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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

New Year Money Diet

January is the time of the year when we make resolutions and vow to be a better person, while getting rid of all (or at least most of) our bad habits. One way involves taking stock of our finances and the best way to do this is by going on a money diet.

What is a 'Money Diet'?

Just as how you'd go on a diet to cut out all the 'harmful' food from your meals, a money diet diet gets rid of all the 'bad' spending that you've been doing. Call it a financial cleanse of sorts, where you eliminate all unnecessary spending and end up saving more money. It will not help if you're a compulsive spender but it will do you good if all you want to do is tighten the belt after spending too much over the festive period.

How to do it ...

Make a plan

Start by giving yourself a time frame, so you can evaluate how you've done at the end of it, by looking at your expenses and savings. It's also good to set a target for the end of this time frame, say, to save $ 1,000 by the end of it. This gives you more motivation, just as an 'ideal weight' does when you're on a diet.

Cut non-essential items

It's fabulous to check out a new posh restaurant every month or meet the girls for martinis every fortnight but is this really necessary? It could be as simple as traveling the coffees you have every day from that nice cafe next to your office; a hot beverage from your office pantry is a better option here. One unplanned advantage is that you might realize you're perfectly happy without these things and actually enjoy staying in and cooking up a storm instead of going out to eat all the time. Or that you really enjoy staying in with a good book (from the library, of course) instead of going out partying.

Get support

Your family and friends will most likely be supportive of your money diet so tell them you're on it and you'll find it easier to cope. It also means that they'll be willing to spend time with you while doing inexpensive activities so you will not have to hibernate for the duration of your money diet.

Everybody, needs some amount of emergency cash savings in case their expenses rise unexpectedly in any given month.

How big depends on how variable your income is and how much you spend.

If you spend only 20% of your average monthly income, which only varies slowly, you'll need a much smaller emergency fund proportion-wise than, say, someone who can go months without closing a case, and who sees 60% of his average monthly income.

For instance, a tutor who earns an average of $ 5,000 a month may actually make between $ 2,000 and $ 7,000 each month- $ 7,000 during exam time when students ask for extra lessons, and $ 2,000 during the school holidays.

For this tutor, the ideal situation would be to keep his monthly spending to below $ 2,000. That way, he knows that even in the lean months when he does not have much work, he'll be able to comfortably cover his monthly costs. He can then feel free to save and invest the balance, after putting some cash in his emergency fund.

I hope these tips help your dieting.

Happy new year.

Essential Basics of Hybrid Engines

How well is known is a hybrid engine? What are the functions principles of a hybrid engine? The hybrid engine is commonly described as an engine with two alternative sources of energy: then, on the one hand there is the gas part and on the other, there is an electrical battery that supports the gas system. Through this combination, the result is less pollution due to the electric component and the high power output of the gas engine. The thing that remains undeniable about the variety of hybrid engine types is that there are as many of them as there are hybrid cars. Each and every hybrid engine is designed as to allow the gas engine and the electric motor to connect to the drive train so as to power the vehicle and set it in motion.

How does the hybrid engine work? The principle on which any hybrid engine depends is quite simple. The hybrid engine works as follows: the gas engine and the brakes are used with the aim to recharge the battery of the electric motor; so there is no more need to plug in overnight, as it would be the case with an electric only motor. When the brakes are pressed, some of the energy otherwise used to stop the car, is transferred by the recreational brakes in the electric motor.

In the case of a typical full hybrid engine, the electric component will take control while the vehicle is cruising, when it comes to a halt or when you accelerate it slowly. When extra energy or power is necessary, it is the gas engine's turn to interfere to give the expected acceleration. In the case of the hybrid engine, we will achieve higher mpg than in the gas-only vehicles by allowing the electric motor to take over.

The fact that most of the energy is renewed, and to a certain extended saved when the vehicle is stopped or slowed down, proves the superiority of hybrid vehicles in regular city use. Unlike what happens due to hybrid engine vehicles, for the gas-only engine cars, driving is more fuel efficient when going at higher speeds, on the highway. The hybrid engine vehicles not only leave out the need to plug in, but they also increased the range of technical possibilities. One gets to care for the environment while still enjoying all the horsepower of a great car. We could really say that the invention of the hybrid engine represents the first step towards going altogether green.

How to Design Upholstery and Car Interiors

Many of us car drivers use our cars regularly to transport us, whether it's to work, shopping or anywhere else. What comes with using a car is wear and tear, on the exterior of the car and inside it too. When I used to sit inside my car, I used to see decent seats, clean and smooth. I used to be able to look in the rearview mirror and be pleased with the interior of my car. But by now after a few years of driving my car, it no longer looks the same. The carpeting on the floor of the car has become stained and worn out in one or two places, leaving the car with a very used look. In addition, the seats of my car, in particular the ones at the front that get used often have this used look. The seat part has become shiny, and one has a small tear on the side. It just gives an old impression, and I do not enjoy glancing in my rearview mirror any longer.

But recently I came across some great gadgets that are made specifically for car interiors, mainly to protect the interior but can also be used to give the car a new or different look. You can buy steering wheel covers, seat covers, floor mats and more. When you buy these extras for car interiors you can buy matching gadgets to the color of your car. Or if you want instead of coordinating the color with what you already have for example match up the seat covers with your carpeting, you can get contrasting colors, for example a brightly colored steering wheel to add a splash of color to your vehicle.

You can absolutely change the look of car interiors by adding some items to it. Full seat covers made of leather are a great way to add that touch of professionalism to your car. And to keep the carpeting in great condition floor mats are the solution - they catch all the dirt and are easy to clean. Your car will not have to be thoroughly cleaned to look clean, since you can just give those floor mats a good clean instead. There are really endless ways to redesign the interior of your car and to give it a new and fancy look.

So What Exactly Is a Bitcoin Anyway? Complete Breakdown of Bitcoin

There's virtual money, and then there's Bitcoin. The super geeky Bitcoin is a mathematically-derived currency that promises to change the way people use money. Bitcoins are not real coins-they're strings of code locked with military-grade encryption-and people who use them to buy and sell goods and services are difficult to trace. Along with anonymous drug dealers, Ashton Kutcher and the Winklevoss twins have reportedly jumped on the bandwagon. There's something to be said about using currency that is not regulated by the government or banks, does not come with the usual transaction fees and is impossible to counterfeit. Bitcoin also promises to be disaster-proof, because you can not destroy numbers in the same way that you can destroy gold reserves or paper money.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009 by a developer hiding under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto (supposedly a Japanese guy who has perfect command of American English). Bitcoin is decentralized, meaning it is not controlled by a central authority like a financial institution, country, government or individual. It is peer-to-peer and open-source, distributed across the Internet from computer to computer, without need for middlemen. Compared to US dollars, Bitcoin is essentially untraceable, making it attractive to libertarians afraid of government meddling and denizens of the underworld. You can use it to pay for purchases online and off, from illegal drugs on the Silk Road to legit restaurant meals.

Where to Get Bitcoins

You can get Bitcoins from friends, online giveaways or buying them with real money from Bitcoin exchanges. Using real money to buy Bitcoins defeats the whole purpose of anonymity, however, because you may need to add your bank account to a third party site. You can also buy Bitcoins using your mobile phone or through cash deposit establishments. New Bitcoins are created by "mining." Mining is done automatically by computers or servers-it's not real-world mining where you have to dig underground to unearth commodities, but the concept is similar. You have to exert effort to dig up gold, and you (or your machine) also have to spend time and resources to verify and record Bitcoin transactions.

One of the coolest things about Bitcoin is that it gets its value not from real-world items, but from codes. Bitcoins are dropped out of the ether by machines (and the people who run them) in exchange for solving complex mathematical problems related to the current number of Bitcoins. These bulky and pricey supercomputers come with strong encryption capabilities (and reportedly suck electricity like nobody's business). In a typical transaction, buyer A from location X pays seller B some Bitcoins online. Miners then race to authenticate and encrypt the transaction, logging Bitcoin codes in a central server. Whomever solves the puzzle first gets the Bitcoins. About 25 new Bitcoins are created for every 10-minute block, but that number can increase or decrease depending on how long the network runs.

How to Use Bitcoins

Once you get your hands on some Bitcoins, you need to store them in an online wallet through a computer program or a third-party website. You become part of the Bitcoin network once you create your virtual wallet. To send Bitcoins to another user or pay for online purchases, get that person / seller's identification number and transfer Bitcoins online. Processing takes about a few minutes to an hour, as Bitcoin miners across the globe verify the transaction.

How to Make Money on Bitcoins

If you're still skeptical, one Bitcoin is currently worth about $ 90 (as of 18 April 2013), with hourly fluctuations that can make a day trader dizzy. Volatile as it is, more and more people are starting to milk the phenomenon for all it is worth-while it lasts. How to get your slice of the virtual gold rush? Some ways: Sell Bitcoin mining computers, sell your Bitcoins at crazy prices on eBay and speculate on Bitcoin markets. You can also start mining. Any person can mine Bitcoins, but without you can afford an efficient setup, it will take an ordinary PC a year or more to solve algorithms. Most people join pools of other miners who combine their computing power for faster code-cracking.

Painting - Some Technical Aspects

Painters must be aware of all the intricacies of painting but for the novices, we bring a snapshot of certain technical aspects of painting which will help them out in developing this art.

This reflects to the medium used in paintings. It is the color type which is applied on the canvas. The choice of media depends on the solubility, viscosity and miscibility of the fabric or base used. Some examples of painting media include oil paints, pastel paints, spray colors, water colors, enamel paint and wax paint.

Styles of painting vary from person to person. It depends upon the comfort and interest of the painter. It may also include the use of brushes and paints. In fact, every painter is famous for a particular style of art. Some common forms of painting styles are:
Western: folk, graffiti, body painting, abstract figurative, Oriental and primitive.
Eastern: ink and wash, Persian miniature, madhubani, samikshavad and mughal.

Modern forms
Paints are a thing of past. Now, almost every and everything is used in painting. Be it paper pieces, sand, dust, cement, wood or any other material, they are widely being used in giving texture and extra look to the paintings.

Digitization has also welcomed various software in the market like Adobe Photo shop, corel draw, image maker and many other which can insert any design, shade or style which you can ever imagine of.
Recent time applications

Gone are the days when painting was done on canvas through brush and paints, exhibited, sold and over. Now it finds its applications in a host of other fields also. The basics and studies of painting are being used in interior designing for decorating houses. Painting provides an insight onto various color combination s and contrasts which enables interior designers to make heaven out of homes.

Another application of painting is in fashion designing where designers create aesthetic and graceful dresses of beautiful color combination s. Here also, the fundamentals of painting come handy in deciding which color or shade suits best on a particular complexion and figure.

A final word
Painting is a universe in itself and you will get more engrossed in it if you will delve deep into it. There are treasures to be found in this area but it requires patience and long years of hard and sincere work. It can be chosen both as hobby and as a profession. The difference lies in the commitment and pursuit.

How To Earn Money Online - The Inside Secrets Revealed!

If you want to discover how to earn money online then pay close attention to the following vitally important few paragraphs because they reveal, completely for free, the most powerful and effective methods available today for making lots of money from the Web. Making money online offers a dream lifestyle, financial freedom and the unique benefit of never having to answer directly to a horrible boss ever again. However, the truth is, you need to be aware of the most efficacious techniques for earning money online if you want to "make it" in this increasingly competitive industry. Thankfully, that's where we come in, by revealing to you directly exactly how to make all the money you desire from the Internet, as quickly as possible!

Killer Method # 1 - Build AdSense Websites!

If you're looking into how to earn money online then you may already have heard of making money from AdSense. In a nutshell, this method involves writing articles on any chosen topic you are familiar with, publishing them to your Blog or Website and then signing up to Google's AdSense program which displays ads that perfectly match your articles' topic. When people arrive at your site to read your articles they will see related adverts and, the great thing is, every time a person clicks on one of the ads you get paid. The price you are paid for a click can range from a few pennies right the way up to nearly a hundred dollars, depending on the topic of your site. All in all, this is a fantastic, easy way to get started making money online. It is very realistic to make a few extra hundred dollars a month with this method, although some top AdSense publishers like Spencer Haws actually make over $ 10,000 / month. Truly inspiring, I am sure you'll agree. Building AdSense websites is more fun than most regular online jobs, however, you probably want to work on it part-time to begin with as it can take a little time to build up.

Killer Method # 2 - Help Local Businesses With Online Marketing!

This is one of the easiest ways ever to start making good money online. In essence, what you are doing is, creating your own legitimate full-time online job by offering your online marketing services to offline businesses. The first thing to understand is that 90% of offline "bricks and mortar" businesses are completely clueless when it comes to Online Marketing. As such you can, with a just a little bit of easily and freely acquired Online Marketing knowledge, make tremendous monthly profits by serving just a few offline businesses that are easily found in any decent-sized city or town. Services you can offer include Website Design, Email Newsletter Management, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Graphic Design, Blogging, Facebook and Twitter Management and much, much more. Just one average-sized offline business will happily pay several hundred dollars per month for your services if they see a positive ROI and so, as a simple bit of Math will show you, a few of these such clients quickly adds up to a very healthy income. This method for earning money online, where you essentially become your own boss in control of your own time, is one the best types of self-created online jobs you will ever find.

Summing Up!

If you have been searching for how to earn money online then these 2 methods work like gangbusters. Simply get started today and soon you too will be living the dream Internet Lifestyle. Good luck and be sure to get started right now!

BMW Tuning - How To Get The Most From Your Car

BMW cars are renowned for being solidly built with well-balanced handling, decent passenger comfort, and an exceptional engine under the bonnet. They stand up well to stop-and-go driving around town, but they really shine when driven at cruising speeds.

When someone owns a great vehicle, it's only natural to want to make it the best it can be. This is where BMW tuning comes in. The term covers any type of vehicle modifications to jazz up the car's appearance and optimise the car's power and performance. The tuning possibilities are almost endless.

First of all, you can improve the look and the aerodynamics of your car with a body styling kit. The kit may include new bumpers, front and rear spoilers, side skirts, roof spoiler, rear skirt insert, bonnet vents, tailpipe trims and more, all working in visual harmony to give the car a sportier or more aggressive look.

Not only do these enhancements make your car more stylish, they may also improve handling by reducing wind resistance and increasing vehicle stability, especially at motorway / highway speeds.

You can also replace the standard road equipment on your BMW with components designed for high performance vehicles. For instance, upgrading the suspension with new struts, shocks, and dampers can make a considerable difference in vehicle steering and control.

If you want better stopping power and a sharper look, you can replace the original brake set with new pads and calipers. And you can put on new forged alloy wheels and matching tyres to give your car more attitude while also improving ride comfort.

One of the most popular BMW tuning techniques is to remap the engine ECU. This is a cost-effective way to improve performance, speed, and power. Some BMW owners think that a remap gives the best value and most driving enjoyment for the money. The procedure alters the engine and fuel system settings to produce more bhp and torque. The ECU can be remapped through the car's OBDII (on newer cars) or by swapping the chip for a new one (on older vehicles).

The engines in most BMW vehicles are built strong and durable. They can easily handle more power than the standard engine settings allow. In fact, BMW diesel engines are just begging to be tuned. Turbo diesel cars typically achieve power gains from twenty to thirty percent from a remap, depending on the model. But more important than the actual numbers is the way the car performs afterwards.

What drivers enjoy the most after a remap is more responsive throttle and more linear delivery of power. The engine pulls stronger through gears with less lag and without the flat spots normally found in a diesel. The car will be smoother to drive under any circumstances, with super torque and a surge of power when you have the opportunity to open it up on the road.

The best cars to remap are those that are basically sound but a little underpowered. The 330d and the 535d, in particular, are very popular models for BMW tuning.

In fact, certain BMW enthusiasts say that the BMW 330d has one of the finest diesel engines available, with plenty of untapped power to set loose with a remap. And as for the 535d, well, there's nothing like a remapped version. You still get the comfort and affordability of the 5 series, but the car's power and performance will approach that of much more expensive saloon cars.

M badge cars are more highly tuned than the standard vehicle, so the power gains from a remap will be less. It may still be worth doing for better power delivery and handling.

You can also tune petrol cars such as the 540i, but power gains won't be as significant. An increase of about 15 bhp is the most you can expect, along with improved drivability.

Drivers often can't resist using more throttle at first because it's so much fun. But once you resume your normal driving habits, you'll eventually see fuel savings from the remap. If higher MPG is a priority, you can choose to tune your BMW for best fuel economy rather than highest power and torque.

You don't need to change the brakes or other vehicle components after a remap. The standard brake set-up is more than adequate for the engine's extra power. Some BMW owners choose to upgrade the suspension and install higher quality tyres after an ECU remap because these modifications complement the car's more powerful and responsive engine.

BMW tuning isn't just for weekend racers. It's for anyone who wants to bring out their car's engineering potential and turn the car into something unique. Even if you don't care about owning a flash car, you should give a little thought to a remap. You'll find that driving is a lot more fun with a well-tuned engine.