.

What's Your Money Secret?

You're hiding something ...

That secret recording, your secret recipe, your secret crush, or your secret talent! Everyone has a secret. Even in money matters. In fact, only a few people would really know your actual money records, spending habits, or financial history - and for sure there are one or two financial matters that you have been keeping to yourself ... unknown even to your life partner. You probably had a spending or credit memory you've been wanting to forget; Unfortunately, for money matters 'past is past' does not really apply strictly.

When was the last time you asked your partner about his spending history or give him or her feedback about his or her appetite money habits? Probably a long time ago if not never. According to the book Get Financially Naked, How to Talk Money with your Honey by Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar, money is one of top causes of arguments in marriages, top reasons for divorce, and top drivers for general life stress. Generally, men have fairly different spending habits vs women - and I'm sure a lot of women would agree, with their heads nodding. It is usually from illogical and tactless spending behavior and money habits that most of our financial mishaps or failures root, typically giving birth to financial secrets.

But what are the common money matters we keep from people around us, even to our partners. Here's an interesting list of the money secrets based from our interviews.

Closed Card

You were probably young, and wild, and free back then when spending through a credit card was hyped. It started when you've established quite an impressive credit or salary record enough for you to qualify for a credit card. Whether you applied for it, or it was just delivered straight to your house or office address, this ultra-powerful plastic card was once on the hand of the wrong person - you! Thinking it was a bottomless gift from the skies, you've probably made uncontrolled and unnecessary purchases. Just amazing! In the beginning, the bills look really small, and they do not even move a fingernail. But time and persistent bad habits are not the best of friends. After making payments, your credit card bills do not seem to be affected, and they just continue to be tougher than you were back when you're almightily spending. Then, powerless, these card bills take over your regular spending habits and your usual utility bills have then multiplied with the card company's contribution to the pie.

Needless to say, a good chunk of credit card users who have lost control over their expenses and have been overpowered by the plastics have sunk into the deep irresponsible card usage trap, resulting to debts with continuously growing interest rates and penalty charges. A few have been trying to forget this sad experience, but I bet they never did.

Midnight Purchases

This pertains to your purchases which are unknown to others even to your better half, probably because it was purely unnecessary, irrational, illogical, or even illegal. For instance, boys and husbands purchase gems, diamonds, and / or steam for their online games - while some may be unfamiliar with these, guys, especially gamers, would know these and would have probably had the experience purchasing them at some point in time to advance in whatever game they play. Of course, these can be considered unnecessary, especially when you are in a tight budget. Extravagant shoes or bags which you do not really wear or use could also belong to this section.

Deadly Debt Cycle

Have you ever borrowed money or applied for a loan to pay another loan or a credit card bill? Of course, you have! With or from a relative, a friend, a neighbor, or an actual financial institution, you could have attempted to resolve debts through borrowing once again. Going for consolidation of debt through a cash loan is not a bad route at all, by the way. But in essence, if not properly calculated and assessed, your consolidation attempt could lead to more difficult circumstances and further financial struggles.

The short-term sporadic survival within the debt cycle is certainly relieving, but may also just be keeping you in the gloomy zone longer than you should have, had you executed enough effort to pull yourself out of this financially disastrous situation. There are institutions out there who can help - but a trusted friend or family member can absolutely help you make the first step in ending the cycle, through their support and your sincere efforts.

Bamboo Bank

Heard about our kababayan who made a piggy bank out of a bamboo tube? In case you do not know the end of the story, all the paper denominations were destroyed by weevils. The insects almost powderized all the cash inside the bamboo coinbank. Good thing he was able to salvage a few and had those replaced in a government institution with the help of a television program team.

Many of us have a secret piggy bank slot or spot at home or in our cars. Be it in the window, under the bed mattress, somewhere in the kitchen, or any place where no one would probably guess money would be placed in. Unfortunately, in many occasions too, we tend to forget where the actual spot was. Sounds family? But beyond forgetting the actual spot where your money was placed, these money sitting somewhere and not saved in the bank or used in any type of investment, are considered underutilized and may actually come out with a diminished value later, partly influenced by inflation and other factors. Your five thousand pesos today might only retain 98% of its purchasing power in the future. Frozen money does not really aid in the economy as well, without circulating in the communities.

But do not get me wrong - short term saving in piggy banks is good and the habit is definitely encouraged, but saving in banks and investing are particularly better options, especially long term.

Awareness is golden, and so it is highly recommended that you realize your money secrets, revisit your purposes, and review the impact of those to you, your life, and your family and friends. Reveal these secrets to your dearest friend or spouse to seek for support or help. Remember, in many major decisions in life affecting people around you, your financial standing, capability, and habits are of importance. Without facts on actual state, yours or other people's decision may be pessimistically impacted. The truth hurts, but it will set you free. And with freedom comes peace, and peace contributes to better decision-making.

Secrets do not necessarily mean problems. They just have to surface not just to our conscious mind, but to our finnishly literate self, as well, to be improved or be addressed in the right manner - because, again, in money matters, 'past is past' does not always apply.

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Maximizing the Efficiency of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system is designed for a simple purpose - to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. In order for your Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system to work properly and run efficiently, you must do your part to maintain and troubleshoot the unit. It is purely not enough to have a state of the art HVAC system installed without providing the proper intermittent maintenance and annual inspections by a licensed HVAC contractor.

Modern HVAC units have been designed to use as little energy as possible while providing your home with the necessary climate control. Rising energy costs and an effort to make home appliances "green" has prompted HVAC system manufacturers to redesign units so they work more efficiently and cost less. This is good news for those who wish to save money on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint, however the homeowner must do his or her part to ensure the system can maintain it's optimum operating efficiency.

An HVAC unit sends temperature-controlled air through a serious of ductwork to reach the rooms in a home. This ductwork must be cleaned regularly in order to allow for maximum airflow. A build up of dust in your ductwork will force your HVAC system to run harder for longer periods of time until the desired temperature is reached. Furthermore, if you are building a new home, make sure the ductwork is installed properly and in the most organized manner to ensure the optimum performance of your HVAC unit.

You should make sure your HVAC system always has a clean filter. Filters should be changed every 30 days, more often if you have pets or frequent dust buildup. For the most efficient airflow, use a low-cost filter that you have to change often. They provide the most airflow, but you must remember to change the filter often as they become dirty and essentially ineffective after a few weeks. Obstruction in the airflow will cause your HVAC unit to run harder and will significantly reduce the performance of the system.

The refrigerants in modern HVAC systems have been retooled to be the most environmentally friendly friendly possible. While R22 Freon was the standard for many years, R410A has proven to be a more effective gas. Troubleshooting the problems with the refrigerant should only be done by a professional HVAC contractor, as it involves using high pressure gas and reading gauges which require an understanding of your specific HVAC unit's complex specifications.

If you take these uncomplicated measures to ensure your HVAC system has the ability to run properly, you'll notice a reduction in your energy bills and have a home that is easily climate controlled to your liking. Consult a licensed HVAC contractor for annual maintenance and troubleshooting of your unit to enjoy many years of an efficient-working HVAC system.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Six (6) Common Factors To Consider When Installing Air Conditioning Units

If you have a new structurally constructed house and your next step is to install the air conditioning units, then you have to consider a few things about air conditioning before you install them. There are common mistakes in installing air conditioning systems which will be printed in the following article in order to help you not make these.

1. Falling for the articulated sales talk of a highly experienced salesman.

Do not just let the salesman win your favor through his flattery and articulated sales talk. Winning you to his favor is his job as a highly experienced sales person. Often, some customers are not really knowledgeable about air cooling units. Some end up buying air conditioning units that are recommended by the salesman who would not care either the merchandise is too large or too small for the intended area. This is a common mistake of some customers which is making an outright decision to buy an air cooling unit without knowing what things they should consider first.

2. Installing the AC unit without careful planning.

In some cases, installations of air conditioning units are simply done to satisfy the caprice of the homeowner. This should not be the case. Installing air cooling units is not that simple, many things need to be considered. This should be well planned by your electrical engineer. The AC units to be installed must match the contour or layout of your house. This is why one type of air cooling unit is set in one place while another type is installed in another part of the house. Some mistakes committed in installing air conditioning units include installing too small or too big units in a room without considering the number of warm bodies occupying it, the area, sizes of windows on the wall and house layout.

The primary consideration when deciding what size to buy would be the area and the number of people using the room. First, you must determine the area in your house which you want to be cooled. This should determine how much power you need. Your room area should match the BTU or the British thermal unit value and the strength (capacity) of your air conditioning (ac) unit. It becomes a recommend guideline that a cooling capacity of 2000 BTU be required for every space of 50 square meters. So here, you need to do a little mathematics. The other thing to consider is the number of warm bodies occupying the air- conditioned area and how often they will use it.

3. Location of the AC unit

Another mistake commonly committed would be installing the unit inside a room or area with too many lights or light bulbs around. Such condition generates more heat from light bulbs when switched on. This does not help at all while using the air conditioning unit. In another related situation, setting up an AC unit in an area facing the sunlight or adjunct to a plant or tree is an installation that is not carefully thought out. Air conditioning systems must be cleared of any debris or any obstruction object.

4. Unchecked AC unit's connections

When installing the connections of the chosen air conditioning unit in your house, try to re-check the connections made if you have left everything to the technicians. More often, if not properly checked, some connections may not have been fit well, thereby, causing leaks in the future; therefore, it is better check these connections before it's too late.

5. Making window-sized holes in your walls to fit in an AC unit

The lesser holes you make in your house, the better. Nowadays, they do not make large window-sized holes in your house to accommodate your air conditioning units. There are several air conditioning units today that only require a very small hole for its installation. Today, you can have split type systems or ports, or independent wall unit, which suits suits your needs. Therefore, the lesson here is not to allow window-sized holes being made inside the four corners of you walls without it is absolutely necessary.

6. Installing AC unit in rooms with wood floors

It is not exactly bad to have an AC unit in a room with a floor made up of wood. It is just that the type of floor material you have or use affects the speed of cooling the area. This is based on the principle that cool air sinks and hot air rises which also indicates that air bounces back fast in solid surfaces. If you are lucky to have a good consulting electrical engineer, then he should be explaining how the materials of house floors affect room cooling. He should also mention other alternatives which can somehow economize the use of your AC units.

Classification of Values

Education is a social process; Education is growth;
Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself. --- John Dewey

The prosperity of a country depends not on the abundance of its revenues, not on the strength of its fortifications, not on the beauty of its public buildings; but it consists in the number of its cultured citizens, in its men of education, enlightenment and character. --- martin Luther.

If wealth is lost nothing is lost.
If health is lost something is lost.
If character is lost everything is lost. --- MK Gandhi (Father of Indian Nation)

Value is a conception, explicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group of the desirable which influences the selection from available, means and ends of action.

Values ​​are the desirable ends, goals or modes of action which makes human behavior selective. Value not only orients but also determines human behavior.

Classification of Values:
It is necessary to know types of values. It is necessary to improve values ​​in the children.

1. Gail M. Inlaw Classification

* Traditional and cultural values

* Economic values

* Political values

* Values ​​in science and technology

* Philosophical values

* Values ​​of the new left

* Values ​​of the back community

2. Spranger's Classification:

* Theoretical values

* Economic values

* Aesthetic values

* Social values

* Political values

* Religious values

3. Ploto's Classification:

* Truth

* Beauty

* Goodness

4. Parker's Classification of Values:

* Biological values

* Economic values

* Affective values

* Social values

* Intellectual values

* Aesthetic values

* Moral values

* Religious value

5. Gandhi's Classification:

* Truth

* Non-violence

* Freedom

* Democracy

* Equality

* Self-realization

* Purity of ends and means

* Self-discipline

6. BR Goel Classification: (Documents on Social, Moral and Spiritual Values)

1. Abstinence

2. Anti-touch ability

3. Consideration for others

4. Co-operation

5. Compassion

6. Common good

7. Courtesy

8. Democratic decision making

9. Dignity of the individual

10. Duty

11. Endurance

12. Friendship

13. Fellow-feeling

14. Forward look

15. Gentlemanliness

16. Honesty

17. Appreciation

18. Citizenship

19. Concern for others

20. Cleanliness

21. Common cause

22. Courage

23. Curiosity

24. Devotion

25. Dignity of manual work

26. Discipline

27. Quality

28. Faithfulness

29. Freedom

30. Good manner

31. Gratitude

32. Helpfulness

33. Humanism

34. Initiative

35. Justice

36. Kindness to animals

37. Leadership

38. National consciousness

39. National integration

40. Peace

41. Punctuality

42. Purity

43. Resourcefulness

44. Respect for others

45. Sincerity

46. ​​Social justice

47. Self-help

48. Self-confidence

49. Self-study

50. Self-control

51. Social service

52. Sense of discrimination between good and bad

53. Socialism

54. Secularism and respect for all religions

55. Team work

56. Truthfulness

57. Universal truth

58. Value for national and civic property

59. Hygienic living

60. Integrity

61. Kindness

62. Loyalty to duty

63. National unity

64. Non-violence

65. Obedience

66. Proper utilization of time

67. Patriotism

68. Quest for knowledge

69. Regularity

70. Reverence for old age

71. Simple living

72. Self-discipline

73. Self- respect

74. Self-support

75. Self-reliance

76. Self-restraint

77. Solidarity of mankind

78. Sense of social responsibility

79. Sympathy

80. Spirit of inquiry

81. Team spirit

82. Tolerance

83. Universal love

7. In general, values ​​may be classified as personal, social moral, spiritual and behavioral values.

Keep Cool by Installing Air Conditioning Units

If you want to live a life which is healthy you need to breathe in fresh air. And if you have got an air conditioner at home the aircon units must be cleaned regularly and with proper care.

When you talk about aircon units there are two types. There is one which has a high cooling capacity and the other one has a lower one. The higher one is the wall mounted unit and can cool from 9000 to 24000 BTU / HR. it also has a ceiling and a cassette unit. The ceiling or the cassette id separate from the aircon unit and this has a cooling capacity from 18000 to 45000 BTU / HR. generally the price charged for the wall mounted units is around $ 50 but now it has declined to $ 30. The price for the cassettes or the ceiling unit services is around $ 60 but again it also has been decreed to $ 50 per unit.

If you get the aircon unit serviced once it will include the washing and the cleaning of the filters. It also includes the cleaning of the evaporator coils, the cleaning of the blower wheels, checks all the condenser units, the fan blade as well as the drain pipes. The services include the checking of all the electrical parts and the refrigerating system so that there are no noises and also a test run is provided so that there are no problems in future.

There are a lot of benefits if you get these check ups done. It also checks whether there is any water leakage or not and whether the air cooling systems are improving or not. All this is done to make sure that the life of the air cooling system is longer and that the people should breathe fresh air so that they remain healthy. It is also done so that the people would save on their money and they do not waste it in unnecessary check ups and getting the parts replaced.

If you ever need a technician in order to get your aircon air cooling system repaired they will always be available to get your system repaired and check it so that you so not face any further problems. If you ever are in need of emergency services these technicians will always be available for you. If the air conditioning system is not cooling, the water is leaking or the entire system has broken down, these technicians will always be available at your service.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

How To Start An Online Business - The Secret Is "Service"

If you're looking to cultivate any sort of business endeavour - online or otherwise - the most important thing that I have found is the role of SERVICE in what you're doing.

Service is NOT an arbitrary word used to describe whether you respond to customer support emails - it lies at the CORE of what determines whether a business venture will become successful or not.

Putting this into perspective, if you consider what a "business" actually "does" - we've witnessed a stark shift from a "production" to a "service" based model over the past 15 years.

Fuelled by the connectivity of the Internet & developments in engineering techniques, the way to "be productive" in the modern world (particularly the West) is to provision new products and tools. How they get made should be a secondary concern (very little profit in it).

The key - as opposed to historic production - is that it's no longer the case that having "production capacity" is a major deal... almost everybody has access to that.

What people don't have is a MARKET into which to offer their products. This market (depending on which type of company you end up cultivating) will then determine the PRICE of the product and whether it's something they'll consider using.

The point is that if you're looking to "get into" business, the absolutely most important thing you NEED to consider is what type of SERVICE you will be able to provide as a professional. This service - applied using either your own products/tools, or someone else's - is the real secret behind why some companies "always" seem to grow, whilst the majority struggle.

This tutorial aims to explain how it works, and what to do if you're looking to get involved in the world of enterprise.

Service Makes The World Go Round (Literally)

Most people get involved with "business" because they have an idea they wish to pursue.

Perhaps they wanted to create their own clothing line, have some sort of "lifestyle" business (winery/farm etc) or get involved with a particular field (cosmetics / modelling) - the hallmark of "failed" businesses typically starts with someone's wistful desire to "work for themselves".

This is a lie. People don't care that you started a "business" and all the stories you read about a 12-year-old CEO who's onto his fifth company are only there because the publication wanted some fresh hype to keep its readers coming back.

The simple reality is that the MAJORITY of people are only moved by necessity. How "necessary" they deem a product to be to their life is how much value they'll attribute to it (and thus a price).

The way to ensure that YOUR products are bought is to create a necessity for its usage. Don't even think about "selling" it - [most] people aren't stupid; they'll attribute a price to any product they deem as essential to their life. No one ever quibbled over the cost of life-saving heart-surgery... and the same principle exists in every other business. People pay you in direct proportion to how much you actually "give a damn" about what you're doing.

The most important thing is to realize is that "service" sits at the CORE of what makes people interested in a company.

It's not their "products" or even their "staff" - it's what they DO on a daily basis which drives RESULTS. This "activity" is what the market recognizes - and is ultimately attracted to.

Think about it.

  • Apple don't "manufacture" their products. They design them and come up with all the components etc. Their service is design.

  • Tesla do "manufacture" their products because no-one else can do it as well as them.

  • Amazon are really a digital logistics company - no one is able to store and send out as many parcels as effectively as them.

If you want to get into "business", come up with a RESULT that you can provide to a market.

  • 10,000+ Twitter followers in the first 60 days

  • 150+ YouTube subscribers in the next 90 days

  • Conversational Italian in 14 days GUARANTEED

  • Branding Lessons From Ferrari + Lamborghini

  • CUSTOM SHIRTS get you laid; CUSTOM SUITS get you paid

If you're looking to "start" a business, the absolute BEST thing you can do is look at what people are ALREADY looking to buy (just browse the "best sellers" section of any marketplace).

This gives you a direct indication of *exactly* what they have a budget for (what they're willing to PAY for). This allows you to provide this RESULT as a service (IE in your own way) - giving you the ability to start attracting clients by virtue of how effective you are at providing said results.

The BIGGEST issue I've seen is leading with a product, or even "solution". I hear it all the time - "what problem does your business solve"... hardly anyone buying a product actually thinks they have a "problem". Rather, they are looking for a particular SERVICE that can be provided to them to improve their life in some specific way. Or - as Gary Halbert said - "your marketing should make their pupils dilate".

Think about it like this - which would you rather do business with: "The World's LARGEST Social Media Agency" or "The ONLY Agency To GUARANTEE 10,000+ FOLLOWERS In The NEXT 30 DAYS Or Your Money Back ". Whilst the former works for established businesses, the latter works for ANY business - especially new ones.

Notice how you're not actually selling anything about the "process" of how you achieve the results? This comes afterwards; you need to stipulate EXACTLY what the buyer is going to get for their time/money, which in the case of "social media" is followers. For SEO, it's #1 Google ranks and for "programming", it's to create a "RECURRING SAAS BUSINESS".

Obviously, the way in which those various results are cultivated is vital. But the irony is no-one cares about how you do it... as long as it's legit.

This is why some companies "always" seem to win - their "service" is based around the provision of particular RESULTS. They ignore (outsource) everything else.

If Starting A Business, It "Pays" To Focus On Service

In conclusion, if you're looking at "starting" a business - the key is to forget yourself and focus entirely on the underlying results you can provide to the client.

If you don't have the skills to provide said results, you need to get to work building them up (which can be done on the job).

Think about every transaction from the perspective of what you can add to the engagement. Don't be afraid to "give away the family silver" (in terms of "secrets") - 99% won't compete with you, and the one guy who will rip you off will jump onto the next fad he finds.

The key thing you need to do from an enterprise perspective is to identify the various "services" which you're either able - or capable of - providing for anyone with the right budget.