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Monday, April 1, 2019

The Best Way to Reduce Mafia Wars Upkeep and Save More Money

An important aspect of Mafia Wars is sometimes that it gets too realistic. The concept of upkeep for some weapons and cars is quite intriguing and may actually lead to a loss of money that you have incurred if you do not tread carefully. Here are some tips on how you can reduce Mafia Wars upkeep and then have a lot of money with you always.

Mafia Wars is quite brilliant in one way. Many people think that the concept of upkeep is quite unnecessary but sometimes, that is what makes the game so different from all other strategy-based games around the Internet world. Upkeep is the amount of money you are required to spend (on a daily basis) in order to maintain your weapons or equipments or cars.

For instance, if you have got a chain gun, you would find that some of your money goes out automatically. This is towards the upkeep of that chain gun. This happens again if you have something like the town car. Similarly, there are many items for which you would have to shell out in the name of upkeep.

Mafia Wars upkeep can become quite heavy on your "pocket" as you move up the levels. More inventory would mean more upkeep and this would really affect. The best way to reduce this is to analyze or let the "dry martini analyzer" analyze and know which items can be done with. If you sell-off certain items from your inventory, you could very well escape from the upkeep.

The analysis usually points to those items which are not necessary at the level you play or whose absence does not affect much in the game. Imagine having a lot of such items on your inventory! That is a pure waste!

Auto Transport - Protect Your Vehicle

Moving long distances means that you need to pack very carefully. A moving company can help you pack your delicate items so that they will not get damaged in transit, and there are many different types of moving companies out there. You can choose from many different services depending on the specific needs that you might have.

Moving a Vehicle

Similarly, you will need to think about what to do with your vehicle. Consider selling older vehicles that you plan on getting rid of anyways, and they purchasing something new at your new location. But there are a number of reasons why you may want to have your car shipped for you. Many car shipping companies are out there and the levels of services they provide vary.

Why Ship?

You have lots of options to consider if you are moving a vehicle or even shipping is to a buyer in another state or country. Driving may not be an option either because you need to get to your new location quickly, you have a luxury car on which you want to minimize racking up the miles, or you need to move multiple family members and the car ride would be uncomfortable.

Service Types

Car hauling companies vary and you will want different services depending on the type of car you are moving. You need to use a closed carrier if you are shipping an expensive luxury vehicle. This option can make sure that your vehicle is protected from road debris as well as the elements.

Open transport provided by one of the many logistics companies might be the best idea if your company is paying to ship your commuter vehicle. When it comes to auto transport you have this and other options. If you want the car sent quickly then the transporters may have to do a special delivery for you and the cost will be much higher.

Cost Effective Options

If you can wait for the car to arrive then your better option will be to use standard shipping where they will batch your car with other cars and are so able to lower the cost. For a higher degree of service, you can choose to pick up and drop off your vehicle at the station where the company operates, or you can have them come directly to your home or office.

Business Records & Identity Theft

Under the 2003 amendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Act section 609 (e), identity theft victims are entitled to get from businesses a copy of the application or other business transaction records relating to their identity theft free of charge.

Businesses must provide these records within 30 days of receipt of the victim's request. Businesses must also provide these records to any law enforcement agency which the victim authorizes.

Businesses may select a specific address to which requests from victims must be delivered. If the business does not have a high degree of confidence that it knows the victim, before providing the records, the business may ask victims for:

(1) Proof of identity which may be a government issued ID card, the same type of information the identity thief used to open or access the account, or the type of information the business is currently requesting from applicants or customers; and

(2) A police report and a completed affidavit which may be either the FTC Identity Theft Affidavit or the business's own affidavit.

This FCRA provision does not require a business to change its current information or record retention procedures.

A business may decline to provide the records IF, in good faith, the business determinates that:

A. This FCRA provision does not require disclosure, or

B. The business entity does not have a high degree of confidence in knowing the true identity of the requester after reviewing the proof of identity provided by the requester, Egypt

C. The requester has made a misrepresentation of fact relevant to the request, or

D. The information requested is Internet navigational data or similar information about a person's visit to a website or online service.

Although a business may not deny disclosure of these records based on Subtitle A of title V of Public Law 106-102, the business may deny disclosure if it is otherwise prohibited under other provisions of state or federal law.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Electric Car Engines

EV motors (electric vehicle) are basically DC Motors (Direct Current Motors) in most cases and the volt range vary from 96 to 192 volts. However AC Motors (Alternate Current Motors) are also used and in this case, the volt range can be anywhere between 240 and 300 volts. The most common electric car motors are the direct current motors because these motors are very easy to install and are usually not expensive as the alternate current motors. Apart from the simple setup, there is one more reason to rely on DC motors.

It is none other than the ability of electric motors to boost its wattage for a fraction of seconds, usually 5 times than its original output. Due to this, DC cars can have better acceleration for a very short span of time and this will help the car to perform better. However, this can not be done for so long as the engine will blowout. However, AC motors are installed in some cars because these engines can allow any industry specified motor to be used in the car which is quite advantageous.

The car's working principle is quite simple:

Drivetrain - In battery-powered cars, the working principle is very easy to understand. The car is driven by a motor (electric motor) which directly takes its energy from the cells. In hybrid cars, there are gasoline powered generators. Hybrid cars have a very sophisticated mechanism, which is not in the scope of this article. Coming back to electric cars, the straightforward mechanism avoid many components in between and it makes these cars more reliable.

Gear Box - Compared to gasoline powered vehicles, EV engines can not be pressured to produce more torque by switching to a lower gear. As we have seen earlier, DC motors can boost the power for a couple of seconds but car manufacturers do not use this option as a technique to boost the power. We can conclude that the gear box in an electric car engine is only to control speed. The working principle is also very different. It uses a resistor and the lower speed is achieved by putting higher resistance on engine.

Cells - Earlier, the car battery was the largest downside of electric cars because on average, these batteries weight around 500 to 1,000 pounds. These days, there is a sophisticated technology in branded cars but that technology does not come at a very reasonable price. Even the smallest cars with Li-ion battery setup will cost you a lot as the battery pack is quite expensive.

These are the major features of EV engines. Earlier, electric car batteries were identical to the car batteries (even today, many aftermarket electric car kits use the same) but these batteries will not last longer. The gel electrolyte based cells are expensive but long lasting too. If you want a reliable motor and battery setup for your investment, it is a good idea to stick to the latter.

Make Money Online Every Day

Let's face it - there are lots of ways to make money online. If you own a department store it may well pay you to have online shoppers. If you own hotels or airlines or travel agencies you will make most of your money online. If you know how to operate eh bay you can make money online everyday. If you are a seasoned internet marketer you can make money online everyday by either selling original information products or by being an affiliate marketer.

Making money online everyday is not so simple. Remember there are seven days in week and 52 weeks in a year. So you need to have something to sell or do that results in an online income for at least 245 of the 365 days. The internet is arranged with sites offering you products that can make money everyday. But the problem with those is that you need to be, at the very least, a would be marketer with some years of experience and have learned all the technology that goes with such marketing.

Since you found this article by typing in the words 'make money online everyday' the chances are you are none of the above. So you want a simple easy way to become wealthy. If you happen to have a warehouse (or a room in your house) full of items that people might buy then selling them on eh bay is the simple way to make money everyday. But of course such a business entails packaging, posting and paying for the use of the portal and your roomful items is finite.

Another option might be to produce information products. Of course many people are making solid fortunes from their information products. They seem to be able to churn them out at the rate of knots. I tried to make a few products but they were miserable failures and I had to go to a learning curve that would have challenged a PhD student! I still think it can be done, by the way, but be sure to set about six months to learn the basics.

The only other option open to you is to gamble in some shape or form. If you are good at it you can make a living - there are people who can do this playing poker or at the roulette tables. Another way is buy a proven system that can and will make money at racing. That's what I did. Now I make money while I beaver away at the product producing stuff. Check it out.

Paint Markers For Auto Dealers, Body Shops and Parts Suppliers

Paint marks automative repair and automotive retail industries.

Windshield paint markers up to 1 1/2 "in width were developed as a convenient delivery system. Markers are easier to use and create less mess than brush and bottles applicators. 25 cents per letter as compared to 3 cents per letter with paint marks. Tips are acrylic and initially take a few minutes for the paint to wick down and load the tip. are acrylic, water based paint with UV resistant additives and specifically designed to be rain resistant yet come off easily with mild cleaners or a razor blade. The paint also will not "ghost" windshields. from manufacturers such as Posca, Artline, and Sharpie.

Body panel marks have become popular with insurance adjusters and collision shop estimators as a means of identifying damage and customer information on body panels and windshields. Similar in characteristics to the windshield markers: panel marks are resistant to water yet removable with most mild cleaners. Tips are available in medium tip (5mm), broad tip (8mm to 12mm) and broad tip (17mm to 20mm) and up to nine colors. The most popular colors being fluorescent orange, green, and yellow. Popular brand names include Posca, Autowriter, and Artline.

Permanent paint marks for permanent marking of parts are used in place of tags and labels and available in melt tip for smooth metal surfaces, solid paint marks for wet surfaces, and steel tip marks for rough surfaces. Permanent markers use oil based enamel paint that have the ability to mark on oily surfaces and resist weathering. Popular brands of industrial permanent paint marks are Dykem, Markal, Unipaint, and Artline.

The Power of Ten

It makes me giggle to think about it - FOUR people on the Inner Compass team in just two months.

This is real proof of the Law of Attraction in action. I've wanted a team for a few years now, but balked at it out of ... well, FEAR, I guess! But all this work I've been doing on my vision, purpose, and cleaning up my beliefs and vibration is really paying off. The results are everywhere around me - my team, my sales, and my nearly booked-out workshop.

People, I am in the flow. I share this because I want you to know in your very toenails that this kind of magic is possible for YOU. Everything I share with you - in my programs, coaching, classes, articles and in this ezine is because I am learning and practicing it too. They say we must teach what we most need to learn, and I am pleased that what I am teaching is working - for me, for my clients, and for my readers.

Of course, this is all about mindset. This is where everything begins. The 'Power of Ten' is about increasing your threshold for what is possible for you.

The Power of Ten works like this: Ask yourself:

What if I got ten times the results I am currently getting? What if I earned ten times the amount of money I am earning? What if I got ten times the amount of clients? What if I spent ten times the amount I usually spend on clothes? What if I lose weight ten times faster? What if I got ten times stronger? What if I had ten times more holidays?

The feeling you're looking for folks is one of EXCITEMENT, a nervous anticipation that makes your eyes sparkle and your skin tingle.

If you do not have that feeling, what are you feeling? Do you ...

Worry that it would be too much work? Cringe at the thought that people might judge you? Think you do not deserve all those lovely clothes? Think you can not afford all that time off?

I hate to tell you this people, but this is EXACTLY why you are not moving forward. These kinds of thoughts are resistant thoughts. This is your subconscious self saying 'whoa - who are you to get above yourself?'

These thoughts slam the breaks on all manifestations and squash any desire like a bug under a mug.

This is limited thinking. And this is a limitless universe. When you have small thoughts, you are living in a small, small world, and you are not living out your potential as a limitless being in a limitless universe.

We're here for a short time in our current physical shape and our duty is to experience a cornucopia of wealth, joy, and abundance.

So start thinking about ten times bigger than you currently are.

Instead of allowing doubts to wriggle in, start by asking:

Would not it be nice if I created ten times the results I am currently achieving? Would not it be nice if I earned ten times the amount I am currently learning? Would not it be nice if I had ten times the amount of clients ...?

And so on.

Then you can ask,

How could I create ten times the results I am currently achieving? How could I earn ten times the amount I am learning? How could I attract ten times the amount of clients?

By asking 'would not it be nice if ...?' and then 'how could I ...?' you start to raise your awareness about what is possible, and sharpen your focus on the opportunities to manifest your desire.

This is how you think big. This is how you spark a desire for more.

And I do not want to hear any rubbish about 'more is selfish', or 'more is just being greedy' and so on. This is limited thinking. Remember - this is a limitless universe - you can be, do, or have anything your heart desires. And the desire never shows up in your heart unless there is the possibility for it to be fulfilled. Your work is to allow it to happen.

If you're stuck on the resistant thoughts, then you need to do some work on changing your beliefs. Hire a coach, hang out with people who are already achieving what you want, and bust those limiting beliefs. This is exactly why I wrote the Three Pillars of Personal Power> - to help people break free from the prison of thought and transform their lives.

It's working for me - it will work for you.