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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sun Solaris 10 - How to Setup a SAMP Server + VSFTP + Phpmyadmin (Solaris Apache2 Mysql5 Php5)


This tutorial assumes you have some basic knowledge of how to use Unix and / or Linux and you have already installed and setup your Sun Solaris server. If you have not, please check my other tutorials on setting up a Sun Solaris server and come back to this tutorial. I will be right here waiting for you!

Okay let's get started, and as always we are assuming you have installed and have pkg-get working with blastwave set as your mirror site.


Let's take a look at the available packages to install first.

# pkg-get -a | grep mysql

This should output a good list of packages. I am going to install mysql 5 for this tutorial.

# pkg-get install mysql5

This should install several packages that mysql depends on. So let this run for a while, it might take a while depending on your internet connection. Go ahead and select "y" to all questions.

It should finish successfully and say something like this:

Installation of was successful.
bash-3.00 # ## Executing postinstall script.
bash-3.00 # Configuring service in SMF
MySQL 5 is using Service Management Facility. The FMRI is:
svc: / network / cswmysql5: default
No database directory found in the default location.
If you need to build the initial database directory,
see / opt / csw / mysql5 / share / mysql / quick_start-csw
If you are using a non-default database directory location, please start mysql manually.
Now, is not that nice. It even went ahead and created our SMF file for us so that we can use Solaris 10's SMF system. But you will notice that it could not locate the database file. So that's what we are going to do next. We are going to use blastwave's configuration script. Run it at the location stated above:

bash-3.00 # / opt / csw / mysql5 / share / mysql / quick_start-csw

Then you should get some output to your terminal that looks like this:
This is the blastwave quick start script to setup a MySQL5 database directory.

The base directory is / opt / csw / mysql5.
The default database directory is / opt / csw / mysql5 / var.

If you have not setup a partition for the database and you want one; now is a good time to exit this script and create and mount the partition.

If you have not setup a my.cnf file and you do not want one of the sample files; now is a good time to exit and create the file /opt/csw/mysql5/my.cnf.
Data directory: The default is / opt / csw / mysql5 / var

Follow the onscreen directions. You can go ahead with default for everything, but you might want to select one of the sample my.cnf files. The default one uses the my-small.cnf which is for a small memory footprint server. You might want to go with one of the default configs for a server that has more memory.

You should get a success response and then a message stating how to run mysql server. You are almost there! Now just type the following at your command prompt:

# svcadm enable cswmysql5

Then check to see if everything is working fine.

# svcs | grep mysql
You should get an answer like this:
online 0:22:05 svc: / network / cswmysql5: default

If you get another state like offline or maintenance, this means you have a problem and you will need to check your mysql log files or the SMF log files to see why it's not starting.

Let's try to connect to our mysql server. Now, if your path is currently something like this:
/ usr / sbin: / usr / bin: / opt / csw / bin /

You wont be able to just call mysql from the command line. I would recommend adding a symbolic link to the mysql executeable.

# ln -s / opt / csw / mysql5 / bin / mysql / opt / csw / bin / mysql

Now let's open mysql server by typing mysql.
# mysql

It should log us right in. Type exit to exit out of mysql server. Let's now set a root password for our mysql server. Do so like this:
# / opt / csw / mysql5 / bin / mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'

Now let's check this login:
Try to just type mysql at the command prompt and see what happens. You should get a denied for user root.

try again like this:
# mysql -u root -p
Then when it requests for your password give it the one you set in the above command.

You should be now logged in. Now you are complete. You have a password protected mysql server and it is now running and fully functional.

Let's say we want to create a mysql user account to use for our websites. Let's create this user now.

Login to mysql as root and run these commands
use mysql;
grant all privileges on *. * to ausername @ localhost identified by 'theuserspassword' with grant option;


Let's take a look at the packages available.

# pkg-get -a | grep apache

For this tutorial we will be installing apache2

# pkg-get install apache2

Let this run for a while and install all needed software. It might take a while. Just enter Yes to most of the questions.

Since we used pkg-get to install apache2 it should be pretty much just ready to go.
Let's first create a folder to host our web files. Since Sun Solaris likes to put a priority of your disk space during install in the / export / partition, I will create a www folder in the / export folder.
# mkdir / export / www /
Now let's edit the config file which is located here:
bash-3.00 # emacs /opt/csw/apache2/etc/httpd.conf

Change the variables you want to set. I pretty much just set the ServerName and ServerAdmin variables and changed the document root to a different place then the default. Search for the keywords to locate the portion of the config file to change.
DocumentRoot "/ opt / csw / apache2 / share / htdocs"
I changed this to DocumentRoot "/ export / www"
And you have to change the Directory listing as well
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to

change to

Let's edit the type of files we will serve with our web server. Search for DirectoryIndex. It should look like this:

DirectoryIndex index.html

let's add some other pages to serve.

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm

You can add your virtual hosts to the end of this file as you like as well. More on this later.
Now let's restart the apache2 server.
let's check to make sure it's loaded
# svcs | grep apache
If the response you get is the following then it's already running, make sure it's the cswapache2 service that is running.
online 18:03:03 svc: / network / http: cswapache2

If it's not enabled and running you should issue the following command and check again:
# svcadm enable -rs cswapache2
Since we made changes to the httpd.conf file we should issue a restart command.

# svcadm restart cswapache2

We should be ready to go. Since the directory has no files in it yet, if you go to your browser and type the IP address of your Solaris server you should get a response with something like this:
Index of /

Congratulations! You have now gotten your apache server running.

Now let's install php5.

# pkg-get -i php5
# pkg-get -i ap2_modphp5 mod_php5 php5_curl php5_gd php5_mcrypt php5_mysql php5_mysqli phpmyadmin

Let this install and make sure to hit "Y" to continue with the installation.

Let's now configure our configuration file.

# emacs /opt/csw/php5/lib/php.ini

You will need to uncomment the following line (just remove the semicolon):
; extension = php_mysql.dll

Change the following three lines to match the below lines in the php.ini file
max_execution_time = 6000; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 6000; Maximum amount of time each script may spread parsing request data
memory_limit = 128M; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume
After you make any changes to the php.ini file you will need to reboot the apache server.
Restart the apache server by issuing the command:
# svcadm restart cswapache2

Now let's test to make sure php is working. Let's create a file in our apache default directory.

# emacs /export/www/index.php
Then type the following in that document:

Save this file and again point your web browser to your Solaris server's IP address. You should now get a nice php info page loading. Congratulations you have now setup your SAMP server.


Let's install VSFTP
# pkg-get -i vsftpd
Let's first edit the vsftpd config file. You will want to enable the options to allow local users to connect to the server.

# emacs /opt/csw/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

You will want to make the following changes to your config file to allow your local users to login (you might have to uncomment some of these lines so that they will be read):
anonymous_enable = NO
local_enable = YES
write_enable = YES
uncomment the xferlog_file
uncomment the data_connection_timeout
add the following line:
chroot_local_user = YES
This will force the local user that logs in to be chrooted to his / her home directory.
The FTP server logs the user into the home directory specified by the / etc / passwd file so you need to make sure the paths are correct.
Let's see if vsftp is running:
# svcs | grep vsftpd

It should be in an online state.

Since we made changes to the vsftp config file let's restart the vsftpd server.
# svcadm restart cswvsftpd


Since we have already installed phpmyadmin with pkg-get it should already be located on our server. You can do a find to locate the folder, but it should be in the default folder. Let's move it to our www folder

#mv / opt / csw / apache2 / share / htdocs / phpmyadmin / export / www / phpmyadmin

Now you should be able to load up phpmyadmin by going to http: // yourserverip / phpmyadmin

Let's edit our config file:

# cp /export/www/phpmyadmin/ /export/www/phpmyadmin/
# emacs /export/www/phpmyadmin/

You will want to edit the following lines:

$ cfg ['blowfish_secret'] = 'putanythinghere'; / * YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FOR COOKIE AUTH! * /
// $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ i] ['controluser'] = 'amysqlusername';
// $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ i] ['controlpass'] = 'amysqlpassword';

After this, your all set! Just go back to the URL http: // yourserverip / phpmyadmin

Now it should connect to your mysql server and give you a login screen. Login with your mysql user and everything should be working at this point.

That concludes this tutorial.

5 Simple Digital Marketing Growth Hacking Strategies for Startups

The scope of Digital Marketing is really vast and it has come as a boon for businesses. But, the people who needed Digital Marketing most importantly are the entrepreneurs who are launching their start-ups. Unlike the already existing companies, startups do not have sufficient funds to make a presence in this competitive market. They need cheap means to get to the level where existing companies already are and achieve their goals. Here are the best Digital Marketing growth hacking strategies & tips that would help start-ups to grow faster.

5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Make Your Start-ups Flourish

1. Responsive Web Design & Easy Navigational Structure

The answer to "how to engage the readers for more time on our website?" is the website design and navigational structure of a website. It is really important for start-ups to optimize their website design and structure for good Search Engine Optimization standards. This is so because the design is the first thing that the user notices on your website. So you need to make sure that your website has a unique design and responsive theme. Also, a good structure can help in improving your website traffic.

Website design & structure tips: -

  • It is recommended to make your site responsive by optimizing it for different devices (Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops) and screen resolutions.
  • If you have owned a WordPress site, use a responsive theme for your site.

2. Create Worthy Content

When it comes to the content, it should be practical, interactive and engaging so that when a user reads it, they do not get bored of it. The content should be written in an interactive conversational language we use in our day-to-day life with words that can be understood by any kind of user.

Tips for creating worthy content: -

  • Write the click enticing title and heading tags.
  • Create the context and mention your own experiences (if possible).
  • Use visuals - images & videos.
  • Convert a bit of content into an image (info-graphics).

3. Take Advantage Of Social Media

Social media optimization is the best way to maximize your reach to your audiences. Share your blog posts various social media platforms to public attention and gain more user engagement to your site. Encourage them to comment / share and talk to them in the comments section. working in accord with their wishes increases the faith and trust of your startup.

Tips to improve social sharing and content out-reach: -

  • Promote your content through experts and online influencers by mentioning their name in posts.
  • Mention your audience names in comments.
  • Do not hesitate, ask your audience for share.
  • If you have a WordPress site use plug-ins automate sharing of your recent work.

4. Track Your Stats With Web Analytical Tools

Analytical tools are best friends for digital marketers.

These web analytical tools help marketers to know what is working and what's not. Not just that, from where the traffic is coming to their site, what is the traffic source & medium, how much time they spend on the site, etc.,

Such tools help marketers to keep track on conversion rate, and gives insights into audience so they can create content for those specific audiences. These analytical tools help startups to give their audience exactly what they want and reap more benefits.

5. Understand Your Audiences

This is the fundamental rule of any digital marketing campaign as it allows the marketer to know his audience in accordance with their psychological and demographic factors and helps them strategize in accordance with that. Knowing one's niche helps the marketer to know, exactly what kind of content should be posted at what time intervals and in which ways.

Free New Movie Downloads

The advent of the Internet has revolutionized the entire concept of entertainment. If you thought that the internet was just for information or downloading songs and listening to music online, think again. The latest internet utilities allow you to watch movies online, download and store them on your computer.

There are websites that gain access to movie sneak previews, copy the movie files, process them and put them on the net for people to download or view. Yet, watching movies online could mean that you are compromising on quality. The picture might be blurred or constant flickering might distract you. To correct this problem, you need to download and install certain software that will make watching movies a worthy experience. However, you must keep in mind that not all movies can be downloaded. Some can only be viewed online. Assuming the movie can be downloaded, you need to have a dial up, broadband, DSL and cable TV connection. You should have a movie-playing software like Windows Media Player, Real Media or Quicktime.

Free movies are available through public domains. In most cases, the movies available for download are ones copyrights have expired. There are also new films available for public viewing that are free of charge with no royalties involved.

You must also keep in mind that these movies are typically streaming mpg or mpg4 files. This means that you can not start watching them as soon as you log on. Depending on the speed of your connection, there may be a small buffer space on your computer before your movie begins.

The Only Benefits of Advertising is Building My Brand Image

There is a misconception that the only benefit that advertising has to offer to the products and services of certain company is only building a brand image. Well, let me give an insight to this notification and let us try to correct this.
First and foremost, let us define the term brand. According to the definition of American Marketing Association or AMA, the term "brand" is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them planned to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

At this point in time, the competition is getting serious in getting the right customers through various advertising techniques as exemplified in paid advertisements. Day by day, the number of companies and web entrepreneurs contest for consumers' attention and trust. As a consequence, it is very significant to center in building brand image but this is not the end. There are a lot of other benefits of advertising that can be best achieved even if there is no focus on brand advertising.

There are various forms of advertising that does not only put up a brand image but also do advertising advertising, comparative advertising, cooperative advertising, direct-mail advertising, informative advertising, institutional advertising, billboard or outdoor advertising, reminder advertising, Point of Purchase Advertising and Specialty advertising.

One of the prime benefits of advertising is building a brand image. On the other hand, it is not just the only benefit of advertising for the reason that branding is not merely giving your product or brand be renamed to the community but instead it makes use of advertising that convinces your intended consumers to pick and choose your product over wide array of competitors. Branding is more precise for the reason that it is a form of advertising that is developed towards getting your prospects see and accepts you as the sole provider of their divers needs and wants. In order to accomplish something in the field of branding, you must be conscious of your potential customers' needs, wants and even weaknesses and strengths.

The purposes for a good and excellent brand are the following:

Firstly, it gives a clear and direct message - In the real of brand advertising, only one brand is advertised or promoted. There is direct recall when a brand is advertised in a clear and direct way to the main point.

Second, it reinforces credibility and reliability. Being able to put up a brand is one of the ways in creating and strengthening the credibility and reliability status of your company.

Third, there is a build up of emotional connection. A creation of on the spot emotional connection will be an effect to customer approval as well as loyalty once a buyer is able to trust and believe in the brand being advertised.

Working From Home

Does the idea sound foreign when thinking about making money working from home, yet the idea to do something seems to be the thing to do? This is a superb desire that can be achieved with the right information. This is not always easy. When considering starting a home based business start by finding a great opportunity, persevere as obstacles arise, and discover a method of marketing that will work for you.

It is paramount that you find an opportunity with a system that can be set up quickly when desiring to earn extra money working from home. This is especially important when one has no idea where to start. There are many opportunities around today with this advantage. Many websites are set up immediately, as soon as sign up takes place. This makes getting started simple. Your site will look professional and start up can began immediately.

As with anything that is accomplished in life remained devoted and persevere relentlessly. If making extra money from home is essential to your life style then press forward towards this achievable desire. Continue to ask questions and seek information. Get on the internet and read information. Seek out others that are doing the same. Stay involve with other like minded people. Creating extra income is an attainable goal. Remove yourself from others that discourage your chosen direction. Keep a positive out look and continue to work on those goals. Do not quit when crossing an informational obstacle. Seek the answer.

Once your website is established it is time to allow others to see your site. Bring traffic to your site can be a major endeavor when starting something that one has never pursued before. Finding the one that is right for you can be a challenge. Discovering your strategies will get you off to a wonderful start. Some of these methods you may already be acquainted with, such as article writing, using the news paper, making fliers, you tube, and having business cards made.

There are many ways to earn extra money working from home even if you have not found your niche. Do not stop now! Let's get started.

10 Tips For Business Startup Owners

Every entrepreneur can use some advice when it comes to making sure their business startup gets off on the right foot. From the best way to run your business to following your dreams, these tips offer sound recommendations that can help your business startup maintain its operations and find success at every turn.

Sure, your business may run into challenges, and you may make some mistakes along the way, but it is how you recover that matters. Use these tips to your advantage when it comes to ensuring you avoid the pitfalls that others have fallen into as a first-time entrepreneur.

1. Be Passionate About What You Do

When it comes to business, doing what you love makes it that much easier to do well. Find a business that you can excel at and throw yourself into. You should have an underlying passion for the market, product, service, or brand that you are selling. In order for it to succeed in the market place, you need to believe in it, and then your customers will follow suit.

2. Believe In Yourself

Every entrepreneur doubs them at one time or another, but you need to fully believe in your abilities and strength. Mistakes are inevitable, but understanding that you will fail at times can help you rebound and move forward with great resilience. Recognize that you have what it takes to make it and send that doubtful packing as only when you truly believe in yourself and what you are doing will succeed come knocking at your door.

3. Listen To Advice From Others

Many others may have come before you with their own business startups. Learn from their challenges and heed their advice. They can allow you to steer clear of potential issues and make it easier for you to operate as a business startup. From finding funding to working with an angel investor, other entrepreneurs have experience that you can gain from and use to your advantage if you are willing to listen.

4. Watch Your Overhead

You need to realize that you are business startup out of the gate. This means watching your cash flow and setting up shop in that swank office building on 5th Avenue may not be a possibility at this time. Keep things simple and observe your cost structures. You may need cash down the road and being on the hook for high rents or loan commitments can make it difficult to spread your wings. You'll get there. Have patience and watch for the right opportunity to grow. Remember that patience is a virtue.

5. Know Your Competition

Ignoring your competition as a business startup will get you now. Be sure to thoroughly investigate everything there is to know about your competition and make your products and services better. Find out where your competitors are lacking and seize this opportunity to secure market share. Knowing your competition can give you that leg up your need to get ahead in the market and appeal to consumers in a new way. Do your homework and keep an eye on your competitors at all times.

6. Practice Your Pitch

You are the greatest salesperson for your business startup. Whether you are looking to secure financing from an angel investor or looking to gain more customer loyalty, you need to have a pitch on the ready to tell anyone and everyone you come in contact with. Be concise in your approach and be sure to mention your goals, values, and vision. You never know who you'll meet, and you need to be ready with a pitch that impresses.

7. Get Out And Network

Networking is a key part of any entrepreneur's success. Connecting with others in the industry can help you develop relationships that may come in handy for your business startup down the road. Plus, you will continue to learn from these individuals and a new opportunity with one of them may be just around the corner.

8. Ask For Help

As much as you want to do it all, there comes a time when we all need to ask for help. There is no shame in getting someone involved in your business startup to help take it to the next level. You are going to need help as time goes on to evolve your company and reaching out to someone you trust may be the best thing that you can do for your business startup. You'll be able to offload some of the burdens and free yourself up to focus on new projects that have been sitting on the back burner.

9. Continue Learning

With the most successful CEOs reading four to five books a month, taking a page from their playbook can help extend your business startup and move it forward in new ways. Keep the door open and continue to educate yourself by learning from others. Reading books that focus on self-help, business, motivation, leadership, and communication can continue to motivate you and your company. If you keep your learning continuous, you'll find plenty of new ideas just waiting to be realized.

10. Do not Give Up

Above all do not give up on yourself. Even when times get tough, and you feel like throwing in the towel. Take a step back and appreciate how far you have come. If you have the drive and motivation to succeed the potential to make it in the market is there. You need to believe that you can do it and push yourself harder than you have ever done before. With hard work comes success and you are most likely just on the cusp of winning.

These tips will help you find the recipes for success for your business startup and set you on the path to thrive in the marketplace. If you are looking to secure an angel investor for your business startup, We can help you. It offers an array of informative resources on creating business plans as well as a diverse and extensive range network of angel investors.

Rare Phobias: Feet Phobia - Fear of Bare Feet

Are you one of these people that nervously step in shoe shops? Can`t you bare the sight, feel or sound of your or somebody else`s feet? If your answer to one of these questions is `yes` you might be suffering from feet phobia, known as podophobia.

Feet phobia is one of the rarest phobias as only 1 in 1000 people has it. However, it could impact your life in quite surprising ways that many without this phobia may not have considered.

To give just a few examples this unusual fear could prevent you from going to a swimming pool, exercising in a gym, shoe shopping or wearing flip flops. Feet phobia could be quite harmless, a bit annoying and at times frustrating. However, it could also cause life limitations. Therefore, it is important to judge carefully how much does it impacts on your or somebody else's day to day life.

What exactly is feat phobia (or podophobia)?

Feet phobia like any other phobia is an irrational, inexplicable fear. People suffering from Podophobia feel very nervous, afraid, upset or even disgusted by feet in general. The exact cause of podophobia is not yet fully understood. The symptoms include an overwhelming sense of anxiety, sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, breathing difficulty and a desire to run away when seeing or even thinking of feet. Some people will experience panic attacks and very unpleasant feelings when confronted with feet. Of course one person's symptoms can be different and / or more intense than other. This fear could make some feel uncomfortable or irritated. For others it could get so intense that it interferees with their normal life.

The fear may be related to the person`s own or somebody else`s feet. A phobia sufferers generally do not like the appearance of their or somebody else else's feet, or feel of feet as they view feet as being gross and unsightly. This person may also feel uncomfortable when other people are looking at or touching his or her feet. He or she will even sleep in socks or shoes and will not even consider buying or wearing open toed shoes or sandals of any kind. He or she may also hate the smell of feet and while thinking of feet imagine contracting fungal type infections or a verruca what makes it even worse. The uncomfortable feelings would also appear while discussing feet or problems related to feet. The phobia sufferer may avoid watching any kind of TV documentary on feet, or adverts on the television. One of my friends who suffer from feet phobia to prevent unpleasant feelings introduced a rule in her house. You must wear shoes in his house. If the shoes are really dirty he allows you to wear socks or a pair of his own shoes. He won`t even let his girlfriend touch his feet or take her socks off around him.

When should you seek help to cure feet phobia?
Most fears and phobias, including the phobia and fear of feet, are not serious especially if they do not significantly impact your normal daily life. But if your phobia of feet results in avoiding situations on a regular basis preventing you from functioning or enjoying life you should consider seeking medical advice. Regardless of how long you have suffered from it, since the unresolved life limitations you have endured because of your fear, your fear of feet can be overcomed.