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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Make Money Real Quick - Monetize Your Hobbies

We all have hobbies and passions that we fail to nurture primarily due to the overwhelming pressure of our primary jobs. However, with the economy being so vulnerable, more and more people are looking for ways to supplement their income and secure their future of any financial uncertainties. This pursuit of an extra income source is the best way to bring out our hidden passions and monetize them for our own benefit.

Many of us love designing things around us. While we mainly utilize our designing skills to decorate our own homes and private parties, it can be exploited to earn a decent income without having to invest a huge amount of money. There are several people building homes for themselves and do not want to shell out huge amount of money by hiring professional interior decorators. They look for freelance interior designers who save them a lot of cash, while providing amateur designers a chance to earn a little bit of extra cash.

To start off with your interior designing career, it is a wise idea to get a degree or diploma course done in order to showcase your credibility as a designer. Moreover, if you have done sample work for your own house or for your friends and family, it is equally helpful to showcase such works to your prospective clients. There are several websites that offer a marketplace for clients and designers to meet up virtual and set up the project. In the real world, one can spread word about their interest in taking up interior designing projects through word of mouth, leaflets, advertisements on notice boards other other ways.

Once you get your first project, it is important to work out the specifics before getting started. Firstly, you need to extract the general idea out of your clients as in most cases, people have a very vague idea about how they want their new home to look like, but look for an expert to implement it. After you have the idea of ​​the effort that you need to put in, you can quote your price. Although the price is determined based on negotiations, a winning quote can be determined by inquiring how much professionals are charging for similar projects and by offering your services at a slightly lower rate.

The whole plan of designing the place should be planned out to the tiniest bit of details, and a timeline must be provided to your clients so that there are no unexpected surprises at both ends. The more work you do would lead into building a good reputation of you as an accomplished interior designer, thereby getting you more projects and learning some quick money through your hobby.

Automotive Error Codes - Generic ODB II Codes to Figure Out Whats Wrong Using an Error Code Reader

Your check engine light can come on for a variety of reasons. If you are a do it your smartphone, or someone with some experience in auto repair, you can find out whats wrong by checking the error codes. These error codes are generated by an engine tester or code reader.

If you feel like purchasing an engine code reader, you can do so at your local auto parts store or online retailer but these stores will often check your error codes for you free of charge. Some of these codes may be an easy fix, and some of them not so easy.

These codes are general error codes for vehicles built after 1996. Before 1996, each vehicle had its own set of diagnostic tools and codes. Unfortunately, these codes were a pain the butt to understand and costly to determine. Occasionally, the government made it mandatory to make each vehicle code the same. This cut down on cost and the amount of instruments you needed to determine these codes. The new regulation for codes is called ODB ll or ODB 2. Before that, there was ODB l.

These ODB scanners come in a variety of types. Most of these scanners are hand held and easy to use. You just connect the pin connector to the socket under the dash on the drivers side. These ports are often near the fuse box. Once you have plugged in, you just start up the car and the error will transfer over to the scanner. The scanner will then display the error code, and in some cases (the more expensive models), the scanner will display the code with a readout to tell you whats wrong. The newer, nicer models can even hook up to your windows PC for software and firmware updates.

The Keys of Life - How to be Happy

As a life coach for a number of years now, I have been exposed to the concepts and tools necessary for creating a happy life. This information is not just text book theory, it is real, and I am proud to say that I am making a difference in such a positive way that both my clients and my children will maintain a real advantage in their future.

So what are the messages I attend? What are the tools I employ? And what is the language I maintain for a healthy mind? There are many imaginative ideas one can institute within the household to create awareness, and these examples seem to work for us, not always immediately, but I feel certain they will play out in a positive way in the future. When one singles out each item individually, they may seem too simple to make a difference, however when combined with a full understanding of the technology they begin to make a lot more sense.

So why is it that human animals are so unhappy? Why do we hear that 1 in 4 Australians are clinically depressed? This article would be too long if I were to cover all the reasons, but I will attempt to address a number of them.

1. We compare upwards.

There are so many things around us that make our life "easier" and provide us with more leisure time: .... DVD players, washing machines, fancy cars, play stations etc .. As we have more leisure time, these materialistic things help us fill our days, they make us "look good" and possibly temporarily happy, and more importantly provide us with the things that someone else does not have.

So what happens to the people who do not have some or all of these items? Children want what others have and feel that these things will make them and their lives more interesting and fun. We all want things. We do not need them, we just want them. We want them because our friends appear happier, and we want to be a part of that. So we compare upwards and we look to what we do not have that create a par. It's this vacuum that gives us a feeling of not being complete and we think we are not able to be happy. How often do we compare downwards? How often do we stop and say, "I am so happy to be free and can play with my children at the park", "I am so happy that I am alive and have food on the table". "I am so happy to be healthy and am not in hospital recovering from cancer."

I am consistently reminding my children to not only appreciate what they have, but to create a list on a daily basis of all the things they appreciate. The appreciation list can be as simple as "I appreciate getting a call from my friend earlier today". We need to balance out our comparison mechanism. It is becoming so increasingly difficult with society becoming more affluent, and the media controlling what we are told to think. We really have to start working hard at this. We have to start playing the game of life, so that it starts to work in our favor because as I look around at the number of overweight, depressed people and the state of this planet, we are losing the battle.

What else do I do to make my children aware? For many years I have been telling my kids to mute the ads on television. The marketing people who create these advertisements are a lot smarter than we are. They cleverly use positive associations to sell their products with no regard for what or how it is effecting our comparison state. They use anchors and leverage us into softening our brains.

I have signs around the house and try to create a balance. Small posters that say things like "A week of need not want", "A month of NOW!", "Do not complain about it, change it or fix it", "A situation needs to be either deal with or accepted" "Why make it a problem? There are no problems in the NOW." These signs inspire discussion and subliminal alterations to my children's assessment of life.

2. We have an obscured concept of what success is.

Many people in the western world think that success is a house, car, money, and possessions. You do not have to look far at the statistics to discover that the financially wealthy are not necessarily happier than those with less financial means and are more challenged financially. Who was it that stated:
"Today, we have more experts but more problems, more medicine but less wellness.
Bottom line, happiness has little to do with money. It is our state of mind. I remember when I was in my teens thinking that if I had enough money just for my bus transport I would be so happy. Then I got older and all of a sudden, it was not enough, I wanted a car etc. You know what I mean. Look around you, see how much STUFF you have, is it made up of a NEED or a WANT. Do you remember how happy you were when you only had a few boxes in your life, no baggage. Then you start to fill it up with stuff. Did it make you happier? Ladies and Gentleman, this is not success. It is empty and lacks value. And it never ends. This path will continuously be fed by trying to get somewhere, and humans do not realize that there is nowhere to get. We are creating dreams about "some day, one day". When I finally get my BMW then I will go camping with my family. When I just get $ x, then I will start a family, When I finally drop 7kilo I will be happier with my weight. The time is NOW, right now. This moment. Do not wait, do it now. Go on that trip, get involved with needy children, do that thing you have always said you would like to do. Help the less privileged. Just remember if you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. Success is finding YOUR OWN passion, discovering what you want to do with your life and going for it 200%. Not doing what others tell you. Start today. Learn about yourself, then create the most amazing possibilities for yourself.
Life is beautiful and the universe if perfect in every way. All you have to do is allow yourself see how beautiful things are, how wonderful you are, and start to become part of what is already perfect.

3. Communication:

You do not have go go back many years to see how communication has changed. Think back to the days when you would walk along the street, take public transport and people would say "Gday" "Lovely day" etc. On face value it does not mean very much, but this is the game of life we ​​are not playing any more. We prefer to sit opposite a computer, answer emails, play computers games, swim in our pools at home, watch TV etc, left to communicate with our own "little voice". In fact with 50,000 thousand thoughts we have on a daily basis, it seems that we are spending more and more time "ALONE". Now that would be OK if our internal communication was open to new ideas, with a potential to create thought- provoking new concepts and important issues in life. However, the internal chatter is so limited, and has become so molded by our clever governments and advertising geniuses, that we do not have a chance. That's because we are only working from a position of what we know we know and what we know we do not know. It has left no room for all the things we do not know we do not know. We can only get access to those blind spots in our life if we have other people expose them. We can only get it by being present to our voices. We can only get it from others. If you were to engage in a conversation with that old lady on a bus, imagine what pearls of wisdom you may get from her. Or that gem from that person we chatted to while waiting at the checkout at the supermarket. We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet our neighbor. We have acquired outer space but not inner space. We need to get back to basics and start talking. We will all begin to discover that pretty much all people in the universe want the same things and generally think similar thoughts. We all want to be happy. 

I am continuously chatting to people, smiling as I walk past people, and I let my children see that, we discuss it continuously and make points of interest to what goes on. Continuing talking about the concepts of how people are trying to "look good and trying to avoid looking bad", and all about "life". Remember your children are not getting an education about "life" from school where they spend most of their days. Do not forget that you DID NOT GET ANY EDUCATION AT SCHOOL ABOUT LIFE. So get learning, get educated and start educating the children. It will help them with their health, relationships and conventional education.

I encourage you to consider that life is beautiful, and note that we have learned to make a living but not a life and we have added years to our lives, but not life to our years.

What I do:

Among other things, I provide face to face life coaching in Melbourne Australia. I am continuously making a difference in people's lives. I know that 5 minutes before I die I wont be thinking about the house or car I did or did not have, but I will be smiling at the thought of the numerous people whose lives have been effected positively by my input. It is the most rewarding life I could lead and I could ever pursue.

Painting Solutions - How to Correct Interior Paint Problems

Interior painting of residential homes is a remarkable way to dramatically change the look and feel of your rooms. Doing the paint job yourself is rather labor intensive but when done properly will look like it was done by a professional. If you are not a professional painter, you might make a few mistakes doing the job that will result in problem areas. This is very disheartening when you have invested your time and effort into your project and then end up with problems. To save some disappointments it is best to handle any potential problems before you even begin painting.

Mildew is a big problem in a lot of areas and needs to be handled before applying any paint. If there is already mildew present or to prevent this from happening it is just a matter of using a bleach and water solution to wash the surface. The solution should be a 3 to 1 ratio of three parts water to one part bleach. After applying the solution to the surface to be painted, let it rest for a good fifteen minutes and then rinse it thoroughly. Use a paint that is mildew-proof and use fans to keep the air circulating. The new lower VOC paint products are especially good for the environment and for preventing mildew. Check the labels before you purchase your paint.

Sometimes old paint will begin to blister or form little bubbles and these will need to be scrapped and sanded to smooth the edges before applying new paint. If the blistering has gone all the way to the dry wall or bare wood it means there is a problem with moisture and this needs to be addressed before repainting. To avoid this problem in the future just use a higher grade of paint and primer. Paint that is too thin or if applied too sparingly or if no primer was used on wood, the paint will tend to flake and crack.

Lapping of the painted surface is when a denser and darker color emerges any place two strokes overlap each other. A surface that is really porous must be primed before painting. Problems will arise if the primer coat is not given a chance to dry completely before the topcoat of paint is applied. Try working in one section at a time so that you are not painting over washed paint. Keeping a wet edge while you are painting will eliminate the problem of lapping.

Dull and shiny spots that form on the surface of the painted area can be prevented by using a quality primer before applying the topcoat of paint. These spots happen because there are places on the surface that are more porous than other places or denser affecting the appearance of the painted surface. The primer coat of paint will make the surface to be painted uniform and eliminate this problem.

Finally, one of the most common problems that can happen with the painted surface is the appearance of marks from the paint roller. The paint roller you use for your project should be of a higher quality to avoid this problem and the roller should be dampened slightly before you dip it into the roller pan for the first time. Try painting in the shape of a W and only working on square sections that are about 3 'by 3' at a time. Paint your W and then fill in the area using light strokes that are parallel. This should eliminate the problem with roller strokes appearing on your finished surface.


What is technology? I bet that everyone you ask will give you a different definition, depending on the things he / she uses. I'm sure your mother will tell you that technology makes her life easy because of all the gadgets that were invented, your younger brother will say technology means last generation computers and high detailed games, you will probably say that it is your mobile phone. I will say for me technology is semi-cocked food. It was probably the best invention ever. But it's just me.

So, we have established how we, the mortals, see technology. But would not be really interesting to see what it really is? Well it deals with how a customs and knowledge of instruments intended to ease the life and how it affects its ability to fit into the environment. This is a general definition.

We, the humans see it as a result of the interaction of different sciences and engineering.

Technology is one of those terms that actually can not be defined. It cam means everything from a main board to a way of organizing a factory. It can refer to practice everything, because all of the things around us were, at a certain point technological breakthroughs.

How can we use it? As such, in specific areas like "medical technology", describing only one aspect of science or in expressions like "state-of-the-art-technology", which is by far more abstract.

We have used technology for as far as we implemented. It is in our blood to discover all kinds of things meant to ease our life. And if they do not exist, you can bet wee will invent them. Starting with the discovery of fire and with the adaptation of all the things we find in nature to our needs and ending with the World Wide Web and the space satellites launched into the orbit, we managed to turn everything in our favor. And that is technology. Well, as our ancestors used to say, since the invention of the wheel we've learned a great deal about controlling our environment.

Technology is every ware around us, permitting us to interact at a global scale. Imagine that! With just a click you can see your friend from the other side of the world in real time. Not just talk to her, but see her, see what she does and how she reacts.

But technology bought upon us a great curse too. We did not invent only good things. There are a lot of destructive gadgets that do not ease our existence, but only complicate it, or end it. Bang-Bang! And that's not your kid's gun, but a real one that can end your life in a heart beat.

All in all technology is what makes the world go round every day. Well, not exactly. Magic, or the laws of nature make that. Technology is everything else, all the things that can not be blamed on magic. Ant that's about 99.9% of the things that you use in life. So, VIVA Technology.

Big Companies Pay You to Advertise For Them

How great would it be if you could make all of the businesses in the world work for you? Whenever they made money, you would make money, even better you would do it sitting at your home, working from your personal computer. Let me tell you from personal experience that I know it can happen. No matter what size the business is, or what service or product that they provide the public, they all have one thing in common.

Every business has to advertise. Without advertisements the company would fail. Now you are asking what this could possible have to do with you, right? That is simple, companies especially the larger ones pay people to advertise for them. These companies do not have the time to put into thinking of new ways to advertise their business, in fact they are more than happy to let someone else do it for them. Why not step up to the plate and be their freelance advertiser? Generating sales is always a valuable skill to have where ever you are and whatever you do!

As a freelance advertiser, the companies would rely on you to think of new ways to bring their businesses into the public's eye. To succeed at this, all you need is to be able to think outside the box, and to stay ahead of the game. If you are a self motivated person, with an unique eye for advertising, than this is just what you are looking for. Having a freelance advertising company gives you the freedom to live your life.

Things to Know About Diodes

Diodes come in many shapes and sizes. High-current diodes are often mounted on a heat-sink device to reduce their operating temperature. It is possible to place diodes in parallel to increase the current-carrying capacity, but the VI characteristics of both diodes must be closely matched to ensure that current divides evenly (although a small resistor can be placed in series with each diode to help equalize the currents. All diodes have some leakage current (current that gets through when a diode is reverse-biased).

This leakage current-better known as the reverse current (IR) -is very small, typically within the nano ampere range. Diodes also have a maximum allowable reverse voltage, peak reverse voltage (PRV), or peak inverse voltage (PIV), above which a large current will flow in the wrong direction. If the PIV is excluded, the diode may get zapped and may become permanently damaged. The PIV for diodes variates from a few volts to as much as several thousand volts. One method for achieving an effectively higher PIV is to place diodes in series. Again, it is important that diodes are matched to ensure that the reverse voltage divides evenly (although a small resistor placed in parallel with each diode can be used to equalize the reverse voltages).

Other things to consider about diodes include maximum forward current (IF), capacitance (formed across the pn junction), and reverse recovery time. Most diodes have a 1-prefix design (eg, 1N4003). The two ends of a diode are usually distinguished from each other by a mark. For glass-encapsulated diodes, the cathode is designated with a black band, whereas black-plastic encapsulated diodes use a white band. If no symbols are present (as seen with many power diodes), the cathode may be a bolt like piece. This piece is inserted through a heat-sink device (piece of metal with a hole) and is fastened down by a nut. A fiber or mica washer is used to isolate the cathode electrically from the metal heat sink, and a special silicone grease is placed between the washer and heat sink to enhance thermal conductivity.

A zener diode is a device that acts as a typical pn-junction diode when it comes to forward biasing, but it also has the ability to conduct in the reverse-biased direction when a specific breakout voltage (VB) is reached. Zener diodes typically have breakdown voltages in the range of a few volts to a few hundred volts (although larger effective breakdown voltages can be reached by placing zener diodes in series).