Saturday, September 29, 2018

Marketing On Facebook: Gathering Feedback

Advertising your brand on a social networking site like Facebook is a must in today's social networking frenzied world. You really can build a sustainable and profitable business by marketing your brand on Facebook. You just need to understand the principles and practices you need to apply in a few very critical area of ​​your business.

Creating Your Product:

When it comes to product creation, you must know what your market wants or you may end up spending countless hours and dollars creating a wonderful product, that nobody wants to buy. It is very risky to create before you know what will sell.

This type of risk can easily be eliminated by simply working with your niche / market by marketing with Facebook. Here are some simple steps to take to get the feedback from your market to help you create a fantastic product that people will line up to buy.

1. An awesome way to gather feedback from your target market is to launch a campaign and then gather information and suggestions from people. Take your basic idea for a product or service and run it by the general public.

For example, suppose you are interested in selling a new book on dog training. You can then ask all dog training enthusiasts what they would prefer to see in an up-to-date, brand new guide.

Offering your market something of value is a fantastic way to get people to respond to your new campaign. Often businesses will have contests to inspire people to join the discussion on Facebook about your new product. Once you have enough feedback, you can then have your fans take a vote to choose the product characteristics or features that would love to see on your new item or service.

2. Do not forget to create brand awareness through advertisements. Do not underestimate how powerful advertising on Facebook with their 500 million users can be.

To help promote your campaign send an email blast to your email list and be sure to promote your campaign offline as well. The more participants you can gather the better, more participants improve your chances of getting good, quality feedback to help your product creation efforts.

3. Be active! Do not assume that after launching your campaign that it will then run itself. You need to stay on top of things by actively participating in your own campaign.

All types of social media marketing should be regularly monitored. If you want to successfully use the feedback your campaign garners, then you have to be aware of the feedback you are getting. The only way to do this is by watching how your campaign develops through the days and weeks to come.