Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Do You Know How to Get Rid Of Body Fat?

As long as I can remember, I was never comfortable in my own skin. I was very self-conscious about the way I looked and was constantly comparing myself to others, and wishing how I looked like them. I was very skinny all the way through high school and definitely was not cheer leader material.

People always said "Oh, she is beautiful!", But then beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I did not behold myself well!

Everywhere you look today there are smiling models on magazine covers, on television ads, in the shows and movies you watch. Why do we compare ourselves with them? Is that the way we are expected to look? Here in Hawaii, go to any beach I do not care if you are in Waikiki or at Makaha Surfing Beach, you WILL NOT see a beach full of lean and toned bodies!

No matter what your age, you can be in your twenties, thirties, forties all the way up to your seventies and you can still look good, be in good health and have a toned body. Just look at Jane Fonda or Susan Lucci! They are older than me and look better than me. Of course I am sure that they have the means to keep their looks as well. So is it a matter of money that keeping you from being happy with what you see in the mirror? Money has nothing to do with it, it is about knowing how.

Most of my twenties I spent at the gym toning up. I thought I was overweight at 115 and 5 foot 6 inches! LOL! But your muscles do have memory, so you can easily get yourself back into shape, and without all the hours spent at the gym.

It may surprise you that many of the foods recommended that we eat to be healthy and the exercises that we do will actually not flatten your tummy or give you 6 pack abdominal muscles. How you lose weight and tone up can simply be a matter of re-educating yourself and have an open mind on losing that fat that you find so unsightly. It is a matter of fact that after the age of 40 you start to lose muscle tone.

How can you tone up and lose weight?

Here are a few facts about fat. Here is what one research a doctor did find out. All of us are born with a certain number of fat cells. When you gain weight your fat cells swell up like balloons until they can not get any bigger. Then they divide and create new fat cells. Take a moment and just grab onto a stubborn area of ​​fat you would love to get rid of for good. Your belly, thighs, or your love handles and see what it feels like. It is both soft and firm. You see before and after photos of people who have shrunk their waist, you think it just melted away. In fact it takes just 2 short days for this transformation to start happening.

No matter what your age, you can be in healthy and tone your body.Cleaning your home or washing your car, doing yard work is all exercise! The secret to this is your mindset. Yes, mind over matter. Pull in your stomach and try to touch your spine with it while you are working. Keep in mind you are burning calories while you work! A study was done on this with maids who clean hotel rooms. Half of them were given a cheat sheet on how much calories their duties burn, and the others were not told. Guess what? The maids that knew they were burning calories all lost weight in two weeks and the other half stayed as they were!

I found all of this information very useful to me after two recent abdominal surgeries. How can I lose this new belly surgery created for me? I educated myself on what to eat and when, and how to exercise and when, and yes, slowly but surely, I am almost happy with what I see in the mirror.

Yes, you can do it too!